All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 115 Challenge The Fifth Order!

a month later.

"Finally finished tempering the last organ!"

Ye Tian let out a mouthful of waste gas, with joy in his eyes.

The fourth level is mainly about cultivating internal organs.


The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are the five internal organs.

The small intestine, gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, and bladder are the five internal organs.

In addition, the chest and abdominal cavity of the human body are distributed with three entrances of upper burner, middle burner and lower burner, which are collectively referred to as the entrance of the triple burner, and are also the sixth viscera of the human body.

This is the internal organs.

Jiang Bai has now tempered his internal organs, and his strength has entered level 4 and level 5.

And he was able to temper the five internal organs so quickly, thanks also to Innate.

Because of the Innate Daoyin technique, there is a visceral refinement chapter!

Next, you only need to temper your internal organs, and your strength will be able to step into level 4 and level 10.

In the end, you only need to pass through the triple burner entrance to advance to the fifth level.

However, the difficulty of penetrating the triple burner entrance is no less than opening up the Acupoints of the Purple Mansion.

Of course, Heaven Designated can use the evolution panel to penetrate the Third Stage entrance.

"With my current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to cut a low-level fifth step, right?"

The improvement in strength has brought greater confidence to Jiang Bai.

No, he also moved his mind, wanting to personally try the power of a fifth-order master.

According to his speculation, the tribal hegemony in the third stage should be Heaven Designated competing with alien tribes outside their respective regions.

According to the current progress of District 168, it is obviously ahead of the event.

If those three super-large tribes can be wiped out again, the Yanhuang tribe will usher in a period of stable development.

In this way, more distance can be thrown away from other areas.

This will take even more advantage in the future!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai made a decision in his heart——

Try your hand with that giant tribe of Gob Lin Yi tonight!

But before that, you still have to prepare.

In the middle of the night.

Jiang Bai stood on a big bare tree, looking at a city in front of him——this is a super-large tribe belonging to the Goblin Yi clan.

He seems to be one with the night, even if you don't look carefully at close range, it is difficult to find his existence.

Because this is one of his Talents, darkness falls!

Darkness Falls, A-level Talent, can summon darkness to descend, and can also manipulate shadows or use shadows as a medium to move quickly.

If you are in the night or in the dark, as long as you stand still, you will automatically hide your body shape, breath, etc.

At the same time, one's own strength will automatically gain a certain increase.

This is why Jiang Bai likes to act at night.

"Golden Eagle, you can start!"

Jiang Bai notified the golden eagle in the sky to start action through telepathic talent.

His whole person also quickly changed into that of a druid.

"Understood." Jin Diao replied in his heart.

Soon, Jiang Bai saw a group of ferocious beasts thrown into the city ahead by the ferocious birds.

In a moment, the whole city was in turmoil.

The three fifth-level masters in the city immediately started to clean up those beasts.

At this time, Jiang Bai deliberately released a trace of hostility.

Although the hostility ended in an instant, it was still captured by the three fifth-order masters.

One of the fifth-level masters immediately shot towards Jiang Bai's place.

The other two fifth-level masters did not move, and continued to clean up the beasts in the city.

Although it was only for a moment, they also judged that the guy who released the hostility was only a fourth rank.

So they think that it is enough to have a fifth order to go.

When Jiang Bai saw that fifth-tier killer approaching, he immediately turned around and ran away.

At the same time, he also asked the golden eagle to launch a general attack in his heart to restrain the two fifth ranks in the city.

After chasing and escaping, Jiang Bai led the fifth-level master away from the city quickly.

He didn't even use the Platinum-level Free and Unfettered Wind Control Technique, and just relying on the Gold-level Free and Unfettered Stepping in the Air, he could easily hang that fifth-level master behind him so that he couldn't catch up.

But that fifth-level master was not hesitant, and kept chasing after him.

During this month, he was almost tormented by Jiang Bai until he had a nervous breakdown.

Now that he finally found a suspicious master, how could he let it go?

For this, Jiang Bai had expected it, and everything was in his plan.

After leaving the city.

Jiang Bai took out the Snow Song Knife, turned around and slashed at the fifth step.

A materialized saber light extended from the saber body, slashing towards the fifth-order head.

The fifth-order snorted coldly, he didn't even bother to hide, he raised his hand and wanted to slap the magnetic light.

But the moment his palm came into contact with the knife light, he immediately let out a cry of pain.

But the light of the knife was also missed by him, splitting a big tree beside him in half.

He looked at the palm and found that it was covered with thin and deep wounds, and the entire palm was dripping with blood.

"Knife Qi?"

The fifth-level master reacted instantly, and his face was a little ugly......

He underestimated the enemy!

At the same time, Jiang Bai also saw the information of this fifth-order master.

【Goblin Elder (Platinum BOSS)

Race: Gob Lin Yi

Strength: Level 5 Level 1

Bloodline: Flame Goblin Bloodline(50%)

Talent: Control the fire. 】

Is it only Tier 5 and Tier 1?

Jiang Bai was determined.

At this time, the Elder Goblin spoke:

"The Druids are a vassal race of ours, and it is impossible to attack our super-large tribe, so this is not your true face!"

"Say, who are you and why are you attacking us?!"

Jiang Bai didn't answer, he raised his saber and cut him off.

He made a quick decision to prevent the other two fifth-orders from rushing to support him.

"very good!"

Seeing Jiang Bai taking the initiative to attack, the Goblin Elder burst out with anger, "When I catch you, I will let you experience the cruelest punishment of our family! At that time, I will not believe that you will not speak!"

Before he finished speaking, he drew out the scimitar from his waist and rushed forward to fight with Jiang Bai.

For a time, the sound of Dangdang collision resounded all around.

As the knife light flickered, the knife energy vented out in all directions.

Those tall trees were unlucky, and they fell down in the aftermath of the battle, and then they were turned into dust.

In the battlefield.

Jiang Bai completely let go of his hands and feet, and exploded with all his strength.

But the elder goblin became more and more frightened.

This guy pretending to be a druid has the strength of level 4 and level 5 at 2.5, but his combat power is beyond common sense!


"If you only have this strength, then hurry up and think about your last words!"

The Elder Goblin snorted coldly, and a terrifying spiritual pressure erupted from his body, directly sending Jiang Bai flying.

Before Jiang Bai landed, the goblin Elder caught up with him as soon as he moved, and slashed at Jiang Bai's chest with the machete.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai set up the Snow Song Knife in time and activated the Golden Light Curse to block the knife.

But he was also smashed to the ground by the knife, causing cracks like spider webs to appear on the ground.


Jiang Bai spat out a mouthful of blood, and he was horrified: Is this the real strength of the fifth level?

Seeing that the Elder Goblin slashed down for the second time, Jiang Bai no longer hid, and immediately activated Talent.

S-rank Talent, bloody madness——

First Stage crazy, Takumi!.

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