When Ye Han reappeared, he was already on an isolated island.

The entire isolated island is lush and full of primitive jungles.

The strange thing is that there is no monster around.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is dazzling golden, as if there is gold reflecting the light.

"Jinpeng Island?"

Ye Han showed joy.

Zhang San said that Jinpeng Island was originally Kunpeng Island.

But because it emits golden light all the year round, it was later called Jinpeng Island.

This must be the long-disappeared Jinpeng Island!

It is also the place mentioned in Enfer's diary.

But what treasure is hidden here?

Ye Han is less clear about this.

But both Enfil's diary and his statue point to this.

This shows that this place is very important to him.

In any case, it's worth exploring.

So Ye Han started to explore the island.

I have been walking through the dense forest for a long time.

Ye Han found something even stranger.

Not only are there no monsters on this island, even an ordinary bird or beast has not been seen so far.

Let alone people!

After walking for a long time, Ye Han had a general impression of the whole island.

The entire island seems to be in the shape of a cross.

The east and west sides are longer, and the north and south ends are shorter.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Ye Han finished exploring the entire island 913.

The result disappointed him greatly.

There are no treasures at all!

There's nothing particularly weird about it either.

Could it be that Jinpeng Island is just a very ordinary island?

Such an ordinary island, why does Enfer need to write it in the diary alone?


It must be where I haven't explored yet.

Thinking of this, Ye Han went back the same way and decided to explore again.

Until the afternoon, he finally found a very hidden cave.

The entrance to the cave was covered by vines, no wonder I didn't notice it when I passed by for the first time.

Pulling aside the vines and looking in, I saw that it was pitch black inside.

I don't know what dangerous monsters are hiding.

But Ye Han is full of confidence in his own strength.

Even if it is a full-level boss, he doesn't pay attention to it, unless it is above the king level.

Take out the lighting tools and go straight into the cave.

As he moved forward, Ye Bo found that the road ahead was going faster and faster.

And gradually there is light.

At the end of the day, you can see clearly even with the lighting tool turned off.

Finally, he came to a hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, a group of bat-like (ccdj) monsters rushed towards him.

He subconsciously wanted to fight back.

But he found that he couldn't move at all.

There were various unfavorable BUFFs on his body in an instant: dizziness, immobilization, weakness, charm, imprisonment, paralysis, weakness, bleeding...

These monsters have their own disgusting control effects.

This surprised Ye Han.

With my current abnormal resistance of nearly 300 points.

Can't resist these controls!

It can be seen that the control proficiency of these monsters is very high!

Although the control of the monsters is disgusting, their attributes are a bit low, and their attacks can't hurt Ye Han at all.

Although Ye Han was accused of being unable to move, the effect of the bloodthirsty ring took effect immediately.

In less than two seconds, all monsters were killed.

[You killed the cursed monster bird and gained 0 experience points]

[You killed the cursed monster bird and gained 0 experience points]

[You killed the cursed monster bird and gained some experience[

no experience!

No drop.

Not even a body was left.

It seems that it is just the most common and garbage monster.

The grade is also much lower than that.

Otherwise it is impossible to have no experience and drop.

After the control on his body was eliminated, Ye Han immediately applied control-free skills to himself.

He looked around vigilantly, but found that there were no monsters anymore.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Checking the hall again, I found that it was empty, and there seemed to be nothing.

After walking a little further, I finally found something.

Not far ahead, there was a golden corpse.

Around the golden corpse, there is a faint blue light.

This is very strange.

Shouldn't golden bones radiate golden light?

Why Blu-ray?

There is something wrong with this corpse!

Ye Han approached slowly.

As he approached, he gradually felt the coercion from that corpse.

The coercion is getting stronger and stronger.

When he was close to four or five meters, the coercion was so great that he almost knelt down and surrendered.

But at this time he has clearly seen the information of the bones:

【Unknown remains】

It seems to be the remains of a certain god, the time is too long, it is difficult to distinguish...

- Decomposable!

Remains of a god?


Ye Han was overjoyed.

Without hesitation, against the strong coercion, he approached the remains.

Then implement the decomposition technique.

【You decomposed the remains of the sea god [obtained golden bone powder]

[Dark deconstruction is successfully triggered, and you have obtained a lot of water attribute enhancements]

[Dark deconstruction is successfully triggered, and you have gained a lot of water attribute resistance]

[Dark deconstruction is triggered successfully, and you have obtained the Poseidon Scepter Factory

Four prompts sounded, and Ye Han froze on the spot!


Nima, did you hear me right?

Is this guy in front of you a sea god?

Dead Poseidon?

Isn't God immortal?

Why still die?

Why did you die here, who killed the gods?

Also, the content triggered by the dark deconstruction is also different from the past.

a lot?

How much is it?

Ye Han hurriedly checked his attributes.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but when you look at it, you will be stunned on the spot!

Water attribute enhancement: 999,999 points? (Has reached the limit of human beings)

Water attribute resistance: 999,999 points? (Has reached the limit of human beings)

Reaching the limit of human beings in an instant?


Ye Han couldn't help rubbing his eyes, afraid that he might be wrong.

After repeated confirmations, he finally confirmed it.

My own water attribute strengthening and water attribute resistance are indeed 999,999 points!

Only 1 point away, we reached a million!

And the note at the back said: This is the limit of human beings!

So what if it is a god?

What is the limit of the gods?

Or, as long as you break through this limit, you can become a god?

Ye Han couldn't believe it.

By accident, he actually disassembled the remains of the Sea God, and obtained such terrifying water system attributes and pits.

This kind of attribute strength and attribute resistance is already the best in the world!

From now on, any water system damage will be ineffective to him.

And any attack by oneself will cause nearly a million water damage.

This... outrageous!

Of course, this dark deconstruction triggers more than that.


Poseidon Scepter!.

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