"Fake, this must be fake!"

"Isn't Heavenly Dao imprisoned in the trial ground? How come there are so many eighth-level powerhouses?!"

"The eighth-level powerhouse is fine, but the key is why there is a ninth-level powerhouse!?"

"Hehe, I must have hallucinations, yes, it must be hallucinations!"

Just when the masters of Ling Xiaozong and other sects were still immersed in unbelievable emotions.

Many masters of the Yanhuang collar have already swooped down and launched an attack.

In an instant, screams, screams, and cursing continued to sound.

The nine warships instantly became a mess.

In a moment, the warship was shattered by the aftermath of the battle.

Fortunately, the battleships are all fifth-level masters, and they already have the ability to fly at low altitudes, so they won't fall to their deaths.

At the same time, Cao Wu, Su Xingyu and Bai Qi approached the three Elders of Ling Xiaozong respectively.

Cao Wu found four elders, Su Xingyu found six elders, and Bai Qi found five elders.

They flew high into the sky to fight in a tacit understanding, and the battle affected their own masters.

A battle of this scale quickly attracted the attention of other eighth-level masters.

And Jiang Bai, who was far away in Yanhuang City, naturally sensed it.

He flew high into the sky, looking towards the southwest, and the whole battlefield was reflected in his eyes.

"A master of foreign forces, is this the level?"

After watching for a while, Jiang Bai's complexion became weird.

He discovered that the entire battlefield was full of masters from the Yanhuang collar, who were rampaging one-sidedly!

Not to mention the battles at the same level, even the battles above the 1st and 2nd level are the same!

As for the reason?

Jiang Bai also saw it.

The masters of the foreign forces seem to be inferior to the masters of the Yanhuang collar in terms of Cultivation Technique, techniques, and Supernatural Power.

That's why when they were fighting, they were brutally abused by the masters of the Yanhuang collar.

Even if it is head-to-head, they are the ones who suffer.

What's more, the masters of the Yanhuang collar are all at least eighth rank, and their overall strength is far beyond them.

No, the battle was over in just half an hour.

Except for the three ninth-level masters, the rest of the outsiders were all beheaded by the masters of the Yanhuang collar.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai went back to the mansion and waited quietly for news.

at dusk.

Jiang Bai received Cao Wu's notice and came to the conference room of Cao Wu's mansion.

The other high-ranking members of the Yanhuang collar have also arrived.

After Jiang Bai was seated, Cao Wu began to talk about foreign forces.

After the interrogation in the afternoon, he got a lot of information about the outside world.

For example, the extraterritorial forces that came here today all come from the most powerful (cfdd) nine sects in the southern region.

Another example is the three Elders of Ling Xiaozong, who call Dongtian World No. 666 the Tianhuang Realm, and the Eastern Territory as the Land of Trials, and they also know the existence of the unselected.

Moreover, the founder of Ling Xiaozong was also a Heaven Designated!

Another example is that the Tianhuang Realm is centered on the central region, and the east, south, west, and north regions are distributed in all directions.

Among them, the area of ​​the middle domain is much wider than the sum of the other four domains, and the Spiritual Qi is also the most intense.

Therefore, the middle domain is also called the middle land, and the four domains are also called the barbaric land or the land outside.

Therefore, the Central Territory is the ancestral land of all the clans, and it can be said that there are many clans.

Among the other four regions, the southern region is dominated by human races, the western region is a mixed race of aliens, the northern region is a chaotic place where humans and aliens coexist, and the eastern region is a place of trials selected by Heavenly Dao.

Also, there is another big news.

In the memory of the three Elders of Ling Xiaozong, the middle domain is not connected to the other four domains.

Whether it is going from the middle domain to the other four domains, or the other four domains entering the middle domain, it needs to go through special channels.

But what is the specific way, the three Elders of Ling Xiaozong don't know.

They only know that according to the patriarch's handwriting handed down by Ling Xiaozong, the founder of Ling Xiaozong failed to enter the central region, and then moved to the southern region to establish Ling Xiaozong.

Moreover, it is said that Ling Xiaozong's founding patriarch kept thinking about it until his death, wanting to enter the Central Territory.

After listening to the information relayed by Cao Wu.

Everyone in the conference room was lost in thought.

Jiang Bai is no exception.

He guessed that if Heaven Designated wants to leave the cave world and enter a wider world, it must enter the middle domain.

But judging from what happened to the founder of Ling Xiaozong, if he wanted to enter the Central Territory, he might have to go through a test or a dispute.

Those who pass Heaven Designated are eligible to enter the middle domain.

On the contrary, you can only stay in the king of the four domains.

Of course, this is just Jiang Bai's inference based on the existing information, and he doesn't know exactly how.

But it has a purpose, doesn't it?

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai tapped on the conference table to attract everyone's attention.

Then he said: "Judging from the information we have obtained so far, our next goal should be to enter the Central Territory. No matter what conditions are required to enter the Central Territory, or what tests we have to go through, one thing remains unchanged, that is strength !"

Speaking of this, he looked around everyone and said seriously, "No matter what we face next, strength is always the foundation of our foothold! As long as we have enough strength, we can overturn the rules and dominate everything!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

And they have been carrying out this belief along the way.

Jiang Bai continued: "Develop the territory, strengthen yourself, and accumulate foundation, this is what you will do next."

"Us?" Cao Wu tilted his head to look at Jiang Bai, his face twitched, "Master Jiang, you don't want to go out alone again, do you?"

"What fun, I call it exploration!" Jiang Bai retorted solemnly.

Everyone: ...

I believe you so much!

"Okay, this matter is settled like this!"

"Follow-up matters, you can discuss on your own!"

After Jiang Bai made the decision, he immediately got up and fled.

Cao Wu and other Heaven Designated immediately raised their middle fingers towards Jiang Bai's back to express their contempt.

All joking aside, they still want to listen to Jiang Bai's words.

In the following meeting, Cao Wu took over to conduct specific discussions and work assignments.

the other side.

After Jiang Bai came out of Cao Wu's mansion, he didn't rush back to the mansion, but came to the building of the market.

Clicking on the shopping screen, he began to search for a map of the Four Realms.

Not to mention, this thing is really for sale!

However, there are only maps of the Southern Region, Northern Region, and Western Region, but not the Eastern Region.

And the price of the map is a bit expensive, actually need 1,000 yuan for three copies of the low-grade Spirit Stones.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai now has no shortage of low-tier Spirit Stones, so he spent 3,000 low-tier Spirit Stones to buy the map of the Three Domains.

Then he searched for the Zhongyu map and found that it was also for sale.

But the middle-level map requires 1,000 pieces of middle-grade Spirit Stones.

The price has doubled tenfold!

Jiang Bai hesitated and bought it anyway.

Then, he left with four Jade Slips that recorded the map.

Go back to the mansion.

Jiang Bai came to the quiet room, sat cross-legged on the futon, and then began to read the map in Jade Slip.

Soon, he read all the maps of the three domains and the middle domain and kept them firmly in his mind.

Afterwards, he took out a blank Jade Slip and integrated all the maps of the five domains in his mind before engraving them into the Jade Slip.

After finishing the map, he began to prepare things for travel. .

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