On Ye Han, except for 【Affinity of Water】.

There is one more BUFF: Curse of Death

【Curse of Death】

—Enfiel cast an evil curse on you at the cost of his life.

——The duration is 365 days. After the duration ends, it will die immediately, ignoring all life-saving effects.

Countdown: 364 days 23 hours 47 minutes 23 seconds!

Seeing this BUFF, Ye Han's complexion became ugly.

Immediately die when the duration ends?

Without thinking too much, he immediately used his skills to dispel the buff.

But the result made him despair.

All dispelling skills of all classes, including the special dispelling skills such as [Holy Light Purification] of the priests, cannot dispel [Death Curse]!

this means…………

This skill cannot be dissipated!

So here comes the problem!

How could I suddenly have such a BUFF?

There is such a terrible curse skill of "083" in this world?

How did you get hit by yourself?


I have never even seen his face, so how can I be cursed by him?

Suddenly, Ye Han thought of something.


It must be because of Alsis, the god of the sea.

He was cursed by Enfer and died in the cave.

Then he disassembled his bones, obtained the treasures, and also inherited the curse!

It must be so!

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt pain in his heart.

If he had known this would be the result, no matter what treasure he would give him, he would not get his hands on the Seagod's bones.

It's all right now, I got a certain death BUFF!

Lian Hai Shendu can kill this thing, let alone himself?

Is it really dead this time?

Ye Han's mood fell to the bottom in an instant.

The joy of obtaining the treasure just now disappeared instantly.

Just like a terminally ill person, when he knows that his time is approaching, what else in the world can make him happy?

It was so silent for a long time!

Ye Han finally pulled himself together.

All things in the world are born and restrained by each other.

Since there is such a BUFF, there must be a way to remove this BUFF.

Although the hope is very slim.

Even a god like Alsis is helpless.

But that doesn't mean there really aren't.

And he is not dead yet.

There is still a year to go.

As long as people are alive, they cannot give up hope.

Wanting to understand this, Ye Han took out the teleportation array and left the place.

When we returned to City Without Tears, it was already completely dark.

I wanted to go home, but Ye Han finally had nothing to lose.

After leaving for so long, he didn't know how to explain to Zhang Ling.

Especially with the 【Death Curse】

Although it is a hidden BUFF, I have already hidden it.

Being hidden doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I still only have one year to live.

If Zhang Ling knew about this, how sad would she be?

He is preparing to marry her.

Everything is moving in a beautiful direction.

Who knows, but suddenly met with such bad luck.

Also, if you really only have one year left.

So should you marry her?

If married!

Didn't she become a widow a year later?

This undoubtedly delayed her life.

Without returning home, Ye Han wandered the streets alone.

He was in a depressed mood.

In fact, he himself is not very afraid of death.

After all, people who have already died once don't care about dying again.

Maybe after death this time, he traveled back again?

What really makes him feel uncomfortable is that many things have not been done.

Especially with emotional concerns, death becomes terrifying.

Just then, Ye Han bumped into someone.


The other party let out a cry of pain and fell directly to the ground.

Ye Han came to his senses and stepped forward to help him.

"Brat, why don't you have eyes when you walk!"

Ye Han was in a low mood at this time, besides, he had indeed bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, old man, are you all right?"

He stepped forward to help the old man up, but the old man lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

"You knocked out all my wine, if you don't pay me, I won't get up

Ye Han glanced at the ground, and sure enough, he found that his wine bottle had been smashed.

Helpless, he could only take out a few gold coins and hand them to the old man.

"Are these enough?"

"How can these be enough? My wine is the best wine in City Without Tears, you just want to send me away with these few gold coins?"

Ye Han frowned slightly.

"Then what do you say?"

"Hey, you have to invite me to have a drink at the best tavern in City Without Tears."

"The best tavern in City Without Tears?"

"Yes, that's the one!"

The old man pointed not far away.

Ye Han turned around and saw a 24-hour tavern.

Night Elf Tavern!

This is the best tavern in City Without Tears, right?

This Ye Han is not clear, because he has never drunk alcohol.

But now...he kind of wants to get drunk!

"Okay, let me help you up!"

Help the old man and come to the bar...

Ye Han asked for a private room and ordered the best wine in the tavern.

The old man said: "One bottle is not enough for me!"

Ye Han said flatly: "How much you drink tonight will be mine!"

The old man was overjoyed: "Haha, young man is generous, there are not many young people who are as generous as you, so I will not be polite to you.

"Waiter, first order ten bottles of Night Elf Dance!"

The waiter went away.

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Han couldn't help smiling bitterly to himself.

When have you ever been generous?

On the contrary, I have always been stingy and frugal.

But people are going to die, what is there to care about these external things?

Soon, the wine was served.

The old man was also polite and drank to his heart's content.

Ye Han took a sip, but felt extremely spicy and very uncomfortable, and couldn't help coughing.

Seeing this, the old man laughed and said, "Is this the first time for the little guy to drink a bar?"

"It doesn't count, but I rarely drink it!"

"Hey, that's not okay. How can a man not drink? Men who don't drink are generally sinister and vicious. You can't be this kind of person, can you?"

For the old man's words, Ye Han did not refute.

Insidious? Not to mention.

Spicy, a little!

But this has nothing to do with drinking or not, does it?

Seeing that Ye Han didn't speak, the old man smiled and said: "Drink, drink, get drunk, and you won't have any troubles."

"Even the distressing thing that you can only live for one year will be forgotten in an instant!"

Hearing this, Ye Han's expression changed.

He looked at the old man in disbelief.

Since 3.3, I have obviously hidden the BUFF, and obviously only I can see it.

Why can the other party know?

"You...how did you know?"

The old man took a sip of his wine and continued to laugh: "Since you have obtained the Sea God's inheritance, you will naturally also receive Enfer's curse!"

"That curse is so evil that no one in the world can unravel it!"

Hearing this, Ye Han was shocked again.

Does this guy even know this?

He followed him to Jinpeng Island?

No, probably not, after all, I was teleported there, and the teleportation array can only be used by one person.

Well, this guy saw it for himself.

This guy is no ordinary old man.

In fact, until now, I couldn't see through whether he was a professional or an ordinary person.

This is very weird.

Thinking of this, Ye Han instantly regained his spirits.

He grabbed the old man's hand.

"You know how to undo it, don't you?"

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