All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 191 School Reorganization Comes To An End

In the depths of Wanzu Academy.

"Mr. Lao Jiang will take action."

Wang Yongjun saluted Jiang Bai respectfully, with horror still remaining in his eyes.

Just tonight, those strong men sent by the Thousand Year forces sneaked into the depths of the academy, intending to capture him.

As a result, Jiang Bai silently took down all of these powerhouses as soon as they reached the halfway point.

You must know that among these powerhouses, there are many 11th-level and 10th-level existences!

Now he was taken down by Jiang Bai silently, which shows how terrifying his strength is!

"It's nothing more than a little effort, not to mention that I also promised Brother Luo."

Jiang Bai waved his hand indifferently.

Before leaving, he also told Wang Yongjun not to expose his existence.

To this, Wang Yongjun naturally agreed repeatedly, not daring to violate it.

When Jiang Bai returned to his residence, he saw Bai Feifei hovering outside the door.

He walked over curiously: "Student Bai, it's so late, why are you looking for me?"

When he went to the library to read, he met Bai Feifei several times, so the two became friends.

"I've come to say goodbye to you."

Bai Feifei looked at Jiang Bai with complicated expressions in her eyes.

She didn't know how to answer 25, but she actually had a very strange feeling for this male classmate who had saved her once, but she had known him not long ago.

"Farewell?" Jiang Bai looked puzzled.

Bai Feifei nodded and explained: "I have an accident at home, so I have to go home tonight.

"Do you need my help?" Jiang Bai asked casually.

Shaking her head, Bai Feifei forced a smile and said, "No need, it's just a family matter.

"Okay." Jiang Bai didn't force it, but he still told him, "If you encounter difficulties, remember to contact me, I can solve anything.

"I remember." Bai Feifei nodded slightly, but didn't take it seriously.

Although she knew that Jiang Bai's status was mysterious, she did not believe that Jiang Bai had the ability to settle things that her family could not solve.

Watching Bai Feifei go away, Jiang Bai took out the communicator and contacted Luo Ji.

"Brother Luo, I want to know a person's background, can you check it for me?"


"Bai Feifei."

"Wait for me for ten minutes."

After hanging up the communication, Jiang Bai returned to the villa.

In less than ten minutes, he received a message from Luo Ji about Bai Feifei's background information.

After a quick scan.

A look of understanding appeared on Jiang Bai's face: "The Bai family, one of the Thousand Year family, no wonder they were hurriedly called back.

As Wang Yongjun cleared the Disciplinary Department with thunderous means, those Thousand Year forces began to recall the members who were still in the academy.

Those Thousand Year forces are not stupid. Seeing the Ten Thousand Races Academy become the center of the storm, how can they let their outstanding members stay in a dangerous place?

You must know that those who can enter the Ten Thousand Races Academy are either geniuses among geniuses, or extremely important members of various forces.

Such members will be the pillars or power holders of various forces in the future, and the various forces naturally cannot see him (her) in danger.


"Brother Luo, is the Bai family in the process of cleaning up?"

Jiang Bai contacted Luo Ji and asked directly.

After pondering for a while, Luo Ji said: "Brother Jiang, to tell you the truth, the Bai family has long been on the cleanup list. Do you still remember that the wall of the giant city at the border was blown down in the battle? The Bai family was involved in it!

"Is that so?" Jiang Bai frowned.

He thought for a while, and said bluntly: "Brother Luo, I want to protect someone alone, I wonder if I can?"

"Is that the Bai Feifei you asked me to check?"

Luo Ji guessed right.

Jiang Bai nodded: "Yes, can I?"

"No problem." Luo Ji agreed without hesitation, and said with a smile, "To tell you the truth, although the Bai family is on the clean-up list, not all Bai family members will be cleared. This is the same with other forces.

Jiang Bai breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Luo, thank you very much, I owe you a favor for this matter."

"Brother Jiang, I don't like hearing what you say!"

Luo Ji's tone was full of dissatisfaction, and he pretended to be angry and said, "Let's not say that you have made great contributions to the human race. Just for such a trivial matter, you are so polite to me. Why, look down on me, brother?"

"I didn't mean that..." Jiang Bai sweated a little.

Luo Ji snorted: "Then I don't care, anyway, I'm upset, you have to buy me a drink, and you have to cook yourself!"

"Okay, you can come anytime, and I can do it anytime, will it work?"

"It's almost the same, hang up!"

Looking at the hung up communication, Jiang Bai smiled and shook his head.

Putting down the communicator, he unfolded Divine Sense, and instantly locked on to Bai Feifei.

He left a ray of Divine Sense on Bai Feifei's body, and then took back the Divine Sense.

With this ray of Divine Sense, even if Bai Feifei is in danger, she can survive until he rushes to rescue her.

What, Jiang Bai likes Bai Feifei?

That's out of the question.

With Jiang Bai's current state of mind, Cultivation Base, he has already been able to easily grasp his own heart.

He could also feel that inexplicable familiarity from Bai Feifei.

But if you like it, that's not enough.

Because Jiang Bai still hasn't figured out whether this Bai Feifei is the Bai Feifei in his heart.

He didn't want, nor allowed another person, to replace the one in his heart.

Moreover, he never regarded Bai Feifei as a substitute.

a month later.

After a month, Tian Yongjun's actions finally came to an end.

After his rectification, Wanzu College has also taken on a new look from top to bottom.

Jiang Bai felt particularly deeply about this point.

Because he found that more and more students came to the library.

Moreover, these students all came to study with sincerity, not to talk about love like before.

not only that.

After those cancerous and powerful students were eliminated, a large number of real geniuses immediately appeared in the 650 of the academy.

These geniuses belong to the common people.

They have been suppressed by those powerful students, and even seized or occupied resources, which made it impossible for these ordinary geniuses to emerge.

After Wang Yongjun's rectification, the resource supply of these geniuses not only returned to normal, but also received a lot of compensation.

So, they began to spring up like mushrooms after rain.

In view of this, Wang Yongjun set iron rules for Wanzu College after consulting the high-level people of the human race.

Put an end to students who go through the back door, and anyone who becomes a student of Wanzu College must be treated equally.

You can't secretly engage in specialization just because of the identity and background of the students.

Of course, if you want privileges, it's not impossible.

As long as you show enough aptitude, understanding, strength, etc., you can not only enjoy privileges, but also enjoy resource tilt!

While Wang Yongjun gave all students an equal opportunity, he also provoked competition among the students.

To put it bluntly, it is to let the students roll in!

Big waves wash away the sand, survival of the fittest.

With limited resources, we can only concentrate resources to cultivate elites.

If you want to become an elite, you have to work hard!

For this reason, Wang Yongjun also conducted a special assessment for all the students.

Unqualified guys, even old or powerful students, will be expelled.

In Wang Yongjun's words, Wanzu Academy only trains elites!.

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