All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 219 Ten Thousand Races Continent

Jiang Bai got a special technique back then - Qiansi Secret Technique.

This technique can not only refine Spirit Power and Lingyuan, but also exercise one's own control over Spirit Power and Lingyuan.

Over the years, Jiang Bai has never given up on practicing this thousand silk secret technique.

Therefore, his control over his own spiritual energy has reached the limit level as soon as possible.

The only problem is, he doesn't know anything about engraving!

Fortunately, with his level of strength, it is still very easy to learn a little skill.

What's more, he also has the Talent forehead that he was born with.

This test is not limited to Time Limit, and the carving materials are also provided by Heavenly Dao.

So Jiang Bai is not afraid of wasting materials at all, just study boldly.

With the blessing of Talent's terrifying learning ability, in just one hour, he not only obtained a new profession - engraver, but also brushed this profession directly to the top level!

Next, his carving speed also began to soar.

five hours later.

"Congratulations on completing the second test!"

As the voice of Heavenly Dao sounded, Jiang Bai saw the surrounding scenes change again.

The third test is the state of mind!

For Jiang Bai, this level is also pediatrics.

He has focused on improving the Cultivation Base of mood from a long time ago.

So it was easy to pass the third level.

Then, the fourth level is the battle.

At the beginning, Jiang Bai thought that this level was a test of comprehensive combat ability.

But as time passed, he realized to his surprise that the test of this level was actually perseverance!

The fifth level is the invasion of Hearts Demon, which tests the will.

This level is extremely dangerous, if you can't make it through, you will be replaced by Hearts Demon!

Simply, Jiang Bai's mood Cultivation Base is high enough, and after reuniting with Bai Feifei, he has no regrets in his heart.

So his heart is also Returned to Origin.

No, no matter how intimidating and tempting Hearts Demon is, it cannot shake his will.

After passing the fifth level.

Jiang Bai thought there was more behind, but he found himself in front of a portal towering in the clouds.

I saw the door burst open, but inside it was another world.

"So, I have passed the test?"

Jiang Bai scratched the back of his head and walked towards the door.

As soon as he passed through the portal, a reminder sounded in his ear.

[Reminder: As the first Heaven Designated to cross the road to the sky and enter the Ten Thousand Races Continent, you have triggered the Heavenly Dao notice, do you want to hide basic information?]


【Heavenly Dao Announcement: Human Race Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first to enter the Ten Thousand Races Continent, special rewards: cross-border relocation order x1, spirit vein (exquisite) x10, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1.] x3

The announcement three times in a row stunned all the Heaven Designated in the cave world.

When Jiang Bai saw the first reward, his eyes lit up.

[Cross-border relocation order: can be used for cross-border relocation, such as relocating own sites from Dongtian World to Wanzu Continent as a whole. Note: Only Heaven Designated who is a faction leader can use it. 】


"It's too late!"

Jiang Bai was very excited.

This means that the other Heaven Designated in Yanhuang Kingdom can completely skip the road to heaven and enter the Ten Thousand Races Continent through the cross-border relocation order!

At this time, the map records began to be refreshed.

[Record: You have entered the Ten Thousand Races Continent, and the real-time map has been updated. 】

[Record: The chat channel has opened a new sub-channel: Wanzu Channel. 】


New functions are opened one by one.

After Jiang Bai browsed through it, he tried to contact Cao Wu.

It turned out that the only way to contact Cao Wu was by mail.

So, Jiang Bai mailed something casually to Cao Wu, and wrote a postscript explaining the situation of the road to heaven and the cross-border relocation order.

Cao Wu's side replied soon.

The same is done by mail postscript.

Cao Wu said in the postscript that he has notified the Heaven Designated who are waiting on the top of Wanshou Mountain to return to Yanhuang Kingdom, and he can transfer the position of king to Jiang Bai at any time.

In this way, Jiang Bai can use the cross-border relocation order to directly relocate the Yanhuang Kingdom to the Ten Thousand Races Continent.

However, Jiang Bai wrote back to let Cao Wu rest easy.

He just came to the Ten Thousand Races Continent, so he knew nothing about the situation here.

At least he had to wait until he figured out the basic situation before moving Yanhuang Kingdom over.

After chatting for a while.

Jiang Bai closed the evolution panel, and then looked around.

This is a jungle.

However, Jiang Bai seems to smell the sea.

He soared into the sky and came to the sky in an instant.

"Sure enough, it's the sea!"

Looking at the blue sea around him, Jiang Bai frowned.

But immediately, his brows relaxed again.

Because he discovered that the islands below are far from being comparable to the islands in the Tianhuang Realm in terms of area.

The island is almost a small landmass!

Of course, the most important thing is that Jiang Bai is not on this island, and he senses the breath of life whose strength exceeds the eleventh level!

…… Ask for flowers …………………

"Then settle down on this island now!"

After Jiang Bai observed it, he chose the highest mountain on the island and fell directly to the top of the mountain.

He stood on the top of the mountain, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction.

Because this location overlooks the entire island, the view is very good.

"The next step is to build a base!"

Jiang Bai smiled slightly, and waved his hand to release hundreds of construction robots from the storage space.

After he activated and awakened these robots, he asked them to build their base inside the mountain at the foot.

Taking advantage of the gap in construction, Jiang Bai split into eight clones and began to explore in eight directions.

And he himself began to observe the world.

He discovered that this piece of heaven and earth, whether it is the power of heaven and earth, or the laws of heaven and earth, far surpasses the realm of heaven and earth.

Not only that, but the spatial structure of this world is far more stable than that of Tianhuang Realm.

There are also mountains and rocks, the earth, etc., which are also harder than Tianhuang Realm.

And these will cause the destructive power displayed by Jiang Bai to be far lower than when he was in Tianhuang Realm.

Of course, this actually is not to say that Jiang Bai's strength has decreased.

It was only because of environmental factors that his destructive power was weakened.


That is, the concentration of Spiritual Qi in this world is at least a hundred times that of the central area of ​​the Tianhuang Realm!

This made Jiang Bai feel that this is the real cultivation world!

Of course, the thing that surprised Jiang Bai the most was that the shackles were gone!

He can now be directly promoted from the eleventh level to the Dharma Phase level.

The so-called Half step Dharma Phase is just a transitional stage under the shackles, dispensable.

However, considering that he has just arrived in this strange world, Jiang Bai suppressed it for the time being, intending to comprehend the laws of the world in this world first.

Because before entering the Dharma Phase, the deeper the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, the more power of laws can be drawn into the body when promoted.

The more power of the law, the more thorough the baptism of oneself, and the more promotion and benefits obtained.

So there is no rush for promotion.

Besides, being promoted to the Dharma Phase realm will definitely cause some commotion.

Before there is no safe place to stay, Lu Ran's breakthrough is a very dangerous thing.

Especially in an unfamiliar world, doing so is almost tantamount to courting death. .

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