Soon, Cao Wu sent a private message.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, the teleportation is successful!

Cao Wu: The Fire Feather Bird of the first level is safe and sound, and the teleportation array is also fine, just like the Spirit Stones and Spiritual Qi above have been consumed by about one-tenth.

Jiang Bai: Got it, next is the second-order Fire Feather Bird.

Jiang Bai replied with a word, and began to teleport the second-level Fire Feather Bird.

He obviously felt that the extraction speed of Spirit Power was faster than Gangtuan.

Soon, the second-level Fire Feather Bird was teleported successfully.

In this teleportation, three-tenths of the Spirit Stones Spiritual Qi on the teleportation array were consumed.

Then came the third-tier Fire Feather Bird.

This time the consumption is even greater.

Jiang Bai's Spirit Power was drawn even more, and the Spirit Stones of the two teleportation arrays were also depleted of Spiritual Qi in an instant.

After recording the data.

Jiang Bai reloaded the Spirit Stones, retracted the teleportation array, and then flew to the edge of Area 168 on a golden eagle.

All the way to the top of a big mountain on the edge.

Jiang Bai used the ground to shake Talent and flattened the top of the mountain, and then he took out the teleportation array and placed it in place.

This time, it was teleported by Wu 25 again.

that's all.

After repeated transmission tests, Jiang Bai determined that the limit transmission distance of the small transmission array is 100 kilometers.

This range is enough to cover the entire area 168.

in addition--

If transporting dead objects, the heavier the item, the more expensive it will be consumed.

If live creatures are sent, the stronger the target, the greater the consumption.

By the time Jiang Bai returned to Yanhuang City, night had already fallen.

He also threw another teleportation array to Cao Wu, and then returned to his mansion, without even eating dinner, he plunged into the quiet room.

the next day.

Jiang Bai, who hadn't slept all night, excitedly found Cao Wu early in the morning.

"Old Cao, look at this!"

Jiang Bai took out two discs similar to teleportation arrays as if offering treasures.

The difference is that these two discs are only the size of two palms of an adult.

After Cao Wu picked it up and looked at it, he was shocked and asked, "Did you shrink yesterday's teleportation array?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Bai nodded proudly, pointed to the two disks and introduced, "This is the inspiration I got from the Gathering Array disk. I tried all night last night and finally succeeded in reducing it. I call it the Teleportation Array." plate!"

Cao Wu shook his head, wondering: "But this thing is so small, what use can it be?"

Just as Jiang Bai was about to speak, Zhuge Liang on the side interjected: "My lord, if I guessed correctly, Lord Jiang is planning to use this teleportation array to transmit information, right?"

"As expected of Mr. Zhuge, Ricai!"

Jiang Bai gave Zhuge Liang a thumbs up, and then looked at Cao Wu, "Our Heaven Designated has the means of remote communication, but Mr. Zhuge, General Zhao, and the residents summoned from the tribe do not, and this teleportation disk can solve this problem!"

Hearing this, Cao Wu finally reacted.

It's fine now.

But in the future, more and more residents will be summoned, and the territory of the Yanhuang tribe will also become larger and larger, so the connection will be a big problem.

Most importantly, this problem does not arise in the Horde's army.

And the emergence of the teleportation array disk has solved this problem very well!

Zhuge Liang asked: "Master Jiang, does this teleportation disk also need Spirit Power to activate?"

"Mr. Zhuge is worried that some people don't have Spirit Power?"

Jiang Bai understood as soon as he heard it, and explained with a smile, "Mr. Zhuge doesn't have to worry about this at all. You only need to place a piece of low-grade Spirit Stones on the teleportation array to activate it. You don't need Spirit Power at all. When you don't use it, put Spirit Stones Just take Stones down."

"Master Jiang is thoughtful, Kong Ming admires him."

Zhuge Liang's arch cupped hands in admiration.

"Mr. Zhuge, you are too proud." Jiang Bai waved his hand modestly, but his heart was a little bit flustered.

After all, this is the famous Zhuge Wuhou in history!

Then, Jiang Bai thought of something: "By the way, Lao Cao, you should prepare more materials for the teleportation array. I happen to be familiar with the art of refining weapons these days, so let's use the teleportation array to practice!"

"No problem!" Cao Wu readily agreed, there are plenty of materials in the Lingxu Secret Realm.

"Let's do this first, I'm going back to rest!"

Jiang Bai left behind a word, turned and left.

Back at the mansion, he hastily filled his stomach and fell asleep.

In fact, he can recover completely through meditation.

And with his current strength, staying up for ten nights is nothing at all.

But he still didn't get rid of the habits of the Common people, or he didn't want to change.

Sleeping is such a comfortable thing, why quit?

Sleep till noon.

As soon as Jiang Bai woke up, he found that Cao Wu had mailed a lot of materials for refining the teleportation array.

So he got up, washed, filled his stomach, and went into the quiet room again.

Morning after five days.

Staring at the two dark circles under his eyes, Jiang Bai walked out of the quiet room with a yawn, and then returned to the bedroom and fell asleep.

He refined all the materials that Cao Wu mailed into teleportation arrays and teleportation array disks, and mailed them to Cao Wu.

And he finally absorbed and used all the empowerment experience of the refiner and array mage.

Today, he can be called a real platinum-level refiner or Mage!

Sleep until evening.

As soon as Jiang Bai woke up, he received a reminder from the evolution panel that there was a new private message that he hadn't checked yet.

He opened the private message and saw that it was from Cao Wu.

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, if you wake up, come to my mansion immediately, something has happened.

Jiang Bai frowned, and immediately sent Cao Wu a private message.

Jiang Bai: I just woke up, what happened?

Cao Wu replied in seconds: Around noon today, the tribe in Village No. 12 was suddenly attacked by aliens. When I took people to help, the tribe in Village No. 12 had been wiped out by 250, and the Heaven Designated in Village No. 12 had also been destroyed. There were only more than a hundred people left in the massacre.

Alien attack?

Subconsciously, Jiang Bai thought, could it be that the fact that he slaughtered alien tribes outside was exposed?

But when he thought about it again, he had a different appearance of a foreign race every time he made a move, and he never encountered a foreign race whose strength surpassed his own.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be exposed!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai returned a private message.

Jiang Bai: How many alien races came here?

Cao Wu: At least tens of thousands, it should be prepared.

Jiang Bai: That's strange, how did they find Area 168 and precisely lock the location of Village 12?

Cao Wu: I learned from the surviving Heaven Designated in Village No. 12 that a part of Heaven Designated in their village ignored warnings and went secretly to explore outside Area 168. In the end, only a few people escaped with serious injuries.

Seeing Cao Wu's answer, Jiang Bai was speechless.

I'm so...

Do those guys like to kill so much?!

After repeated warnings, he still dared to sneak out!

Jiang Bai: Just wait until I have dinner.

After Jiang Bai replied a private message, he quickly got up.

After taking a shower and having dinner.

Jiang Bai came to Cao Wu's mansion.

At this moment, the top officials of the Yanhuang Tribe have gathered here.

Seeing Jiang Bai walking into the lobby of the front yard, everyone greeted him one after another.

Jiang Bai nodded in response, and went straight to the main seat next to Cao Wu. .

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