Ordinary exams usually only take one or two hours to finish.

So no matter how difficult the test questions are, for the candidates, their mental pressure will not make their nerves tense for too long.

But the Longguo Joint Examination is different!

The six hours of time given to answer the questions is enough to prove the large number of questions and the high difficulty.

This exam with a full score of 1,000 points will make the candidates’ nerves tense for six hours. Anyone who does not have a big heart will collapse in such an exam.

Fortunately, the question setter is also a bit conscientious. The questions of the written test did not come up with a difficult question to challenge the nerves of the candidates.

The difficulty of the questions is also from shallow to deep, so most people, even if their own academic performance is not good, can also deal with various questions at the beginning.

Moreover, the questions of the Longguo Joint Examination are different from ordinary test questions. There are almost no subjective answers. All of them are questions with objective standard answers.

So there is no problem of difficulty in judging the answer.

Right is right, wrong is wrong!

Personal relationships do not exist in the competition of the Longguo Joint Examination!

Time passed by minute by minute, and as the number of questions increased, everyone turned into answering machines, frantically answering various questions.

After two hours, Qin Yu01 had finished at least half of the questions.

“The general questions are over. Next, we will enter the special questions for awakeners. Please be prepared!”

With the system prompts coming from his ears, the empty room around Qin Yu suddenly turned into a jungle, surrounded by all kinds of strange plants.


Water drops suddenly fell on Qin Yu’s head, and a subtle sound came at the same time.

The combat experience trained in the Tower of Babel made Qin Yu dodge subconsciously without even looking up.


After Qin Yu dodged, he took a closer look. Wasn’t the thing that attacked him his old acquaintance?


The whole body is like jelly, but this slime is different from the one Qin Yu encountered on the first floor. Its color is grass green, and the ground it touches makes a hissing corrosion sound.

【Hidden: The target is the Venomous Slime, which is good at spitting venom and swallowing small animals as food. Its venom is relatively weak, but it still has the power to paralyze the target. It is used to paralyzing the prey with venom, and then wrapping its body around the prey’s head to suffocate the target. 】

Even in the virtual space, Qin Yu’s all-seeing eyes are still useful.

This is also the reason why Qin Yu can still write fluently and answer questions quickly in the countless questions before.

And the next second after Qin Yu dodged the slime’s attack, the system prompt sound appeared in his ears again.

“Perfectly dodge the attack. This is a special test for awakeners. The test taker will not die, but points will be deducted based on the injuries the test taker incurs during the test.”

“At the same time, for all special test questions, the answerer must rely on the environmental factors given in the question to answer! This question has a full score of 20 points. If all the points are deducted, it will automatically move on to the next question.”

The slime’s movements have completely stopped, as if the pause button has been pressed, which means that Qin Yu’s answering has begun.

“Please briefly describe the basic characteristics of the monster in front of you, and find effective props to deal with this monster in the current environment!”

For Qin Yu, this question is a free point.

Through observing the venom slime, he knows all the means of the venom slime, so he can answer the question easily.

He verbally described all the characteristics of the venom slime, and all the key points were undoubtedly missed, so naturally half of the points for this question were obtained.

The other half of the points are hidden in the jungle that appeared with the venom slime.

Qin Yu’s omniscient eyes swept over the surrounding environment one by one, and soon noticed a kind of blue grass

【Poison-removing grass (Hidden: A herb that has the ability to dissolve common toxins. It can be swallowed by the venomous slime, causing the slime’s own venom to neutralize the poison-removing grass, causing the venomous slime’s body to collapse and die)】

“It’s you!”

Qin Yu picked the poison-removing grass according to the hidden prompt, and then injected it directly into the body of the venom slime.

And the venom slime, just as the prompt said, because of the neutralization of the venom in the body and the poison-removing grass, the body collapsed and died.

“The answer is complete, please look at the next question!”

As Qin Yu finished answering the questions, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed again. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was similar to the previous question. Another new monster appeared. Based on the knowledge of the monster information, find the key to solving the problem in the surrounding environment.

These special questions for awakeners rely on the knowledge of monsters, species, materials, etc., plus a little understanding and association.

The key points of these questions are of course covered in the books, but few people can integrate this knowledge and apply it to practice.

It is undeniable that these knowledge and methods can often play an effective role in the adventures of awakeners.

While Qin Yu easily answered each question, other candidates who were also answering questions in the virtual space were not as relaxed as him.

For example, Luo Shan was a sloppy student in school. It was more difficult to make him study than to make him not eat.

How did Luo Shan get the nickname of meat mountain? It was from eating!

“This question… I seem to know the answer, but I also seem to not know it! Woohoo, this is so troublesome… Just guess it!” For those who don’t know the answer, guessing the answer is naturally a way.

But where there are poor students, there must be top students.

Like Luo Lingyan in the examination hall of Magic City, she is a real top student. She has received elite education since she was a child, and her family is a family of awakeners. Naturally, these questions that may seem clueless to others are almost the same as common sense questions in her eyes.

“It’s just a written test, I will definitely hand in the most perfect answer sheet!”

Luo Lingyan is also a perfectionist. She strives for the most perfect answer when answering questions. Even if the questions become more and more tricky as they go on, she still does not miss a single point and gets all of them 267.

And there are probably not many people who can do this in the entire Dragon Country.

It is not difficult to get a high score in the written test.

After all, all the test content, all the test takers have started to memorize and learn many years ago.

It is not difficult to remember everything, as long as you are serious, getting a passing score is like playing.

As for 70 or 80 points, it requires a certain amount of effort.

And to reach more than 90 points, this is not something that can be achieved by simply studying hard. From this point on, it is the beginning of determining the level gap of fresh graduates.

In just five hours, Qin Yu answered the last question.

And when the six hours were over, almost everyone’s answer sheet was reviewed and scored by the photon computer in the first time.

Soon, the live broadcast screens of various cities ranked the scores of the candidates in their respective cities one after another. And the overall ranking of the entire Dragon Country also began to appear from the back to the front.

【Liaodong City, Ke Ning, 93.1 points, ranking 100】

【Jiangyuan City, Hao Ren, 93.4, ranking 99】


【Nanjiang City, Chimeng, 97.8 points, ranked 5th】

【Shenjing City, Jiang Yulin, 98.1, ranking 4】

【Shenjing City, Longyu, 99.6, ranking 3】

【Demon City, Luo Lingyan, 99.7, ranked 2】

【Dongyang City, Qin Yu, 100, ranking 1】

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