All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 170 Climbing The Heavenly Dao Monument Again

"No, what about my big Zifu space?"

Jiang Bai's dharma body came to the center of his eyebrows, but he found that the Zifu space had disappeared!

Just when he was flustered, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

He hastily maneuvered the Dharma Body to his chest.

Here, there is a black tear that keeps swallowing the gray spiritual essence.

This dark vortex is the Realm where all the caves are fused!

To be precise, this is just the prototype of Realm, which is still in the process of being conceived!

Jiang Bai felt that the Zifu space seemed to be in the dark vortex.

After hesitating for a moment, he manipulated his body and stepped into the whirlpool.

Without any discomfort, the dharma body passed through the vortex and came to a space filled with gray mist.

Following the induction, Jiang Bai instantly locked the source of the gray mist through the Dharma Body.

It was a thing shaped like a heart, the size of a coconut, and it was beating "five three three" regularly.

Moreover, there are eighty-one natural marks on the surface of this thing.

"What is this? The heart of the Realm?"

Curious, Jiang Bai manipulated his Dharma Body to approach this thing.

As soon as the dharma body reached out and touched this thing, it was instantly sucked into its interior.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Bai saw a familiar starry sky above his head through the dharma body, and the familiar sea of ​​Divine Sense below him.

"So this heart-like thing was transformed from the Zifu space?"

Jiang Bai looked around thoughtfully.

He found that the Zifu space had expanded at least a thousand times compared to before the promotion.

This also caused the sea of ​​Divine Sense to be at least a thousand times larger than before the promotion!

It's a pity that in the cultivation encyclopedia, only information from the first to the eleventh level is recorded.

Among them, the records of the eleventh order are especially rare.

So Jiang Bai couldn't figure out what that heart-like thing was.

In addition, he found that Daoji and Daotai had disappeared.

In its place was a huge, gray lotus flower with eighty-one petals.

Jiang Bai manipulated the Dharmakaya and came to the center of the Lotus flower in one step.

In an instant, a sense of enlightenment rose from his heart.

At this moment, he realized all the changes in the physical body.

It turns out that the heart-like thing is his 'Dao Fruit', and the eighty-one traces are 'Dao Marks'

The gray lotus flower is transformed from the Dao foundation and the Dao platform, and it is the 'lotus seat' used to carry the dharma body.

Not only that, this lotus seat also has the effect of increasing and protecting the Dharma body.

The space where Dao Fruit is located is Realm's C space.

"Dao fruit, law body, law of heaven and earth..."

"It seems that the tenth order and the eleventh order are completely different concepts!"

With a sigh of emotion, Jiang Bai manipulated the Dharma Body to sit down cross-legged.

And the rosette under the dharma body also began to shrink automatically until it was just enough to hold the dharma body.

Immediately, Jiang Bai withdrew his mind from the dharmakaya, achieved the fruit of the Dao, and left the inner space of Realm.

He looked around the body, carefully inspecting the changes in the body.

For a long time.

Jiang Bai returned to his mind and slowly opened his eyes.

At the same time, the records of the evolution panel also began to be refreshed.

[Record: Congratulations on your successful promotion to the eleventh level, with +51,200 potential points. 】

[Record: Your 'Pure Yang Primordial Spirit' has transformed into a 'Pure Yang Dharma Body']

[Record: You have condensed 'Realm'. 】

[Record: You have condensed the 'Dao Fruit (Chaos, 80 first rank)'. 】

【Record: Your Dao foundation and Dao platform have been transformed into a rosette (eighty first rank)".】

[Reminder: The "Dao Fruit" will reflect different attributes according to the natal phase of each creature, and divide the grade according to the number of Dao marks, the highest is eighty first rank. 1

[Reminder: The grade of the 'Lotus Seat' is based on petals, a piece of first rank, the higher the grade, the stronger the efficacy, up to eighty first rank. Note: The grade of the rosette is equal to the grade of the dharmakaya. 1

After waiting for a while, Jiang Bai couldn't help scratching his head when he saw that the evolution panel didn't continue to display reminders.

"It didn't trigger the Heavenly Dao announcement?"

Jiang Bai is very sure that he is definitely the first Heaven Designated to enter the first level.

According to the records in the Daquan Daquan, the eleventh level is the apex—at least the apex of the No. 666 cave world!

As the first Heaven Designated to reach the apex, it didn't trigger the Heavenly Dao announcement?

This is a bit unreasonable!

Just when Jiang Bai was thinking this way, he suddenly had a feeling and looked up at the sky.

I saw billows of purple air coming from the east, covering the sky as far as the eye can see in an instant.

Endless Dao Rhyme fills the heaven and earth, and the power of heaven overwhelms all things.

"Isn't this a vision of heaven and earth——Purple Qi from the East?"

Jiang Bai muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a melodious bell sounded from nowhere, and hearing it made one's mind clear...

The bell rang nine times in a row.

Afterwards, Gold auspicious clouds broke through the purple air and manifested, accompanied by bursts of fairy music.

Among the auspicious clouds, you can vaguely see the goddess swaying petals, and the dragon and phoenix lotus soaring into the sky.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai immediately understood what was going on.

When he broke the first-order extreme Time Limit, he had seen this scene before.


Following a roaring sound from the sky and the earth, two huge monuments suddenly rose from the sky.

Miraculously, the two monuments are obviously very far away, but Jiang Bai can see everything on them clearly.

In fact, not only him, but all Heaven Designated and aborigines in the cave world can clearly see those two monuments.

On the top of the two monuments, four golden characters appeared: Heavenly Dao Monument!

It is different from the Heavenly Dao monument of the first-order breakthrough Time Limit.

On the two Heavenly Dao monuments, many deeds of existence are recorded.

From the perspective of deeds, one of the monuments records the deeds about Daoguo, and the other about the lotus seat.

At the same time, Heavenly Dao's voice sounded in Jiang Bai's ear.

[Reminder: You have condensed eighty first rank Dao fruits, this matter is eligible to be included in the Heavenly Dao Monument, do you want to hide basic information? 】

[Reminder: You have condensed eighty first rank rosettes, this matter is eligible to be included in the Heavenly Dao Monument, do you want to hide basic information?]

"Hide all!"

As Jiang Bai made his choice, he saw two golden lights from bottom to top, climbing up 5.8 liters rapidly along the two monuments respectively.

[Human Race: Hide. Age: Hidden. Records: Hidden. 】x2

Those two golden lights, respectively at the top of the two monuments, turned into a line of identical characters.

This scene of deja vu made all the creatures who saw the Heavenly Dao monument resound the human race that was the first to visit the Heavenly Dao monument back then.

Not long after, the Heavenly Dao monument slowly disappeared.

And the voice of Heavenly Dao's announcement finally sounded.

【Heavenly Dao Announcement: Terran Heaven Designated ‘xxx’ has successfully landed on the ‘Heavenly Dao Monument (Dao Fruit) special reward: Enter the Heavenly Dao treasure house once, luck +1 million, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】x3

[Heavenly Dao Announcement: Terran Heaven Designated ‘xxx’ successfully landed on the ‘Heavenly Dao Monument (Lotus Seat) special reward: Enter the Heavenly Dao treasure house once, Luck +1 million, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】x3

Two Heavenly Dao announcements in a row, broadcast six times in a row. .

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