Cleaning the battlefield naturally does not require Jiang Bai, nor other Heaven Designated.

The 'NPC residents' in the Yanhuang tribe spontaneously rushed out of the tribe after the defense battle, and began to clean up the beheaded beasts.

These are all ingredients and materials!

Back to the tribe.

Jiang Bai saw an extra stone platform in the open space in the center of the tribe.

A thick stone pillar stands on the stone platform.

A lifelike, spiraling dragon is carved on the stone pillar.

Through the authority of Ke Qing Elder, Jiang Bai learned that this stone pillar is the only exclusive totem rewarded by Heavenly Dao's notice - the Dragon Pillar.

To his surprise, the tribal totem can actually give the tribe and its residents—including Heaven Designated members, certain blessings!

For example, the improvement of cultivation speed, the increase of Spiritual Qi concentration and so on.

Not only that, totems can also be upgraded through offerings and sacrifices.

With the upgrade of the totem, not only the blessing effect will be enhanced, but also more special functions will be unlocked!

After watching the set of Dragon Pillar, Jiang Bai came to the tribal market.

It is said to be a market, but it is actually a wooden house.

Enter the cabin.

Jiang Bai saw several LCD screens hanging on a wooden wall at a glance.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he came to one of the display screens, and saw a variety of products displayed on it.

Needless to say, he actually has a sense of sight for online shopping!

What a violation!

Suppressing the awkward feeling in his heart, Jiang Bai understood it.

Then skillfully open the search box and start looking for the resources you need.

Perhaps the resources needed by Jiang Bai are not Precious, so it is easy to search for a lot of sales information.

Not only that, but these resources are also abundant and cheap.

Jiang Bai was overjoyed, and immediately started to make a lot of purchases.

Anyway, there are more than 25 billion evolution coins and unlimited storage space.

Just buy it!


half an hour later.

Jiang Bai has purchased all the current resources including the follow-up needs, but only spent 100 million evolution coins.

So he started looking for the right equipment.

Limited by the material, the horizontal knife, iron wood bow and ox armor he currently uses can only evolve to the highest grade of black iron at most.

And unpacking depends on luck, it is better to buy directly.

"Is black iron grade equipment so cheap?"

Jiang Bai was stunned.

The two pieces of low-grade black iron equipment he had previously auctioned at the auction house were sold for 100,000 and 150,000 respectively.

But in the market, even the best black iron equipment cost no more than 20,000 evolution coins at most!

"This is a chance to make a fortune!!"

Jiang Bai held his chin with one hand, thought for a while, and then sent a private message to Cao Wu.

In just one minute, Cao Wu rushed into the wooden house in the market like a gust of wind.

"What's your plan to get rich?!"

Cao Wu stared at Jiang Bai with burning eyes.

The Yanhuang tribe wants to build and develop, and now is the time when they are short of money!


Pointing to the display screen in front of him, Jiang Bai explained, "You should know about the two pieces of low-grade black iron equipment that were auctioned by the auction house earlier, right?"

Cao Wu nodded: "I know, a long spear and a set of defensive armor cost 100,000 and 150,000 respectively..."

Having said that, it stops abruptly.

Cao Wu stared at the display screen, his breathing gradually became heavy.

On the display screen, the price displayed is exactly the price of the best black iron equipment!

Seeing this, Jiang Bai smiled slightly: "Understood?"

"I fully understand!" Cao Wu nodded vigorously, his eyes shining brightly.

Jiang Bai patted him on the shoulder: "Now that you understand, let's hurry up! It's best to make a fortune before other tribes set up a market!"

After speaking, he walked to another display screen and gave Cao Wu the display screen he was using just now.

And Cao Wuli immediately contacted Lin Guodong and the others to raise money, and he was going to make a big deal!


A few minutes later.

Jiang Bai found that starting from the Bronze level, the price of equipment soars like a rocket.

Black iron best equipment, at most 20,000 evolution coins.

Bronze low-grade equipment can start with at least 100,000 evolution coins!

Among them, the most expensive breakthrough is a million!

As for the silver level above the bronze level, the starting price is one million, and the most expensive can reach nearly ten million!

Not to mention the gold level, there are many that exceed 100 million!

There are even gold-level equipment with a price tag of more than one billion!

As for the platinum level above the gold level?

This level of equipment is basically impossible to buy with evolution coins.

Because it requires Spirit Stones to purchase!

For this reason, Jiang Bai specifically inquired about the exchange price between Evolution Coin and Spirit Stones.

1 low-grade Spirit Stones needs 1 million evolution coins!

As for this, there is still a price but no market!

Because there are very few people who exchange Spirit Stones for Evolution Tokens!

Not to mention, there are mid-grade, top-grade, etc. on top of low-grade Spirit Stones.

Jiang Bai estimated that his current evolution coins might not be worth as much as a top-grade Spirit Stones!

You know, he has more than 20 billion evolution coins!

"Looks like Spirit Stones are the hard currency!"

Jiang Bai sighed, understanding why the resources he purchased before were all in large quantities and at low prices.

The things that can be bought with evolution coins in the emotional market are all 'garbage' in the eyes of the aborigines!

And this also allowed Jiang Bai to see clearly the gap between Heaven Designated and aborigines.

"take it easy!"

Jiang Bai comforted himself and began to purchase equipment.

In the end, he purchased——

A fine bronze knife.

A superb bronze longbow.

A set of bronze leather armor.

One hundred thousand bronze arrows.

After buying, Jiang Bai went outside the house.

As for reselling black iron grade equipment?

Jiang Bai can no longer look down on him.

No matter how many evolution coins there are, they are not as valuable as Spirit Stones!

So the evolution coins are enough.

Coming out of the wooden house in the market, Jiang Bai left the tribe directly and ran to the other side of the canyon.



Jiang Bai returned to the other side of the canyon.

He finds a place to sit, and while he eats his lunch, he checks out his new purchases.

[Light Hong Dao (Enhancement available)

Category: Weapons

Grade: Bronze (exquisite)

Strength: 150

Features: Tear (can cause wounds to tear.)]


【Wind Snake Bow (Enhancement available)

Category: Weapons

Grade: Bronze (exquisite)

Strength: 1000 catties

Range: 2000 meters

Features: Lightness (the bow becomes lighter and more labor-saving when used.)]


[Wind Snake Leather Armor (Enhancement available)

Category: Armor

Grade: Bronze (exquisite)

Protection: 240

Feature: Tenacity (Protection ability has been slightly enhanced.)]


[Wind Feather Arrow (Enhancement available)

Category: Weapons

Grade: Bronze (exquisite)

Strength: 150

Features: Armor Breaking (It is easier to break through the defense.)]

After reading the descriptions of the four items, Jiang Bai was a little surprised.

With his current strength, it stands to reason that he can at most enhance items to the level of the best bronze.

But now, these four top-grade bronze items can still be Enhancement?

Jiang Bai vaguely understands why the price of bronze-level equipment is much higher than that of iron-level equipment.

Afterwards, he tried to Enhance a light red knife.

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