Ye Han was full of curiosity.

But he didn't intend to let go of the cat demon in front of him.

Immediately began to kill the cat demon.

The closer to the hinterland, the greater the number of cat demons and the denser the distribution.

Ye Han is more fun when he is in a group.

Wind and Remnant Clouds only has a 10-second CD.

While pulling monsters, Ye Han gathered monsters at the same time, just making up for the 10-second interval.

And this skill consumes very little, relying on the recovery speed of its own mana, it can fully recover.

Don't worry about lack of blue at all.

In this way, Ye Han has been a group of monsters, and his experience is rapidly increasing.

During the period, some white equipment was also dropped, and he was not polite, and directly disassembled it.

After decomposing, it gains attributes again, and its strength improves little by little.

I don't know how long it took, and a piercing scream came.

Afterwards, there was a faint layer of blood mist over the entire camp.

The dangerous atmosphere filled the air, making Ye Han feel like his heart was jumping.

"It's the senior leader... No, it's the ultimate leader!"

Ye Han made a judgment instantly.

Only the ultimate leader has such a terrifying aura.

Bosses in this world also have strengths and weaknesses.

Divided into: elementary, intermediate, advanced, ultimate, king level, emperor level, abyss level, void level.

Bosses from elementary to advanced generally do not have a high IQ.

Bosses above the ultimate level have a very high level of intelligence.

It is said that the king-level boss can initially change into a human form, and can communicate with humans without hindrance.

This knowledge Ye Han learned from books.

Whether this is actually the case is unknown.

But one thing is certain.

That is to kill the ultimate boss, you must drop purple equipment, and there is a chance to drop rare equipment and some rare items.

Whether it is purple equipment or rare equipment, they are all of great value.

And the attributes are much stronger than the blue and green equipment.

No wonder Qin Xin cared so much.

I see.

Ye Han quickly killed all the cat demons in front of him, and then rushed towards the place where the boss was refreshed.

In any case, he had to go and see the situation.

Even if you can't get a share of the pie, you still have to see what the ultimate boss looks like.

Knowing how strong it is, you can have a bottom in your heart.

In this way, if you encounter similar bosses in the future, you will know how to deal with them.

Soon, Ye Han came to the place where the boss refreshed.

This place has been surrounded by people from the Wild Wolf Guild.

And those surrounding the field are all professionals above level 40.

Seeing these people, Ye Han knew he had no chance.

Although my own attributes are far superior to most people of the same level, there is still a big gap compared with these professionals who are more than forty levels and have passed the second turn.

Unless you use that forbidden technique!

I believe that with my current attributes, after using this forbidden technique, it is not impossible to instantly kill a level 40 professional.

After all, the damage of that move is calculated based on the sum of his blood and mana, and it is still real damage.

But it was a desperate move, and after using it, he would also be in danger.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better not to use it.

Besides, judging from the aura released by the boss, this boss is far from being able to deal with it.

Even if the other party generously gave it to me, I still can't eat it.

Let's take a look at the situation first.

Sure enough, Ye Han was stopped by someone.

But the people who stopped him saw that he was just a disassembler, so they didn't pay much attention.

"Boy, it's dangerous here. What are you doing here? Get away as soon as possible."

Ye Han smiled and said, "I just want to see it."

"Well, you can take a look, but don't get too close, otherwise don't blame us if something happens."

"Okay, I will!"

Ye Han looked into the field and saw a red light there.

Within the red light, there is a black shadow, but it is temporarily unclear what it is.

Outside the red light, hundreds of 30-level professionals surrounded them.

Qin Xin was among them, and she was staring at the red light expectantly and nervously.

Ye Han asked puzzledly: "Why don't you kill the boss? It stands to reason that your level is higher, so it's easier to kill."

Hearing the words, the person next to him patiently explained: "This is just a level 25 boss, kill it if it exceeds level 5, and there will be no drops."

"Our main task here is actually to protect Miss Qin's safety and prevent outsiders from making trouble!"

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Ye Han didn't ask any more questions.

He knew in his heart that the outsiders mentioned by the other party naturally included himself.

As long as he dared to grab the boss, he would be besieged by them.

The ultimate boss is certainly attractive, but compared to Xiaoming, it is nothing.

Besides, even if you are lucky enough to snatch one or two pieces of equipment here, how will you deal with the revenge from the Qin family and the Wild Wolf Guild?

Wanting to understand this, Ye Han put away his previous careful thoughts.

Decided to just look at it, no more complications.

The red light quickly dissipated.

A huge cat demon appeared.

View its information:

【Scarlet Cat Demon】

Level: Level 25

Quality: Ultimate Boss

Skills: unknown

The scarlet cat demon exudes a strange red light all over its body, and its eyes are even more scarlet.

"Despicable human beings dare to offend my territory. They really don't know how to live or die."

The voice of the cat demon is that of a charming woman.

If you close your eyes, you must feel very good.

But when this kind of sound comes from the mouth of a cat monster, it is very terrifying.

"Do it!"

Without further ado, Qin Xin ordered the attack to begin.

All the thugs shot together, flying towards the cat monster with all kinds of skills.

The cat demon was extremely fast, dodging those attacks, and rushed towards Qin Xin.

It was smart enough to see at a glance that although this human woman was weak, she was the leader of this group of people.

Kill her and things will be easy.

Facing the cat demon's counterattack, the heavily armored warriors and guardian knights of the Wild Wolf Guild stepped forward in an instant, blocking its way.

All kinds of taunting skills made the cat demon dizzy and roared again and again.

We can only vent our anger on these tanks.

However, these tank professions are highly resistant to high health, and under the treatment of nurses, there is no need to worry about their safety.

In the distance, mages and archers who were the main output began to output.

A lot of damage floated out from the head of the cat demon.

Its health is constantly decreasing.

But the ultimate BOSS is the ultimate BOSS after all, angry it started a large-scale group attack skills.

With group control in the group attack, all those who are recruited are uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there are clerics in the nanny team who are responsible for dispelling them, and they quickly dispelled the abnormal state for everyone.

In this way, in less than half an hour, with the cooperation of the Wild Wolf Guild, the cat demon's health dropped to less than half.

It seems to be only a matter of time before it is defeated.

Seeing this, Ye Han secretly admired him.

As expected of a professional adventure guild.

This kind of cooperation and discipline is by no means something that ordinary teams can achieve.

If it were another team, if the cat monster threw a few group control skills, it would probably be in a hurry and open the loopholes, right?

Going on like this, killing this cat monster is a sure thing.

However, at this moment, a sudden change appeared.

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