All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 104 Discovery Of Other Areas

Jiang Bai was happy, but angry.

This guy is too arrogant!

And he said it was expulsion, but the behavior just now was more like an attack!

Therefore, Jiang Bai is not going to talk nonsense anymore.

He silently took out the Soul Slayer Bow, and shot several arrows as soon as he raised his hand.

Those Fenglei tribes didn't even have time to react, they were shot down from the tree by arrows.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai's figure moved, and he came to those Fenglei tribes in an instant, as silently as a ghost.

He didn't kill him, so those Fenglei clan were lying on the ground and howling.

"You, don't come here!"

"My father is the leader of the Feiyu Tribe, if you kill me, the Feiyu Tribe will definitely be with you forever!"

The fiery red-haired Fenglei Clan looked terrified and moved back while threatening, showing no trace of arrogance.

The same is true for the other Fenglei tribes.

Jiang Bai was a little surprised, but at the same time he also understood why the fiery red-haired Fenglei clan had an arrogant attitude.

Feelings are still the sons of tribal leaders!

But so what?

With a sneer, Jiang Bai launched the Myriad of Things Talent, catalyzed several strong vines with his wave, and tied up the few Fenglei tribes.

Then he let the golden eagle regain its shape, holding a bow in one hand and grabbing the vines in the other, and flew to the golden eagle with the few Fenglei tribes.

"Golden eagle, go to the sky!"

Hearing this, the golden eagle immediately flapped its wings and flew high.

Come high up in the sky.

Jiang Bai turned on the Super Vision Talent and patrolled around.

Soon, he discovered that there were many caves of similar size on the mountain in front of him.

Moreover, in those caves, people from the Fenglei tribe flew in and out from time to time.

Jiang Bai's heart moved, and he immediately told the golden eagle to fly to that mountain through voice transmission.

As the strength of the golden eagle increases, its size also becomes larger.

With such a large body, it is difficult for those Fenglei people to think about it.

No, as the golden eagle approached the mountain, those Fenglei people immediately panicked, accompanied by rapid and sharp bird calls.

Jiang Bai guessed that this bird call should be a unique warning signal of the Fenglei tribe, just like the horn sounds of other tribes.

Not long after, a group of Fenglei people held javelins, bows and arrows and other weapons, and stood in front of the golden eagle.

In this regard, Jiang Bai let go of the vines he was pulling, and silently raised the soul-killing bow.

At the next moment, arrows shot out one by one, hitting every member of the Fenglei tribe with precision.

This time, Jiang Bai was merciless and went straight to the killer.

The group of Fenglei people scattered and avoided, but they were far behind the speed of the arrows.

After a few breaths, there was only one Fenglei clansman left in the air.

This Fenglei tribe also has the hair of Huo Red, and he is the leader of the Feiyu tribe.

Jiang Bai retracted the Soul Slayer Bow, grabbed the vines and threw the leaders of the Fenglei and Feiyu tribes who were tied up.

"My partner and I were traveling in the air, but your son suddenly attacked us."

"Instead of apologizing afterwards, they also said that we broke into the airspace of the Feiyu Tribe and were just expelling us.

"That's why I just missed the shot just now! It's a tit for tat!"

After a pause, Jiang Bai added, "But please remember, if there is a next time, the Feiyu tribe will be destroyed!"

After speaking, he asked the golden eagle to continue on his way.

As for Lei Ao who caught the vine, after hearing Jiang Bai's words, he almost threw the vine directly.

His wife died young, so he doted on his son since he was a child, and over time he developed a lawless character in his son.

On weekdays, he restrains his son and forbids him to go out.

I didn't expect that if there was a slight negligence today, this cheating thing would sneak out and bring such a catastrophe to the tribe!

You know, those clansmen who were shot and killed just now are all elite Warriors of the Feiyu tribe!

Now being slaughtered by that human race, the overall strength of the Feiyu tribe will be greatly reduced!

If it is known by other surrounding tribes, then the Feiyu tribe may be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Lei Ao looked at his son who was bound by vines, he really wanted to throw this son down and smash him into a pulp!

But when he thought of his wife, his heart softened again.

"Oh, make snow!"

Lei Ao let out a long sigh, turned around and flew towards the tribe.

He is no longer qualified to be the leader.

the other side.

Standing on the back of the golden eagle, Jiang Bai is looking around for traces of the human tribe through the Hypervision Talent.

He has searched the area around Area 168, but he has not found any traces of the human tribe——

The Fengyue tribe is in area 168, so it doesn't count.

This made Jiang Bai wonder for a while, could it be that the human race in this world has been slaughtered by alien races?

In addition, I learned from Cao Wuna before that the Heaven Designated in the No. 666 cave world is likely to have only humans from Blue Star.

This undoubtedly made Jiang Bai even more suspicious!

Because according to the urine of Heavenly Dao, it is very possible to place the blue star humans in a world full of alien races!

……ask for flowers…

In this way, Heaven Designated will always be in danger, thus forcing Heaven Designated to take the initiative to strengthen itself.

This coincides with the purpose of Heavenly Dao.

Suddenly, a piece of white in the distance entered Jiang Bai's Vision King.

"Could it be..."

Jiang Bai's heart moved, and he immediately told the golden eagle to turn around through the talent through the telepathic voice transmission, and flew towards that piece of white.

As he got closer, he finally saw clearly that the White was really a frozen scene!

Although this world has entered winter, it has not snowed.

The occurrence of this frozen scene is definitely due to the impact of the cold season in the natural disaster stage!

Just like the original Area 168!

"Sure enough, it is an area that has just been lifted!"

Jiang Bai understood, and immediately decided to go in and have a look.


As he moved deeper into the frozen region, he soon discovered the existence of the Heaven Designated.


"As soon as the regional survival battle ended, the Heaven Designated in this region began to fight among themselves?"

Jiang Bai frowned, looking down at the inside of a frozen canyon below.

At this moment, on the ice in the canyon, the two Heaven Designated are fighting.

Among them, the number of Heaven Designated on the side that was besieged was far less than that on the other side.

However, after Jiang Bai took a closer look, he discovered that the small group of Heaven Designated seemed to be from the Dragon Country?

And among the large group of Heaven Designated, there are not only many foreign faces, but also faces similar to those from the Dragon Kingdom.

It's a multinational team!

This scene immediately reminded Jiang Bai of something.

"Golden Eagle, go down!"

"Okay!" The golden eagle responded and immediately swooped down.

When it was 100 meters away from the ground, Jiang Bai immediately jumped up from the back of the golden eagle.

Standing in the air, he took out the Soul Slayer Bow, and shot a wave of arrows at the group of foreign Heaven Designated.

And the golden eagle also flew over the group of foreign Heaven Designated, tearing up several foreign Heaven Designated instantly with its sharp claws.

The sudden entry of one person and one eagle shocked both sides who were expected to kill.

After seeing Jiang Bai, Heaven Designated from Longguo was immediately pleasantly surprised.

This is the friendly army!

The group of foreign Heaven Designated were shocked and angry, but they also reacted quickly, and immediately dispatched experts to deal with Jiang Bai and the golden eagle.

Looking at the posture, they are determined to destroy the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated!

Jiang Bai also understood, and killing intent spewed out in his heart. .

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