Interrogation room.

Staring at Ye Han, the interrogator asked, "Why kill?"

"He blamed me first, and then shot at me."

"In self-defense, I shot."

Ye Han said.

"You killed him as soon as you shot?"


Interrogator with apparent disbelief.

"As far as I know, Li Jin's level is higher than yours, his equipment is better than yours, and you are still a life profession. How can you instantly kill him with one blow?"

Ye Han didn't say much, and directly showed his attribute panel.

Everyone in the interrogation room was surprised when they saw his exaggerated attributes.

"My God, how did you do that?"

Ye Han looked at the other party and asked, "Does this have to be answered?"

"Need not!"

"Since your defense is so high, then Li Jin's attack can't break your defense at all!"

"Since you can't break through your defense, there will be no threat to your life."

"So you didn't do it out of desperation, and it doesn't constitute self-defense. Your shot is an intentional homicide."

The interrogator said indifferently.

Hearing this, Ye Han sneered and said, "Sir, the arrows hit my chest at that time, and there were five of them in total. How do I know if they have the means to kill me?"

"Do I have to wait until they kill me before I can defend myself?"

Upon hearing this, the interrogators fell silent.

After a long time, I continued to ask questions.

"What you said is your one-sided statement, which is not exactly the same as what the Li family said. Do you have any evidence to prove that what you said is true?"

Ye Han said: "Zhang Ling can testify for me!"

After saying this, Ye Han felt a little uncertain.

Although Zhang Ling said that he would testify for himself, it is not known whether it will count in the end.

Also, the Zhang family is also a wealthy family in Qingfeng City, so it must have something to do with the Li family.

Would the Zhang family really offend the Li family for themselves?

This is extremely unlikely.

Even if Zhang Ling wanted to testify for herself, her family would probably not allow it.

This is what worries Ye Han the most.

But he didn't pin all his hopes on Zhang Ling.

"Go invite Miss Zhang!"


Half an hour later, Zhang Ling appeared in the interrogation room.

Seeing Ye Han, although she wanted to go forward and ask about his situation, she finally held back.

"Miss Zhang, you were there when Ye Han killed someone, right?"


"Please describe the situation in detail!"

Zhang Ling sorted out his thoughts, and then told the general situation at that time.

But she edited some details a little bit.

After listening to Zhang Ling's description, Ye Han was relieved.

The interrogators didn't ask any more questions, they just took notes.

After finishing, he said: "People from the Li family have already sued you to the court, and they will have a final trial on you tomorrow. You will know if you are guilty or not."

"In addition, Ms. Zhang, I also hope that you can attend tomorrow and continue to testify for Ye Han."

"I will!"

Zhang Ling took a deep look at Ye Han before leaving.

At night, Ye Han sat in the detention room, unable to sleep.

He is very worried about tomorrow's result.

Although Zhang Ling testified for him, the Li family is not vegetarian.

They can use all kinds of relationships, collect all kinds of evidence against themselves, and finally sentence themselves.

They can even bribe the chief judge to forcibly convict themselves.

And what about myself?

It seems to have become a lamb to be slaughtered.

But Ye Han is not ready to accept his fate either.

As long as the result of tomorrow's trial satisfies me, that's all.

If not...

That would have to kill the fish and break the net.

In any case, it cannot fall into the hands of the Li family.

Even if he could only live a life of fleeing from now on, he couldn't care less about it.

It is normal for Ye Han to have such worries.

Many things in this world look similar to the world before time travel.

The culture, economy, technology, social customs, language habits, etc. here all have the shadow of the previous life.

But it is not the previous life after all.

This world is far less democratic than the previous life.

The country he was in after crossing - Canglong country.

Nor is it a country centered on the interests of the people at the bottom.

It is more to safeguard the interests of the aristocratic class.

As a commoner, in such a world and such a country, I really don't have much right to speak.

Well, since I didn't belong to this world, I didn't belong to this country.

Then why do you want to be an obedient citizen, a good citizen?

If one's life is seriously threatened, no matter what means, one can use it.

Thinking about this, Ye Han's eyes showed a trace of indifference, but also a trace of determination.

In fact, if you don't want to continue to take the college entrance examination, you can get normal treatment through normal channels.

Ye Han can break through the iron gate in front of him now and escape.

There are many lawless places in this world.

Just go to a place that Canglong Kingdom can't control.

Anyway, I have nothing to worry about.

But in the end Ye Han held back.

Because things haven't progressed to the point where it needs to be done.

Time passed little by little.

Soon, it was dawn.

When the sun rises, it means that the time to decide one's life and death is coming.

Not long after, someone came to take Ye Han away.

In the court of justice, the chief judge and a group of judges were sitting in jeopardy.

The members of the Li family sat on one side, and on the other side were the citizens who were listening.

Ye Han was escorted and stood in the middle.

He was a little nervous, but his expression was calm.

In his previous life, he had litigated with others.

But compared with the previous life, the judgment in this world is less rigorous.

Not even a lawyer...

To be precise, there is no such profession as a lawyer in this world.

After a brief opening statement, the trial officially began...

Facing the judge's questioning, Ye Han answered the part that could be answered.

He insisted that he was justifiable self-defense.

The people of the Li family continued to produce various evidences.

The purpose is to prove that Ye Han committed murder on purpose.

Both sides insist on their own opinions.

In the end, it is also the most critical link.

That is to ask witnesses.

As the only eyewitness at the time.

Zhang Ling's words definitely have the final word.

Regrettably, she did not attend this trial.

This disappointed Ye Han secretly, but it was also expected.

The chief judge looked at the time and said:

"Since Ms. Zhang is unwilling to attend, the trial can only be temporarily suspended."

"We must continue to collect more evidence before we can make a final judgment on this case."

"Prior to this, Ye Han will continue to be detained until the truth of the matter is revealed."

"After all, your murder actually happened."

Such a ruling is completely in line with the laws and regulations of the Canglong Kingdom.

The Li family is quite satisfied with such a ruling.

As long as Ye Han is in custody, they have plenty of ways to kill Ye Han.

On the other hand, Ye Han's face changed drastically.

This means that I will not be able to take the college entrance examination tomorrow.

Not only was he unable to take the college entrance examination, but he was also at risk of being persecuted by the Li family at any time.

So he protested.

"Your Honor, I protest!"

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