All People: Decomposer, Level 1 Decomposes Forbidden Spells

028 The Middle-Aged Man Who Came To The Door

Ye Han was about to learn the five skill books when a group of people suddenly walked in outside the door and surrounded him.

Ye Han was shocked, and looked at the other party vigilantly, not knowing who the other party was.

A middle-aged man stepped out from the crowd and sat opposite Ye Han.

The man stared at the skill book in Ye Han's hand, and then returned to Ye Han's face.

"You are Ye Han?"

"I am, are you?"

"I am Zhang Ling's father."

Hearing that the other party was Zhang Ling's father, Ye Han suddenly became nervous.

There are scandals between himself and his daughter.

Although this gossip was spread by Zhang Ling himself, a gossip is a gossip.

Now that her father came to her door, it was probably nothing good.

"Hi Uncle Zhang!"

Ye Han remained calm, just maintaining the proper manners.

Zhang Qing nodded with a smile, and then began to look at Ye Han carefully.

The appearance is outstanding, polite and moderate, and calm when changing.

A good boy indeed.


Just a disassembler.

A disassembler with no future.

Being stared at by the other party like this, Ye Han felt a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know Zhang Qing's purpose here.

But it's mostly because of Zhang Ling's affairs.

After thinking about it, he pushed the skill book in front of Zhang Qing.


"Uncle, Zhang Ling gave it to me, but it's too expensive, I can't bear it, please return it to her for me!"

Zhang Qing didn't even read the skill book.

He just smiled and said, "Since Ling'er gave it to you, then you can accept it!"

"These things are nothing to our Zhang family."

Ye Han was secretly happy when he heard this.

At the same time, he secretly sighed with emotion.

A rich person is a rich person, and there is no need to feel bad about giving away millions and tens of millions of things.

Zhang Qing winked at the people around him.

The other party understood, and immediately took out a bank card and put it in front of Ye Han.

"What does it mean?"

Ye Han was puzzled and looked at Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing said with a smile: "There are 500,000 gold coins in the card, you can accept it!"

Ye Han's face changed slightly, 500,000 gold coins = 50 million world coins.

How much equipment is this enough to buy for yourself?

But he didn't accept it, but asked:

"Why are you giving me money?"

Zhang Qing didn't beat around the bush, and said, "I hope you stay away from Ling'er from now on!"

Hearing this, Ye Han understood.

Seeing him push the bank card away, he said: "You don't have to worry about this matter, as long as she doesn't come to me, it is impossible for me to find her."

Seeing that he refused to accept the money, Zhang Qing's face was a bit ugly.

He mistakenly thought that Ye Han still wanted to pester him.

So he said: "Young people are not greedy for money. It is a good quality, but it is not the best quality."

"Oh? So what's the best quality?"

Zhang Qing stood up, with a lot of indifference on his face.

"The most important quality of young people is self-knowledge!"

"Only when a person has self-knowledge can he know his own position!"

"Only by knowing your own position can you know what belongs to you and what doesn't belong to you!"

"Only in this way, will we not be wishful thinking, and will not incur fearless disasters!"

Hearing Zhang Qing's words, Ye Han's face darkened.

Although the other party didn't say it directly, the meaning in the words was already very obvious.

That is to let yourself not wishful thinking, do not fantasize that toads can eat swan meat.

Originally, Ye Han still had a slight affection for the other party.

But now, this kind of goodwill is gone.

He stood up and said: "You don't have to worry about this, I have a very clear position on myself, what belongs to me, no one can take it away, and what doesn't belong to me, I won't accept it from others!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhang Qing and added: "I also hope that as a father, you can discipline your daughter well and don't let her come to me, a poor boy!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, but was stopped by the Zhang family.

"How did the brat talk?"

Seeing the opponent blocking, Ye Han's eyes flashed coldly.

The people in front of them, including Zhang Qing, are only professionals of forty or fifty levels.

If they insist on being unfavorable to themselves, then I don't mind fighting with them!

In the end, Zhang Qing stopped his men.

"Let him go!"

Leaving the restaurant, Ye Han was still a little resentful.

These people from big and wealthy families take themselves too seriously, and they look down on others so much.

But think about it carefully, the reality is like this.

Those who are capable and capable are naturally praised by everyone.

Those who are incompetent and incompetent will be trampled upon by everyone.

As a disassembler, it's normal to be looked down upon by others.

The only pity is the five purple skill books.

It was already in hand.

But now...

Forget it, why do you want this?

If a man is born between heaven and earth, he must have a backbone.

People look down on me so much, how can I want things from his family?

Isn't that a bitch?

With my own strength and talent, why worry about not having a good skill book in the future.

Head to the city again.

This time, Ye Han is going to attend an event held in the city.

The event reward is 100,000 gold coins + a piece of rare equipment.

If you can get this reward, it is your own ability.

It's not someone else's lamentable food!

In this regard, Ye Han is very concerned.

But as for the content of the event, Ye Han still doesn't know.

He was also curious as to what kind of activity would give such a generous reward.

What is the purpose of the activity?

Who is hosting the event?

These are all unknown.

But it doesn't matter, I'm going to participate soon.

I believe there will be an answer soon.

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