All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 211 Kissing The Mountain Of Thousand Beasts

Yanhuang City.

Jiang Fu.

After Jiang Bai came back, he immediately notified Cao Wu to go to the mansion.

"Jiangye, you came back at this time, it should be for the invasion of evil spirits, right?"

Hearing Cao Wu's question, Jiang Bai nodded: "This is the last and biggest test. If you pass it, you will be able to go to a bigger stage. If you don't pass it, you will stay in this world, or you will be wiped out!"

This is the information he got from Bai Feifei.

Of course, there is no absolute.

If there is a big boss leading it, it will not be a problem for the whole country to leave the cave world!

It's a pity that Jiang Bai himself is a big boss, if he doesn't work hard, no one can lead him.

After pondering for a moment, Wu asked, "What are your plans?"

"Be the first to strike first!"

Jiang Bai's eyes flickered, and he explained, "As far as I know, this world has experienced demons twice. Once, the first time led to the destruction of the elf empire, and the second time caused this world to divide into five domains. It can be seen that the demons are extremely terrifying!

Therefore, we must keep an eye on all places, and as soon as the demons come, we will immediately surround them, we cannot allow them to develop, and then concentrate our efforts to completely wipe them out!"

Cao Wu nodded: "I will instruct Guo Jia to mobilize all the intelligence networks in various domains and keep an eye on this matter."

After a pause, he added, "What about the aborigines? Do you need to be notified?"

"I'll let you know!"

"Success, then I will go and order Guo Jia to mobilize the intelligence network first."

After watching Cao Wu leave, Jiang Bai frowned and fell into deep thought.

On the way back, they committed a hundred crimes.

The last few activities that Bai Feifei experienced before were not demonic invasions.

Although those activities are difficult, they are far less difficult than the invasion of demons.

Let's put it this way, if these last activities are divided into levels, then the demon invasion is definitely the highest level of The Underworld!

So, here comes the problem.

Why is this last event so difficult?

Moreover, the event description also stated that demons are the main enemies of Heaven Designated in the future!

the future!

Why is it showing up now?

"Forget it, when the water comes to cover it, the soldiers come to block it!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai also got up and walked towards the courtyard.

After returning to the courtyard where he lived, he plunged into the quiet room and began pill refining.

ten days later.

"Master Jiang, we have found the trace of the demon!"


"Deep in the sea!"

The sea area is the weak point of Yanhuang Kingdom's intelligence network, and it is impossible to detect every place at all times.

So what Jiang Bai is most worried about is the sea area.

However, the evil spirits really descended on the sea!

Cao Wu worried and asked: "Master Jiang, how do you pay it back now?"

"What else can I do?"

Jiang Bai spread his hands, and said helplessly, "You go to mobilize the army and immediately build a defense line along the coast. At the same time, let Qihang Island notify the various forces in the sea area and let them withdraw to the Western Region. I will notify other races and let them Mobilize the army as quickly as possible to rush to the Western Regions, and be sure to block the army of demons from the coastline!"

"Success!" Cao Wu nodded, got up and left.

Just two steps away, he suddenly turned his head: "Does the Eastern Territory need to be notified?"

"Just let them know, it's up to them whether you come or not."

Jiang Bai waved his hand indifferently.

There are armies of the various tribes in the Central Region, and those Heaven Designated countries in the Eastern Region are not important at all.

After Cao Wu left.

Jiang Bai also split out hundreds of clones, and let the clones bring enough Spatial Teleportation formations to rush to the territory of the various races in the Central Region.

With the presence of Spatial Teleportation, the armies of various tribes can be directly teleported to the White Tiger pass in the Western Regions.

Then through the Spatial Teleportation array of the White Tiger pass, it is directly transmitted to 'Linhai City'.

The area of ​​Qihang Island is too small. The Yanhuang Kingdom has long built a city along the coast --- Linhai City.

Moreover, various factories were built in the city, and the products produced by the factories on weekdays were all used for sale in the sea area.

Today, these factories can just be converted into logistics factories or arsenals to supply the needs of the front line.

Just as the tribes were actively preparing for war, Jiang Bai's body came to Wanshou.

The sea area is so vast that it is even above the mainland.

Moreover, there are countless powerful sea beasts hidden in the sea area.

The contagious and erosive nature of the demonic aura is like a plague, and the entire sea area may suffer.

If you want to keep the army of demons off the coastline, the help of Wanshou Mountain is indispensable.

No, Jiang Bai didn't hide his whereabouts, directly released his breath, and flew to the top of Wanshou Mountain.

Under the influence of his aura, the powerful beasts sleeping in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain also woke up one after another.

The powerful and tyrannical aura intertwined, smashing the clouds to pieces.

Especially on the top of Wanshou Mountain, ten auras far beyond the ordinary Half step Dharma Phase burst out, changing the color of the world!

"As expected of the king of Myriad Beast Mountain!"

Jiang Bai's eyes lit up, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

It has been a long time since he let go of his hands and feet to fight, maybe today he can let it go!

When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw seven men and two women standing side by side on the edge of the cliff, staring straight at him.

"Jiang Bai in the lower Yanhuang Kingdom, I interrupted recklessly, just to invite everyone from Wanshou Mountain to resist evil spirits together!"

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, the seven men and two women all frowned.

One of the burly men snorted coldly: "No matter what the reason is, if you dare to break into Wanshou Mountain without authorization and disturb my sleeping, you will have to do it!"

Although the other nine people did not speak, their expressions said everything.

Jiang Bai smiled bluntly: "Okay, if you can beat me, then I will let you deal with it, and vice versa!"

"Refreshing!" The rough man's face softened a little, he stretched out his hand out of thin air and took out a black red long dagger, pointing directly at Jiang Bai.

Seeing this, the other nine people stepped aside.

Jiang Bai shook his head: "You guys should go together, I'm in a hurry!"

"I'll talk about it when you win the battle!" The rough man shouted, stabbing Jiang Youmen with a spear in his hand.


Good advice, why don't you believe it?

Jiang Bai smacked his lips, stretched out two fingers, and easily caught Chang Ge.

The rugged man's face suddenly changed.

Because he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't withdraw the Chang Ge!


The rough man shouted angrily, and the spiritual energy in his body exploded, and blasted towards Jiang Bai's finger along the long spear.

However, under the bombardment of this terrifying spiritual energy, Jiang Bai's two fingers were not damaged at all.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the nine people also became dignified.

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai exerted his strength suddenly, and directly grabbed the Chang Ge, taking advantage of the opportunity, he used the Chang Ge to blow the rough man out.

Then he flicked it, and Chang Ge landed right in front of the rugged man.

"I said, you should go together!"

Hearing these words again, the other nine people looked at each other and came to the side of the rough man in unison.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai pointed upwards with one hand: "Let's go to the sky to fight, so as not to destroy your Mountain of Beasts.

As soon as the words fell, he soared into the sky and flew high into the sky.

The ten followed closely behind. .

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