All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 93 First In Points? But That's All!

"Well, I killed 18 golden mid-rank phantom beasts in one go, and my points skyrocketed by 90,000, and I'm now in second place."

"The harvest this time is huge!"

At this time, Su Yu didn't look at Lei Ming, who was on full alert not far in front of him,

Instead, he looked at the token on his waist.

Looking at the 240,000 points above, he also showed a smile.

And seeing Su Yu ignore him so much, it also made Lei Ming feel that Su Yu was insulting himself.

Anyway, he is also a genius of the Lei family, a super power.

A top genius with an S-level Beastmaster Talent.

His dignity made it impossible for him to be ignored by Su Yu.

Immediately, Lei Ming looked at Su Yu, and immediately shouted:

"Who are you! Didn't you see that these phantom beasts are all my prey!"

"You actually sneaked up from behind and robbed me of the points that belonged to me. Isn't it too much for you to do this!"

After hearing Lei Ming's words, Su Yu took his eyes off the token at his waist at this moment.

Immediately, he looked towards Lei Ming in front of him.

Of course, the first thing he saw was the point token hanging on Lei Ming's body.

He could have directly let Xiaohuo leave after killing the phantom beasts in the col.

This time, it is for the points on the point tokens on the masters of the three imperial beasts.

In his opinion.

A beast master who can own the powerful beasts such as Storm Thunderhawk, Thunder Lizard and Ben Fulu.

It must be a genius in a super-first-rate force, and its strength is definitely not weak.

There must be a lot of points on him.

Looking at it now, the corners of Su Yu's mouth raised uncontrollably.

Because he saw a series of points on the fast token on Lei Ming's waist.

Up to 250,000 points!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet a big fish this time!"

"This guy is actually number one in points!"

"Xiaoyan, Xiaohuo, beat his three imperial beasts to the ground!"

Seeing that Su Yu didn't care what Lei Ming asked him, he directly ordered an attack on his own beast.

At the same moment, Xiaoyan's huge body of more than 50 meters suddenly appeared.

It fell heavily on the ground, and the powerful aura brought by its huge body made Lei Ming's three beast masters feel a pressure rushing towards their faces.

Can't help but let out bursts of low growls.



Xiaohuo and Xiaoyan, who got Su Yu's order, didn't care about it.

After Xiaoyan was summoned by Su Yu, the attacks of the two fell towards the three thunderous beasts almost at the same time.

Because just now Su Yu's order was to beat the three imperial beasts to the ground, he didn't say to kill them.

So Xiaoyan and Xiaohuo both had reservations.

He didn't immediately cast his most powerful Legendary-level skill attack. 710

Instead, he used two Epic-level Talent skills, Super Vibration Wave and Ice Fire Demon Wheel.

But even so, under the attack of the two, Lei Ming's expression on the other side changed drastically.

"Storm Thunderhawk!"

With an exclamation, Lei Ming jumped up directly.

At the same time, under his feet, the storm rich eagle appeared and directly picked him up and flew towards the minister.

Just after the storm thunder eagle left the place with thunder.

The place where Lei Ming was located suddenly opened a crack more than ten meters wide.

At the same time, the huge rock that he hid before also shattered in an instant.

It turned into countless gravels and fell down.

Like a landslide, it directly submerged the place where he was originally.

Then fill the cracks below with gravel.

"so close!"

Standing behind Storm Thunder Eagle, Lei Ming looked at the cracked earth and huge rocks below.

I was afraid for a while.

If his reaction just now was a step slower, he might be buried in the soil by these gravels.


Although Lei Ming moved quickly, Feng Lei caught him.

Leaving the ground, avoiding the attack of Xiaoyan's super vibration wave.

However, the two imperial beasts below, Thunder Lizard and Ben Lei Beast, were not so good.

On the suddenly cracked ground, the bodies of two ninth-rank silver imperial beasts staggered.

As soon as the body tilted, it fell into the cracked earth.

Although they all supported their bodies and crawled out of the crack in time.

But the shock force of Xiaoyan's super vibration wave still rushed into their bodies.

Shock them.

Although Thunder Lizard and Ben Lei Beast are at the ninth rank of silver like Xiaoyan.

But Xiaoyan's aptitude has reached Intermediate Yaoyang level aptitude.

And it is still an Epic-level skill.

The attack of the super vibration wave made the two beasts uncomfortable.

Although it looks like nothing on the surface.

But its internal organs have been hit hard.

It can be seen from the slightly painful roars of the two imperial beasts just now that their injuries are not serious.

When they just stood firm and were about to launch a counterattack.

A ray of ice blue and red light shoots rapidly, flickering with the light.

Bloodstains immediately appeared on the Thunder Lizard and the Thunder Beast.

Flowers of blood exploded on their bodies.

Every wound runs deep into the bone.

Moreover, the injuries received from the wounds on the Thunder Lizard and the Thunder Beast were divided into two types.

Some wounds were scorched by the scorching high-temperature flames.

Some wounds were frozen by the extremely cold low temperature frost.

