All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 189 Jiang Bai's Past

"Bai Feifei, the number one beauty of Wanzu Academy?"

Jiang Bai looked at the direction in which the woman was leaving, and muttered to himself.

He used Divine Sense to read the memory of those students just now, and soon found information about the woman.

To his surprise, not only was the woman exactly the same as the girl in his memory in appearance, even her name was the same.

"Even if there is a promise from generation to generation, I am no longer in the original world, so how can I meet her?"

"It should be a coincidence..."

Jiang Bai sighed softly, and walked towards the cafeteria.

When you fill your stomach and come out of the cafeteria.

It was already dark outside.

Jiang Bai was not in a hurry to return to his residence, but wandered around aimlessly in the college.

Once some memories are revived, it is very difficult to ignore them.

Especially these memories are so unforgettable.

Although Jiang Bai has been subconsciously ignoring these memories, he is still affected unconsciously.

The most notable impact is that many Heaven Designated, including Cao Wu, are married and have children.

But Jiang Bai is still alone.

It's not that there are no beautiful women around him, nor is it that there are no women he likes.

But he always ignores it subconsciously.

The source is that girl named Bai Feifei.

Before crossing.

Jiang Bai and Bai Feifei met, got acquainted, knew each other, fell in love, and fell in love in college. Everything was so beautiful.

But unfortunately, when the two were in the deepest love, a rare disease took away Sun Sin.

Jiang Bai, who was in pain, has been drunk all day since then.

Finally, one night due to a car accident, he crossed to Blue Star.

It's just that he stayed in Blue Star for half an hour before being transferred to No. 666 Dongtian World.

This series of changes also made him cheer up again, until now.

As for the memories of the past, he has never dared to touch them.

I never thought that these memories would be revived here again.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai is no longer himself.

Whether it is his heart or mood, he has already surpassed the common self.

So now we can face the past calmly.

Suddenly, Jiang Bai's footsteps stopped.

He seemed to hear a cry for help!


This time, Jiang Bai heard clearly, it was the female student named Bai Feifei calling for help!

He unfolded Divine Sense, and instantly locked on Bai Feifei's position in the grove by the roadside.

Not only that, he also discovered through Divine Sense that the male student named Zhang Liang who was chasing Bai Feifei with flowers before was also there.

"Stop barking!"

"At this time, no one will come here!"

"Just obey me obediently! Hahaha..."

Hearing Zhang Liang's obscene laughter, Jiang Bai's face turned cold, and he disappeared in place.

Just when Zhang Liang's claws were about to touch the hundred sins on the ground.

Jiang Bai silently appeared beside him, grabbing Zhang Liang's hand.

"You, who are you!"

Zhang Liang was startled, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that it was impossible.

Jiang Bai didn't answer, Divine Sense quietly invaded Zhang Liang's mind and quickly read his memory.

Immediately, Jiang Bai's face sank, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Relying on his own power, this Zhang Liang is arrogant and domineering outside, doing all kinds of evil.

There are at least a thousand girls who have been harmed by him!

There are hundreds of girls who were tortured to death by him!

This is simply a Devil in human skin!

"It's no wonder that in the great battle that day, human traitors broke through the city wall!"

"It seems that the inside of the human race in Human Realm has been completely rotten!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai's expression turned cold.

Zhang Liang deserves to die, but the family behind him deserves to die even more!

If it wasn't for the family behind him, he would have died so many times!

"who are you?"

"It's best to let me go quickly, or you will see it!"

While struggling, Zhang Liang threatened Jiang Bai viciously.


Jiang Bai raised his hand and slapped Zhang Liang out.

"Some people are beyond your reach!"

"Next time, the family behind you will not be able to protect you!"

Instead of looking at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, Jiang Bai has to give Luo Ji a face no matter what.

So he didn't kill Zhang Liang, but helped Bai Feifei who was stunned, and left.

Zhang Liang got up from the ground and stared at Jiang Bai's back, the anger in his eyes could burn the sea.

He really wanted to rush forward and snatch Bai Feifei back.

But he knew better that it would be useless even if he rushed forward, because Jiang Bai's strength far surpassed his own.

This point can be seen from when he was caught just now, even if he broke out with all his strength, he couldn't break free.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to offend me, you and everyone around you will die!"

Zhang Liang let out a low growl, turned around and left.

the other side.

Jiang Bai helped Bai Feifei to a gazebo.

He activated the Sacred recovery technique Talent to recover Bai Feifei's injuries and remove toxins from her body.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Yes, Bai Feifei was poisoned.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to defeat Zhang Liang.

"Well, the toxins in your body have been removed by me."

After Jiang Bai said a word, he withdrew the Sacred recovery technique, turned around and left.

"Wait!" Bai Feifei stood up and called Jiang Bai, gratefully said, "Student, thank you for your rescue just now, can you tell me, what's your name?"

.......My name is Jiang Bai. "


Bai Feifei frowned slightly, and searched quickly in her mind, only to find that she had never heard of this name before, nor had she seen this person before.

"But why, this person and this name give me an inexplicable sense of familiarity?"

the next day.

Jiang Bai got up early in the morning and saw Cao Wenbin standing outside the door as soon as he went out.

"Dean Cao, why are you here? What do you need from me?"

"It's a small matter." Cao Wenbin looked hesitant.

Jiang Bai smiled and said, "Dean Cao, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Okay, then I'll say it straight."

Cao Wenbin gritted his teeth and asked cautiously, "Mr. Jiang, do you know Zhang Liang?"

"Why, the Zhang family came to you?" Jiang Bai understood immediately.

Cao Wenbin nodded: "Last night, the Patriarch of the Zhang family contacted me, saying that his son was beaten in the academy, and asked me to find out who it was. Then I found Bai Feifei, and only then did I know what happened to Xiaoshulin last night."

"You know my identity. It stands to reason that I, an outsider, shouldn't meddle in my own business."

"But I still want to ask, Dean Cao, do you really know nothing about Zhang Liang's actions in the academy?"

Hearing Jiang Bai's question, Cao Wenbin's expression tightened.

Jiang Bai saw it, shook his head and said: "I have already told Brother Luo about what happened last night, you should take the initiative to ask Brother Luo to plead guilty!"

Wanzu College is the human race in the human realm, a place used to train elites of the human race.

Zhang Liang's cancer was rampant in the college, and Cao Wenbin, as the dean, not only turned a blind eye to it, but also condoned it.

Based on this alone, Cao Wen deserves to die!

If it wasn't for Yanhuang Kingdom, Jiang Bai would have killed Cao Wenbin without saying a word.

It's a pity that this is a human environment, he has to take Luo Ji and others' face into consideration.

So he told Luo Ji what happened yesterday, including Cao Wenbin's cover-up and connivance.

How to deal with Cao Wenbin, naturally Luo Ji came to the idea.

Cao Wenbin didn't say any more, just bowed deeply to Jiang Bai, and then staggered away from Shao. .

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