All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 10 God Is So Fond Of It!

All the way forward, soon saw the figure of the beast.

But Jiang Bai just glanced at it, and didn't make a move to hunt it down.

Because those are just beasts of level 1 and 2.

With Jiang Bai's current level 7 strength, hunting beasts of this strength would no longer be able to gain evolution points.

Go ahead and go deeper.

After Jiang Bai turned over the hill, he stopped.

Ahead is the animal gathering area.

The ferocious beasts gathered there all start at level 4.

Holding the iron-wooden bow in one hand, Jiang Bai drew an arrow from the quiver behind his back with the other, and quickly entered the state of hunting.

Yesterday, he hunted a herd of cattle.

Today he has his eye on a herd of horses!

【One-horned zebra

Category: Beasts

Strength: Level 5

Bloodline: None

Talent: None]

The one-horned zebra lives up to its name.

It has a sharp horn on its head and black and white stripes like a zebra on its body.

At this moment, Jiang Bai is lying on a small hillside, observing the herd of one-horned zebras——

With the improvement of the four-dimensional attribute, the distance for him to view the target information also increases, so he doesn't need to get too close.

In terms of size, the one-horned zebra herd is larger than the mang ox herd.

Naturally, the overall strength of the one-horned zebra herd also exceeds that of the reckless oxen herd.

There are no fewer than ten level 10 one-horned zebras alone.

Of course, the most important thing is Mawang——

[One-horned Zebra King (Black Iron BOSS)

Category: Beasts

Strength: Level 10 (Half step Extraordinary)

Bloodline: Black Iron (Wildscale Horse Bloodline5%)

Talent: Speed ​​Enhancement]

See the Half step Extraordinary marked behind the strength of the One-horned Zebra King.

This also made Jiang Bai realize that above level 10 should be 'Extraordinary'.

There is also a column for Bloodline.

The one-horned zebra king actually has a black iron-level bloodline, and there are 5% of the wind scale horse bloodlines!

In summary, Jiang Bai estimates that Ma Wang should be the strongest boss he has encountered so far~

"Try it first!"

"If you can't do anything, just drive the Swift Talent and run away!"

With a decision, Jiang Bai acted immediately.

This time, he changed his tactics slightly.

First use the iron and wood bow to shoot and kill the one-horned zebras in the periphery to reduce the number of one-horned zebras as much as possible.

After the hatred was drawn up, the one-horned zebra herd was immediately led to the outskirts of the canyon.

Then hook up the kite flow tactics and eliminate them on the move!

Well, well planned!

But Jiang Bai ignored one thing - the endurance and speed of the one-horned zebra!

Horses are beasts that are good at running.

Not to mention the one-horned zebra in this regard!

Coupled with the Speed ​​Enhancement Talent of the One-horned Zebra King...

So, after Cao Wu and the others entered the canyon, they saw Chang Wei... Bah, they saw a herd of beasts chasing and killing Ye Tian again!

The five stood in the distance, looking at each other.

After a while, Lin Guodong asked weakly, "By the way, are we going to help?"

"No hurry, wait first." Cao Wu shook his head and refused.

He could tell that although Jiang Bai was in a bit of a panic, his life was not in danger.

If they made a move now, it would be bad if they were misunderstood as monster grabbing.

What's more, the strength of that group of beasts is not low!

If they go up rashly, they may not be able to help, but will be delayed!

At this time, Luo Feng said with a strange expression:

"Should I say it or not, Brother Jiang's quite special!"

Hearing this, the other four couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

God is so fond of it!

This is obviously a joke, okay?


The one-horned zebra population has been declining over time.

Jiang Bai's strength has been raised to level 8, and the four-dimensional attribute has also increased to 185 points.

The skyrocketing strength greatly reduced his pressure.

Plus the base archery boost at the Returned to Origin tier.

Jiang Bai's accuracy is not the same sooner or later.

This also allowed his hunting speed to soar.

After one hour.

Jiang Bai's strength has been raised to level 9, and the four-dimensional attribute has increased to 200 points.

And the one-horned zebra group is only left with the king of horses.

At this time, Ma Wang, instead of being scared away by Jiang Bai, ran away violently.

Its eyes became blood red, and its body exuded a violent aura, and its strength and speed had increased a lot.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai decisively withdrew his iron and wood bow, took out his horizontal knife and rushed forward to fight in close quarters.

He broke out with all his strength, even if he didn't use the swift Talent, he still faintly overwhelmed Mawang in all aspects.

The +4 horizontal knife can easily break through the horse king's defense.

Although the basic knife skills that reached Xiaocheng failed to give Jiang Bai advanced knife skills.

But it made him feel as handy when using a knife as if he could use his fingers.

No, in just one minute, Ma Wang fell under the knife of Jiang Bai unwillingly.

[Record: Kill the One-horned Zebra King (Black Iron BOSS) x1, evolution point +400, black iron treasure chest x1. 】

"Half step Extraordinary is nothing more than that!"

Jiang Bai shook off the blood on the knife with a wave, and said something very pretending.

Then, while cleaning the battlefield, he opened his personal information page.

【Jiang Bai】

[Race: Human Race]

【Luck: 1000】

[Strength: Level 9 (Evolution Point: 500/900.)]

[Attributes: Strength: 200; Agility: 200; Constitution: 200; Spirit: 200. 】

[Talent: Infinite evolution (SSS level), balanced growth (SSS level), swiftness (E level)]

[ Cultivation Technique: Innate Daoyin Technique (Special, Leather Refining Chapter: Not Initiated), Barbaric Bear Art (Black Iron Low Grade, Not Initiated), Returning to Yuan Stake (Basic Level, Returned to Origin), Flying Bird Stake (Basic Level, Returned to Origin). 】

[Techniques: Basic Movement Technique (Basic Level, Initiation), Basic Sword Technique (Basic Level, Small Success), Basic Archery (Basic Level, Returned to Origin)]

[Evolution Token: 70329]

[attribute points: 0]

[Potential points: 22]

After Jiang Bai glanced at the interface, he immediately spent 11 potential points to upgrade his basic sword skills to Returned to Origin.

Then spend 9 potential points to upgrade the basic Movement Technique from Initiation to Minor Achievement.

In the end, there are 2 potential points left to save.

"It's only 400 evolutionary points to reach level 10!"

Looking at the data in the column of strength, Jiang Bai's spirit became uplifted.

After cleaning up the battlefield, he was about to take a rest.

Then I heard a familiar voice—

"Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Bai followed the prestige and found that it was Cao Wu and five people who had arrived.

He responded and walked towards Cao Wu and the others.

After the two sides approached.

Luo Feng gave Jiang Bai a thumbs up and said in amazement:

"Another group of beasts was wiped out!"

"Brother Jiang, you are really fierce!"

Jiang Bai smiled modestly: "When your strength improves, you can do the same."

In this regard, Cao Wu and the five all smiled and nodded in agreement.

In the eyes of the five, what Jiang Bai can do now, he (she) will certainly be able to do in the future!

It's a pity that what the five people don't know is that Jiang Bai has a balanced growth talent.

As a result, Jiang Bai's four-dimensional attributes will increase a little more than other Heaven Designated for every first-level increase in Jiang Bai's strength.

With the accumulation of first-level first-level, Jiang Bai's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary Heaven Designated!

And this gap will gradually widen over time!

After chatting for a while.

Jiang Bai left in a hurry, he was going to raise his strength to level 10!

He is looking forward to what changes level 10 will bring.

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