One ice and one fire made the two beasts of the ninth rank of silver suffer unceasingly!

Another cry of pain came out.

"Damn it! What a powerful attack!"

Looking at the two imperial beasts for a moment, they suffered serious trauma both internally and externally.

Lei Ming, who was driving the Storm Thunder Eagle in the sky, was ashen-faced.

Without any hesitation, he immediately cast his own Beast Talent again.

Increase the strength of all beasts.



With the increase of his S-level Talent, the momentum of the three thunder-type beasts, Storm Thunder Eagle, Thunder Lizard and Ben Thunder Beast, suddenly increased.

The strength has been greatly improved.

Especially the Thunder Lizard and Ben Thunder Beast below had bursts of thunder flashing on their bodies.

The wounds left by the small fire attack on their bodies are slowly beginning to heal under the flash of these thunder lights at this moment.

"Is it possible to use own Thunder Spirit Talent to help these beasts increase their strength and speed up their recovery?"

"Sure enough, none of the S-level Beastmaster Talents are simple."

Su Yu saw the performance of the two imperial beasts in front of him, and murmured in a low voice.

Then he looked at Lei Ming who was standing above the Storm Thunder Eagle in the air, narrowing his eyes slightly.

With insightful eyes, it is natural to see the awakened S-level Beast Talent on Lei Ming.

"Are you only going to sneak attack?"

Seeing Su Yu's gaze finally turned to him, Lei Ming also opened his mouth and yelled at Su Yu again at this moment.

From the expression on his face, it can be seen how angry he is now.

Before Su Yu was attacking a group of golden phantom beasts in the valley when his imperial beasts were attacking them, he killed all the remaining 18 golden mid rank phantom beasts in front of him.

And just now, when he was asking Su Yu again.

Su Yu directly let the own beast attack without saying a word.

He was almost buried in the ground.

This act of silently and directly carrying out two sneak attacks made him feel extremely angry.

He also saw that Su Yu's two beasts were very powerful.

They were all beast-familiar races that he had never seen before.

And the handsome giant sculpture at the opponent's feet is still a royal beast with dual attributes of ice and fire.

The attack is very powerful!

If it weren't for the fact that own beast is not weak, the opponent's sneak attack just now almost eliminated own thunder lizard and running thunder beast.

"Hehe, your question is really mentally handicapped!"

"Why did you take part in the assessment yourself? Do you need me to reiterate it to you?"

"If you are the only genius among the super-first-class forces, I am so disappointed."

Facing Lei Ming who was full of anger, Su Yu smiled disdainfully.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Lei Ming was shocked suddenly.

"That's right, isn't the reason why I participated in the secret realm assessment is to compete for the first place in that secret realm?"

Being reminded by Su Yu, immediately, he felt his own face was hot.

In this case, it is indeed not very smart to ask such a question.

"Attack me! Unleash the strongest skills!"

Without further words, Lei Ming became angry from embarrassment and directly asked the three beast masters to launch his strongest attack.


Under his command, the Thunder Lizard, the Thunder Beast, and the Storm Eagle under his feet all roared.

The momentum on his body soared, and the surrounding thunder exploded.

A series of lightning bolts burst out from the Thunder Lizard's body and rushed directly to the small rock on the ground.

The Thunderbolt Beast also displayed its own Thunderbolt body, and at the same time the thunder armor wrapped around it, covering the whole body.

Roaring, he rushed towards Xiaoyan, who was several times his size, without any fear.

The movement was quick, and he rushed over a distance of 100 meters in the blink of an eye, and his fists with lightning kept falling towards Xiaoyan's body.

(accf) At the same time, in the air, Storm Leido fluttered his wings.

A thunder gun with condensed thunder appeared.

The thunder gun is more than ten meters long and as thick as a bucket.

With astonishing power, they shot towards Su Yu and Xiao Huo who were also in the air.

With the blessing of Lei Ming's Talent, the unique skill of this ninth-level Silver Storm Thunder Eagle is definitely enough to kill a gold Apex Eudemons.

"Hmph, this is getting angry from embarrassment, are you going to beat him to death?"

Seeing Lei Ming's relentless attack, Rigu wanted to put himself to death.

Su Yu also snorted coldly.

Since this guy doesn't know how to advance or retreat, let's just eliminate him!

Xiaoyan, Xiaohuo, don't be polite to him!"

"Shoot directly and solve them!"

With a thought, Su Yu also decided not to show mercy.

Even this would offend the Lei family, a superpower.

But the other party looked like he wanted his own life, and he couldn't control anything else.



With Su Yu's order, both Xiaoyan and Xiaohuo felt Su Yu's anger.

There was also a fierce fear in both eyes.

The next moment, both of them broke out their powerful attacks.

Shot without reservation.

When Xiaoyan casts the super vibration wave, he also has his own Legendary-level Talent skill Gravity Swamp attached.

Under the effect of the gravitational quagmire, even a golden high rank phantom beast can hardly bear it.

