All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 164 Destroy A Country With One Blow!

"... During the day, those countries have to deal with the attacks of the aborigines; at night, they have to deal with even more terrifying weird attacks.

"Under this kind of uninterrupted pincer attack, most of the territories of those countries outside the headquarters have been captured. W

"Only a small number of territories were able to survive the disaster by relocating their territories to near the headquarters of their respective countries in time when the situation was not good."

"But the good times didn't last long. After all the territories outside were captured, the aborigines forces and strange monsters began to attack the headquarters of various countries."

"These days, the territory of the headquarters of various countries has been continuously lost. If this continues, the country will perish sooner or later. 17

"Thus, after summing up, the countries plan to turn to the China Alliance for help."

"It's just that they are worried that the China Alliance will sit idly by, or agree but refuse to make a big effort, so they came up with the stupid trick of threatening with mushroom eggs."

"That's the way it is."

After hearing Guo Jia's words, Jiang Bai, Cao Wu and the Elder fell silent.

for a while.

Cao Wu wondered: "Didn't we sell a lot of talismans to them at a low price? With talismans, they should be able to deal with strange things, right? As for the aborigines, the strength of those countries is not low! Don't talk about chaos Kill, at least it can be easily blocked, right?"

"There should be other reasons, right?" Jiang Bai looked at Guo Jia with a questioning look.

Guo Jia nodded: "Master Jiang expected it well. With the strength of those countries, if the strange monsters and the aborigines just took turns to raid normally, it would be impossible to defeat those countries steadily, but if the monsters and the aborigines secretly Are you teaming up?

Join forces?

Jiang Bai, Cao Wu and the elder Elder were stunned.

This is an unexpected development!

Weirdness is born from death, so it will make creatures instinctively resist and loathe.

And for the weird, the flesh and soul of the living beings are great nourishing things.

It stands to reason that the two can't get together at all!

Could it be...

Jiang Bai suddenly thought of a possibility, and said, "It seems that a king was born out of the weirdness!"

"Master Jiang is amazing, you can guess right!"

Guo Jia complimented, and then explained, "According to the news I have received, ten kings have been born among the monsters, and each monster king has no less than a million monsters serving him.

The ten kings joined forces to attack, first to conquer many aboriginal forces for their own use, and then use the aboriginal people as the vanguard, and the two sides cooperated with each other to conquer the territories of other countries, encroaching and growing step by step!"

After the strange monster reaches the fifth level, it can come and go in the daytime without being afraid of the sun.

But the strength will be weakened a lot.

Conversely, their strength will be increased to a certain extent at night.

Jiang Bai chuckled and said: "It seems that these ten strange kings are very intelligent, and they must have collected information secretly!"

"Master Jiang, how did you see this?" Cao Wu looked puzzled.

Guo Jia interjected: "My lord, if you think back to the weird sequence of conquests, you will know that they conquered the aborigines first, followed by the territories of other countries, and then the headquarters of other countries. This is completely from weak to strong. order."

"So it is." Cao Wu suddenly realized.

If they hadn't collected information in advance, how could those weirdos judge the strength of the target so accurately?

Knowing how to collect information in advance also proves from the side that the wisdom of the top ten weird kings is not low!

At this time, the big Elder said: "According to this, after other countries are breached, it will be our turn next?"

"It's nothing more than a school of miscellaneous fish, and it won't make any waves. The big Elder doesn't have to worry about it."

Jiang Bai waved his hand indifferently, and changed the subject, "I'm thinking, should we wait and watch other countries be wiped out by monsters, or send troops to help out of humanitarianism?"

After a pause, he added, "I personally prefer the first approach, because what they said about using nuclear weapons to kill each other is just a joke to me.

The big Elder frowned and said:

"The academicians of the Academy of Sciences have calculated that as long as you have the strength of the fifth level, you can easily escape the attack range of any mushroom egg."

"If you step into the sixth level, even if you hit a mushroom egg on your face, you won't be able to bear it to death."

"After entering the seventh level, you will be completely free from any damage from mushroom eggs."

"But there are more than one or two mushroom eggs exchanged by those countries!"

Hearing this, Jiang Bai immediately understood the Elder's choice.

Like him, the Great Elder was inclined to the first option.

"Old Cao, come with me."

Jiang Bai got up and said hello, and then looked at the big Elder, "Wait here for a while, by the way, pay attention to the live broadcast of World Channel, and I will deal with the mushroom egg problem

……ask for flowers…

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Bai waved his hand and disappeared in place with Cao Wu.

Through the Talent of the Lord of the Void, Jiang Bai took Wu directly to the headquarters of a certain country.

"Old Cao, help me start a live broadcast on World Channel."

As Jiang Bai spoke, he stretched out his hand and formed a mask of ice on his face.

The style of the mask is the same as the one he wore when he destroyed Eagle Sauce's headquarters!

Cao Wu voice transmission: "Master Jiang, the live broadcast room is open!"

"How many people are there?" Jiang Bai asked via voice transmission.

"Let me take a look... Good guy, just at this moment, there are millions of people coming in!"

"That's fine!"

Jiang Bai nodded and fell asleep below.


He raised his right hand slowly, and a horizontal knife-like Gold knife light slowly condensed and formed in his hand.

At the next moment, Gold's sword light soared 10,000 meters, and instantly slashed towards the headquarters of the country below.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the huge knife light slashed across the ground, leaving a 100-meter wide and bottomless gully.

And within a distance of 10,000 meters in the ravine Fang Fang, everything was affected by the terrifying power of heaven and earth contained in the light of the knife, turning everything into ashes.

The headquarters of the country below, together with the territory of Fang Yuan within 10,000 meters of the headquarters, were also directly wiped off the ground.

In this scene, not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, even Cao Wu was frightened.

Jiang Bai dissipated the light of the knife and faced Cao Wu—the camera in the live broadcast room was the eyes of the unselected.

He deliberately said in a hoarse voice: "Which country dares to threaten the China Alliance with mushroom eggs, this country is an example!"

After the words fell, he sent a voice transmission to Cao Wu to close the live broadcast room.

Cao Wu woke up with a start, quickly turned off the live broadcast room, and then flew in front of Jiang Bai: "Master Jiang, did you just use a power beyond the seventh level?"

"No, what's the matter?"

Jiang Bai removed the ice mask and looked at Cao Wu suspiciously.

Cao Wu swallowed his saliva: "Your knife just now, maybe even an eighth-level master can instantly kill it?"

"What did I think?" Jiang Bai rolled his eyes and patted Cao Wu on the shoulder, "Don't be envious, when your understanding of the world reaches a certain level, what I just did, you can do the same. 17

After the words fell, he activated the Void Lord Talent, took Cao Wu and disappeared in place. .

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