The next moment, he returned to the bedroom.

When I opened the door, I saw my father with an excited face.

“Xuan’er, hurry up! There are many big people in the house, all waiting for you in the living room. ”

Ye Xuan nodded and came to the living room.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Xuan.

The moment they recognized Ye Xuan, their eyes immediately lit up, just like seeing a baby, and they all rushed up.

“Classmate Ye, are you interested in joining us at Huihai University, we can provide you with a 100 million university stipend!”

“One hundred million, you are still embarrassed to bring it up? I, Xun’s Group, give you three hundred million! ”

“Hmph! What is the use of just giving money? Classmate Ye, my Jizhou Military University is affiliated with the Northern Territory, come to us, I will ensure that you graduate and enter the Northern Territory, at least a major general within a year! ”


Ye Yaotang next to him heard the buzzing of his brain, and the whole person was frightened into a trance, and even sweat dripped on his forehead.

These are the top existences in the state.

The geniuses inside are countless.

Even if it is taken to the whole country, it can be ranked in the forefront of existence.

The result?

These big people, now Qiu Ye Xuan’s appearance, is simply as humble as a grandson.

Hundreds of millions of bursaries and various resources seem to be like the wind blowing in their eyes, just give it!

At the beginning, even when his sister Ye Lishuang awakened S talent, at most, he divided a house and found a good job for them as parents!

This Xuan’er’s treatment is far more outrageous than three years ago!

At this moment, an extremely terrifying roar sounded outside the room again.

It’s like a war machine roaring.

“What movement?”

“Why do I sound so much like an airplane?”

“Impossible, right? There is no airport in this area of Lin City, how can there be planes flying specifically here? ”

Many big people felt puzzled and looked out the window.

I saw that in the sky outside the window, an airplane was circling!

Some big people recognized the fighter, and their pupils immediately narrowed, and even their voices trembled.

“It’s a private jet!”

The rest of the crowd immediately gasped.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, there are only a few big people who can have a private jet except for the four major frontiers!

Who will come this time?

In a pair of shocked eyes, the special plane slowly flew down, directly using the high-end community square far outside the villa as a temporary helipad!

Only then can they see clearly….

On the body of the special plane, there is a golden dragon logo!

“That… That’s the special plane of the Dragon Kingdom United Chamber of Commerce! ”

Someone exclaimed.

This sentence was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, shocking everyone.

That is personally supported by the dragon head, the mainstay of the economic lifeline of the entire dragon country!

They control at least more than half of the wealth of the Dragon Kingdom!

They are the myths of the business world of the Dragon Kingdom!

The big people glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of shock.

“They must also be here because of Ye Xuan!”

“But I wonder who will come this time? Deacon? Manger? ”

Just as I was thinking about it, a loud laugh came.

“Is Ye Xuan Xiaoyou available?”

I saw that under the protection of several sunglasses bodyguards, a man wearing an expensive high-end suit and a sky-high watch slowly came with his back hand.

This man looks to be in his forties, and at a glance, the whole person is very angry, and he exudes a noble temperament when he raises his hands and feet.


Some big people’s mobile phones fell to the ground on the spot, so shocked that their mouths were wide open, and they could almost stuff a walnut into it.

“This… This is the secretary general of the United Chamber of Commerce, Mu Qingtian! ”

Mu Qingtian!

Secretary General of the Dragon Kingdom United Chamber of Commerce!

He is also the director of the commodity inspection department at the highest level in Beijing!

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, his status is only below the Dragon Head and the Elder Pavilion!

Ye Yaotang was completely shaky.

He gasped, sweat falling like a waterfall, and even his heart was about to explode.

Xiao Xiaoye’s family, how can He De …

Can it actually alarm the existence of the highest level in the capital?

In the next second, Mu Qingtian’s eyes looked at everyone present and smiled slightly.

“Excuse me, is Ye Xuan Xiaoyou?”

“Hello, I’m Ye Xuan.”

“On behalf of the Dragon Kingdom United Chamber of Commerce, I sincerely invite you to join us! What conditions are needed, Xiaoyou can mention it, the Dragon Kingdom United Chamber of Commerce can handle it for you. ”

A polite and gentlemanly word, but like a nuclear bomb burst, made the souls of everyone in the audience tremble.

They robbed people to give Ye Xuan conditions.

On the other hand, what about Mu Qingtian?

He directly asked Ye Xuan to say the conditions.

After all, it was the Dragon Country United Chamber of Commerce, and they controlled the economic lifeline of the entire Dragon Country.

There is nothing in this world that they cannot do.

Money? Exercises? Top powerhouse?

They can have as much as they want!

This is the gap!

This is the value of God-level Tianjiao!

These big people didn’t even dare to breathe, and the gaze that looked at Ye Xuan was both respect and admiration.

They are sure.

From the moment Ye Xuan agreed to join the Dragon Kingdom United Chamber of Commerce…

In the future, he is destined to become the top group of people in the Dragon Kingdom.

Ye Xuan also fell into deep thought.

He is also thinking about where he should go in the future….

At this moment, there was another roar outside.

This voice is like a terrifying war machine roaring.

It is far more terrifying than the sound of that special plane countless times!

Mu Qingtian’s expression changed suddenly, and his face sank.

Many big people looked out the window in horror.

In the sky.

Densely packed fighter planes whizzing and circling!

The fuselage of those fighters is also engraved with two big characters.


“Yes… It’s the North! ”

“Ye Tianwang… The northern frontier guarded by King Ye Tianwang! ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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