All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 123 Spiritual Qi Grenade!


Zhuge Liang nodded in agreement, and then asked, "So Lord Jiang is planning to equip the army with mounts to increase life-saving capabilities?"

"It's more than that." Jiang Bai shook his head and added, "We also need to form cavalry and air combat units. To tell you the truth, when I was exploring outside

I once met a foreign race called the Fenglei Clan, they were born with two wings and could soar in the air, facing such an enemy, we must have air combat troops to deal with it!"

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly: "Although that's the case, no matter forming cavalry or air forces, you must need mounts, and common beasts are not suitable for mounts, because they can't hold the breath of fierce beasts at all."

"So I plan to look for a beast as a mount, but I don't know which beast is more suitable, so I asked Mr. for his opinion.

Jiang Bai explained.

Shaking his head, Zhuge Liang said guiltily: "Master Jiang, I don't know much about beasts, so I can't give you any advice.

"That's it." Jiang Bai was a little disappointed, but he could understand it, "Sir, there is no need to feel guilty. Let alone you, I also don't know much about fierce beasts. At worst, I will spend more time looking for them later."

Speaking of this, Jiang Bai changed the topic, "In addition to the mounts, the equipment of the army 270 also needs to be innovated, especially the long-range attack equipment, which will be needed in the future ground-to-air combat or air combat. What do you think about this, sir? ?”

Zhuge Liang thought for a while, and said: "The long-range attack equipment I can think of is nothing more than various crossbows, but in terms of attack power, Common crossbows can't threaten the enemies who have entered the ranks of Extraordinary!"

"A crossbow?" Jiang Bai was thoughtful.

Common crossbows naturally have a hard time dealing damage to Extraordinary creatures.

But this world also has Extraordinary materials. If these materials are used to make crossbows, Extraordinary creatures can naturally be killed.

And if you use the method of refining weapons to refine all kinds of high-grade crossbows, the power will definitely be stronger!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai asked: "Sir, do you know the design drawings of various crossbows?"

"I know something about it." Zhuge Liangliang nodded and asked curiously, "Why, Master Jiang has a way to increase the power of the crossbow?"

Jiang Bai smiled: "Sir, have you forgotten that I am still a craftsman!"

Zhuge Liang was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.


Jiang Bai also refined the teleportation array before!

Seeing Zhuge Liang's reaction (cfdf), Jiang Bai got up and said: "When you are free, sir, you can draw down the designs of the crossbows you know, no matter how big or small, I will try to improve them."

"Kong Ming takes orders!"

"Then sir, rest, I'm going back."

the next day.

In the quiet room.

"It finally worked!"

Looking at the Jade Slip in his hand, Jiang Bai was overjoyed.

He's been working on Jade Slip all morning.

Fortunately, in the empowerment experience of the refiner, there is the refining experience related to Jade Slip.

The material of Jade Slip is just common jade, and it is impossible to engrave information into it.

It can only be used to store information after being refined by a special method and engraved with the corresponding formation.

"With such a thing, there is no need to write professional knowledge by hand!"

Jiang Bai looked at the Jade Slip in his hand and was very satisfied.

Didn't he tell Cao Wu before that he would provide the professional knowledge of pill refining master, weapon refining and formation mage?

However, the professional knowledge of these three occupations is too much, and it is too time-consuming to rely on handwriting.

Therefore, Jiang Bai came up with Jade Slip.

The method of using Jade Slip is very simple, as long as the strength reaches the fourth level and Mental Energy can leave the body, information can be engraved into Jade Slip.

And easy to read.

Under normal circumstances, just stick the Jade Slip on the center of the eyebrows, and you can directly read the information in the Jade Slip.

This, even the Common people can do it.

Subsequently, Jiang Bai refined a large number of blank Jade Slips.

After that, I engraved all the knowledge I know so far into the blank Jade Slip through Mental Energy, and engraved my name on the surface of the Jade Slip.

Such as "Medicinal Herbs Encyclopedia", "Mineral Encyclopedia" and so on.

With this knowledge, the Yanhuang Tribe can begin to train pill refining masters, weapon refining masters and formation mages in batches.

These three occupations are indispensable no matter it is now or in the future.

After engraving all the knowledge.

Put the Jiang Bai Jade Slip into the storage space, and began to study the equipment.

There is no way, he is the only craftsman in the whole tribe now, and he can only study it at present.

Fortunately, whether it is pill refining or refining equipment.

All can exercise their own Mental Energy.

For Jiang Bai, it is also a kind of practice.

Thirty days later.

Yanhuang City, outside the city gate.

Jiang Bai is showing Zhuge Liang the various crossbows he has improved.

The target of the test shooting was a huge boulder that had been strengthened with Talent Enhancement and reinforced by a large elemental user, which was enough to resist the full attack of a level 3 and level 10 expert.

But in front of the improved crossbow, this boulder is like tofu, easily broken by the crossbow.

after an hour.

Various improved crossbows were finally tested.

Jiang Bai looked at Zhuge Liang who was on the side: "Mr. Zhuge, are these crossbows still powerful?"

"It's not only okay, it's a killer weapon!" Zhuge Liang admired.

What he gave Jiang Bai was only the blueprint of the Common crossbow. He never thought that Jiang Bai could improve it to this extent!

Jiang Bai smiled mysteriously: "Mr. Zhuge, these crossbows can only be regarded as standing equipment. The real big killer is the new weapon I will show next!"

"New weapon?" Zhuge Liang became interested and made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai waved his hand and condensed a bigger boulder in the distance.

Then he took out a grenade-shaped thing from the storage space.

After injecting a ray of Spirit Power into it, he quickly threw it towards the larger boulder.


The grenade-like thing exploded, and at the same time it shattered the boulder, there were sharp sounds of piercing through the air.

Zhuge Liang was taken aback, and asked in amazement: "Master Jiang, what is this thing, how can it have such amazing power?!"

"This is a throwing weapon I researched, and I call it the Spiritual Qi Grenade!"

Jiang Bai replied with a proud face.

"Spiritual Qi grenade?" Zhuge Liang was taken aback, and asked curiously, "Master Jiang, what is the principle of this weapon?"

Jiang Bai explained: "Its principle is to use Spirit Power to stimulate its internal formation, thereby triggering the Spiritual Qi riot of the internal Spirit Stones, so that the whole grenade will explode!

And the explosion of the Spiritual Qi grenade can not only burst out a powerful concussion force, but also the fragments it explodes and the tiny steel balls built into it will also shoot out in all directions, causing damage to the surrounding targets!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang exclaimed: "Is it relying on triggering Spiritual Qi riots to generate lethality? This is a genius idea!".

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