Take a break.

Qin Feng summoned the remaining ten soldiers to his side.

I looked at the properties.

[Shu State Infantry].

[Grade: Bronze Fifth Order].

[Power: 75].

【Physique: 73】

[Agility: 70].

[Spirit: 70].

[Skills: Heavy Strike, Charge].

[Weapon: Steel knife].

Attributes of the infantry,

That’s the norm.

Each level up increases by 10 four-dimensional attributes.

Consistent with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was also very satisfied.

After all, there is only one Guan Yu,

Ordinary infantry cannot be required according to Guan Yu’s standards.

“We are all bronze fifth ranks.”

“Killing the Storm Wolf of the same rank is too inefficient.”

“Let’s go deeper.”

After the order is given,

The soldiers continued to march into the depths.

Qin Feng and Zhao Qi continued to walk slowly behind.

“Brother Feng, if this continues, in less than five hours, we can clear the novice dungeon, right?”

Zhao Qi’s worship of Qin Feng was incomparable.

Now even the title has changed.

Qin Feng just wanted to talk back.

A cold mechanical voice sounded.

【Ding! 】

[Zhao Qi’s submission to the host has reached 80 points! ] 】

[The surrender panel is unlocked, and the host can observe each person’s surrender to themselves in the future.] 】

[Note: If the surrender level reaches 90 points or more, the host’s talent effect can be activated! ] 】


Qin Feng was slightly surprised.

Is Zhao Qi about to bow to himself?

With a thought, he opened the Degree of Surrender panel.

The panel interface is very simple, with only two information: the name of the character and the degree of submission.

[Guan Yu, surrender degree 100].

[Zhao Qi, surrender degree 80].

Qin Feng guessed,

The reason why Zhao Qi’s degree of submission increased greatly was because he saw Guan Yu’s battle.

Guan Yu’s battle was too shocking.

Even Qin Feng was deeply shocked.

It is also natural to let Zhao Qi have a certain surrender effect.

90 surrender points activate the talent passive effect.

Qin Feng felt that it was not too far from harvesting Zhao Qi, the “courtier”.

Maybe after two battles.

Qin Feng can have one more courtier.

This is also the first person he has subdued in the real world.

Although the attributes and professions are very crotch-pulling.

But Qin Feng was still very satisfied.

Looking at Zhao Qi’s gaze,

Indescribable gratification.

“I didn’t take you into the quest in vain!”

Zhao Qi looked confused: “??? Didn’t I say you can clear a quest in five hours? What do you mean by not taking me off the copy for nothing? ”

Zhao Qi was puzzled.

But Qin Feng didn’t explain, and said with a smile

“Let’s go, don’t waste time.”

After speaking, Qin Feng walked forward quickly.

“Uh-huh.” Zhao Qi scratched his head, no longer thinking about it, and followed.


[Killing the bronze sixth-order shadow leopard will reward 60 experience points.] 】

[Kill the bronze seventh-order sawtooth tiger and reward 70 experience points.] 】

For Guan Yu.

Whether it is a sixth-order or seventh-order demon beast.

It’s all a one-knife thing.

Ten other soldiers also formed two squads

It can also easily solve a sixth-order or even seventh-order demon beast.

Therefore, when Qin Feng came to the seventh-order demon beast area.

The efficiency of the brush level has skyrocketed again.

It didn’t take an hour.

A demon beast in the sixth-order seventh-order region,

He was killed by Guan Yu and the soldiers.

Qin Feng’s level has been improved again.

Arrived at the Bronze Sixth Order!

Qin Feng looked at the personal panel.

[Name: Qin Feng].

[Rank: Bronze Sixth Order].

[Strength: 115].

【Physique: 115】

[Agility: 115].

[Spirit: 115].

[Talent: Great power].

[Number of courtiers: 11].

Not bad!

Look at the properties.

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

His own properties,

It also finally broke through the triple digits.

Reached the minimum standard of a Silver Tier powerhouse.

The only downside is that there are still no skills.

The Starter Dungeon was created for newbies.

No equipment and skill books are dropped.

There is no way around this.

Qin Feng could only look forward to whether he would draw any skill books for the cow batch when he drew ten consecutive draws.

He has now completed two daily missions with 20 human emperor points.

It is estimated that after completing the task of refreshing the beginner’s quest.

You can make up enough 100 human emperor points.

At that point, the lottery will be available.

Think of the lottery,

Qin Feng’s heart was also excited.

The pace couldn’t help but get faster.

After walking for about ten minutes.

A group of giant elephants more than five meters tall appeared on the plain in the distance.

“This is the last batch of demon beasts in the last novice quest, right?”

Zhao Qi looked at the colossus and said.

“It should be right, killing this group of colossias can be raised to level 8 and reach the limit value of the novice dungeon.”

Qin Feng looked at the experience bar and said.

Although Zhao Qi teamed up with Qin Feng, not a single demon beast was killed.

I didn’t divide too much experience points.

Qin Feng was still able to reach the bronze eighth order.

Then, he looked at Guan Yu and asked:

“Yun Chang, how is it? Are you sure? ”

Guan Yu nodded and said:

“The Colossus is a little too big, and it can be a little strenuous to kill.”

“But… Still no problem. ”

Qin Feng heard the hesitation in Guan Yu’s mouth

Thought about it,

Then he realized what Guan Yu wanted to say.

I should want a mount.

The mount is equivalent to the second life of the war general.

Whether it is Guan Yu or Lv Bu, after obtaining the Red Rabbit, their combat power has increased a lot.

Presumably, if you get a mount for Guan Yu.

Killing these colossias may be much easier.

Qin Feng smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, Chief Yun, kill these colossias, maybe your mount will fall.”

“Thank you Emperor Wu!”

Guan Yu’s eyes flashed brightly, and his spirit was lifted.

Then after hugging Qin Feng,

He strode in the direction of the herd.

“How heroic!”

Zhao Qi looked at Guan Yu’s back and couldn’t help but sigh.

That’s when it happened.

[Zhao Qi’s submission to the host has reached 90 points! ] Talent effect activation! 】

A prompt sounded in Qin Feng’s mind.

Zhao Qi activated the talent?

Qin Feng was overjoyed,

Feel the viewing panel.

Sure enough.

The number of courtiers has changed from 11 to 12.

Attribute points have also been increased again, increasing by 5 points to 120 points!

“What a fat man! Well done! ”

Qin Feng patted Zhao Qi’s shoulder heavily.

Zhao Qi: ???

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