On the sixth day of awakening, Qin Yu prepared for the whole morning.

After eating the lunch prepared by Sakuya at home, he left home and entered the sixth floor of the Tower of Babel again. He went straight to the head of Taoyuan Village. This time, Qin Yu was very confident in facing the head of the village.

“”Village chief, I want to challenge the hell difficulty job transfer trial!”

The old village chief looked at Qin Yu in surprise, and did not directly arrange for Qin Yu to enter the dungeon world. He repeatedly confirmed

“Young adventurer, are you sure you want to challenge the Hell difficulty?”

“This is no joke. If you fail to complete the challenge, the punishment is small, but don’t lose your life accidentally!”

The job transfer trial is not something that comes without a price. After passing the job transfer trial, you can obtain a job and stronger power.

But if you fail in the job transfer trial, in addition to the possibility of paying the price of your life, if you are lucky enough not to die in the trial, the awakener who has saved his life will also lose the current level of experience as a price.

In other words, Qin Yu’s current experience value is [Level 10, 12200/102400]. Once the task fails, he will return to the level of [Level 9, 0/51200].

For an ordinary awakener, it will take at least three or four days to upgrade back.

Even with Qin Yu’s upgrade speed, the lost experience value will take at least one day.

Faced with the warning of the old village chief, Qin Yu naturally made such a choice after serious consideration. Naturally, he would not easily change his original idea because of the old village chief.

“I have confirmed… There are some things that I will not give up unless I witness them with my own eyes!”

Even if I really want to give up, I will wait until Qin Yu is really desperate, not now when I haven’t even seen the target.

“Well, I wish you success.……”

After saying that, the old village chief drew a line on the empty space in front of him with his wooden stick, and a teleportation array leading to the job transfer trial appeared in front of him.

Qin Yu adjusted his breathing and stepped into the teleportation array.

A flash of white light appeared in a valley.

At the same time, more detailed information about the full-time trial appeared in front of him in the form of a task.

【Fighter job change trial】

【Difficulty: Hell】

【Dungeon: Limbo】

【Requirements: Find the trial target in the dungeon – Fallen Angel Lian (Overlord Level) and kill her】

【Time limit: 6 hours】

【Tip: The fallen angel Lian is not without enemies in the border of hell. You may be able to get useful information and help from her enemies.

The so-called border of hell is actually not a very large place, and it is not even much larger than the Hutoushan village on the fifth floor.

The scorching breath filled the place called the border of hell, and the air was always filled with the smell of sulfur.

Qin Yu had just entered the trial of the difficulty of hell and encountered the first problem-he didn’t know where his goal was.

Without any hints, he could only move forward in a random direction.

The place Qin Yu just entered was actually the foot of a red bald mountain.

There was no plant on the whole mountain, and the smell of sulfur came from the top of the mountain. At the same time, there were bursts of black volcanic ash falling from the top of the mountain.

Qin Yu chose to climb this mountain just because the top of the mountain was obviously more suspicious than other directions.

With this idea in mind, Qin Yu, who had just walked forward for less than 10 minutes, saw the first creature in the copy on the mountainside.

The image of a young and beautiful girl, white wings, holy breath, and holy light on her body!

All these images conveyed the same message to Qin Yu – an angel.

The young angel looked about fifteen years old, with long golden hair and clear blue eyes like sapphires. Although her silver armor was damaged and she looked a little embarrassed, it did not affect her nearly perfect image.

【[Mysterious Female Angel]

The moment he saw the other party, Qin Yu saw the label on her head through the power of the awakener.

In the Tower of Babel, the information that the awakener can see is divided into two types: public and hidden.

The former can be seen by anyone, and this information is not necessarily accurate, and there is also the possibility of special skills covering it.

The latter must rely on certain special skills to see the content. For example, the appraiser in the secondary profession can see the real information in the equipment and props.

Generally speaking, after the equipment and props are dropped, they must be appraised to show their true power.

If the specific attributes of the equipment are not known, then even if you wear the equipment, you cannot play its role.

Information is a kind of power in the Tower of Babel.

After knowing the information, the power is also stimulated.

And this is one of the fundamental reasons why Qin Yu’s all-knowing eye is so precious.

In terms of ability alone, the all-knowing eye is N times better than the appraiser and other secondary professions, and there is very little information that can be hidden from it.

Monsters, equipment, props and even NPC information, in front of this eye, there is no secret at all.

The name can largely represent the relationship between the enemy camps, green represents friendly, yellow represents neutral, and red represents hostile.

Of course, this method of distinguishing the enemy at a glance is only applicable to the Tower of Babel.

This is a kind of goodwill help from the Tower of Babel to the awakened.

But if you believe in the information given by the Tower of Babel, you will fall into a trap.

Qin Yu does not believe in the information he sees alone. He prefers to believe the information seen by the Eye of All-Seeing.

Under the effect of the Eye of All-Seeing, more hidden information soon appeared under the label that was originally so simple that it only had a name.

【Mysterious female angel (Hidden: The female angel imprisoned here for some unknown reason looks very miserable, but if you look closely, she doesn’t seem as miserable as she looks)】

Following the prompt, Qin Yu took another careful look at the blonde female angel. It was indeed as the prompt said. Although the female angel’s hands and feet were bound by chains, except that her silver armor was a little damaged and her face was covered with dust, she seemed to be uninjured and not humiliated. It felt like she was simply trapped by the chains.

Before Qin Yu approached, the blonde female angel seemed to have sensed Qin Yu’s arrival in advance. She looked in the direction of Qin Yu and looked at the direction he was coming from.

“Kind people, please help me……”

“I am Lina, an angel under the command of the Great God. I have been imprisoned here by the evil fallen angels. Can you save me?”

“When I get out of this predicament, I will definitely reward you handsomely!”

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