Not to mention the Thunder Lizard and the Ben Lei Beast, the two realms that only have the strength of the ninth-level silver beasts with flesh and blood.

Under the gravitational quagmire exerted by Xiaoyan, both the Thunder Lizard and the Ben Lei Beast sank.

Finally, he fell to the ground suddenly.

The sudden increase of gravity by a hundred times makes every one of them

Cells are under extreme stress.

In just a split second, the thunder lizard with the ninth level of silver and top-level starry qualifications was so heavy that it vomited blood.

The leather armor on his body cracked inch by inch, and blood spattered all over his body.

However, the Silver Ninth Level, Intermediate Aoyue qualification, the Thunderbolt Beast is in much better condition than the Thunder Lizard with its Thunderbolt Body.

Although it is also difficult to move under this gravity.

But at least there were no crashes.

However, the fact that it didn't collapse and get injured didn't mean that Xiaoyan's attack would stop.

Its huge body directly slammed into the Ben Lei Beast lying on the spot.

Under the effect of the gravitational quagmire, the Ben Lei Beast can barely protect itself in the gravitational force.

Facing Xiaoyan's collision, he was already powerless to dodge.


Following Xiaoyan, he bumped into this Ben Lei beast.

The shock force of the super-vibration wave condensed at one point immediately sent the Ben Lei Beast flying.

Under the terrifying shock force, the Thunderbolt Beast suffered a more serious injury than the Thunder Lizard.

The body that flew upside down like a cannonball was limp and weak, like a rag bag.

Blood was sprayed from the mouth, mixed with broken internal organs, and sprinkled on Kong Chen.

Finally, its body slammed into the mountain behind.

The strong impact directly embedded its entire body into the mountain.

"Running Thunder Beast! Thunder Lizard!"

The two imperial beasts suffered severe injuries, especially the Ben Lei beast, which fell into a near-death state.

Lei Ming felt it immediately, and immediately exclaimed.

"Better take care of yourself!"

At this moment, Su Yu's cold voice came.

This icy voice made Lei Ming startled.

Immediately, he felt a terrifying energy explosion in front of him.

An unspeakable and terrifying heat wave swept across.

Turn around and look.

In the front, the strongest blow gun that Storm Thunder Eagle used just now was destroyed at some point.

At the same time, what appeared in front of his eyes was the sky full of Gold flames.

The flames burned blazingly and condensed into groups, each with a diameter of one meter.

Exuding an extremely terrifying temperature!

Even though he was separated by a thousand meters, he could still feel the intense burning sensation on his face when he faced these Gold flames.

And in front of him, there were hundreds of these terrifying flames!

Just when he followed the sound and looked at Su Yu, these gold flames also erupted at the same time.

Lasing towards him.

The speed is extremely fast, no worse than the Thunder Gun, the strongest skill of his Storm Thunderhawk!

"Can't hide! Can't bear it!"

At this moment, Lei Ming realized the horror of the giant eagle's move under Su Yu's command.

With his current strength, he will definitely not be able to stop this strike!

Without any hesitation, he directly activated the protection measures of the shallow Green points token on his waist.

A light curtain instantly protected him.

At the moment when the light curtain lit up, he put away the imperial beast, the Storm Thunder Eagle, under his feet.

At the same time, the Thunder Lizard below, whose head was about to be stepped on by Xiaoyan, and the Thunder Beast, which was severely injured and embedded in the mountain, were on the verge of death.

Take back the Beast Familiar Space.


Almost at the same time that the Thunder Lizard was taken back into the Beast Familiar Space, Xiaoyan's kick fell down with the terrifying force of the super vibration wave.

The terrifying power that was fully displayed caused the entire earth to crack, and countless smoke and dust exploded.

The rock formations on both sides of the col were shattered by the terrifying force and rolled down one after another.


With one foot in the air, Xiaoyan, who had destroyed the surroundings beyond appearance, immediately raised his head, and let out an angry roar at the thunder covered by the light curtain.

There was extreme dissatisfaction in his eyes.

At the same time, the Talent skill cast by Xiaohuo in the air, and the Gold flames of Jinyan Burning Heaven just overwhelmed the thunder that was blocked and protected by the light curtain.


Groups of golden flames exploded one after another when they touched the light curtain, and there were bursts of roaring, which sounded like thunder in the sky.

The momentum is huge, and at the same time, the power is very strong.

Even an amethyst-level ferocious beast couldn't resist such power.

Still, under the protection of a light curtain capable of withstanding diamond Apex-strength attacks.

Thunder is still safe.

Even though the light curtain kept trembling amidst the roaring flames, it has never been breached.

"What a terrifying attack!"

Feeling the terrifying power of these flames, even if this light curtain has not been breached.

Lei Ming was also shocked in his heart.

And as a pulling force came, he knew that all this was irreversible.

Then he fixed his eyes on Su Yu.

He gritted his teeth and said to Su Yu:

"You wait for me! I remember you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a beam of Tongtian light passed down, directly sending Lei Ming out of the secret realm. .

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