All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 38 Division Of Qualifications

Two hours later.

Jiang Bai supported the tree pig with one hand and akimbo with the other, laughing triumphantly:


"Golden Eagle, I finally beat you once!"

Hearing this, the golden eagle tilted its head, and Gold's eyes revealed humanized contempt.

As if to say again: only win once, what is there to be proud of?

Jiang Bai didn't care about this at all, and hummed: "I can beat you this time, and I can definitely do it in the future!"

Since the first night, he attracted the golden eagles during the barbecue.

He fought against the Golden Eagle for fifteen days, but he lost every time—without using Talent.

Until today, after his Innate Daoyin technique broke through from the orifice refining chapter to the body refining chapter, he finally won the golden eagle once!

And this also made him figure out what level the Golden Eagle's true strength is——

No way, when he checked the golden eagle information through the evolution panel.

The information interface is actually full of question marks!

So Jiang Bai not only didn't know the specific race of the golden eagle, but he didn't even know the specific level of its strength.

But today he knew it, it turned out that the strength of the golden eagle has entered level 1 and level 9!

This alone is enough to show that the golden eagle is not easy!

If you don’t believe me, look down——

Heavenly Dao said that the limit of the first order is the three attributes of strength, agility, and constitution, all reaching 10,000 points.

Since it is the limit, there are naturally very few practitioners who can reach it.

In other words, in the first level, there are very few practitioners who have raised their strength to level 1 to level 10!

Because it involves Cultivation Technique, qualifications, resources and other factors.

Therefore, one of the conditions for promotion to Tier 2 given by Heavenly Dao is only to require Heaven Designated to achieve at least 1000 points in the three attributes of Strength, Agility, and Constitution.

But to what extent should the three attributes of strength, agility, and constitution be improved before they can be promoted to the second level?

Heavenly Dao did not explain.

However, Jiang Bai mentioned this point in the encyclopedia of cultivation common sense obtained before.

According to the records in the Encyclopedia of Cultivation Common Sense, under normal circumstances, the strength of a first-order cultivator can reach up to about 50,000 jin.

Converted into physical attributes, it is the three attributes of strength, agility, and constitution, reaching about 5000 points.

Even if there is an excess, it is only a few dozen points at most.

Of course, there are also dissatisfied practitioners who will continue to practice hard on the basis of 50,000 jin of strength.

If you can successfully increase your vigor to 60,000 jin, it means that your strength can enter level 1 and level 6.

This kind of cultivator is what people often call geniuses.

Seventy thousand catties, level 1 and level 7, is a peerless genius who meets once in ten years.

Eighty thousand catties, level 1 and level 8, is a peerless genius who meets once in Hundred Years.

Ninety thousand catties, level 1 and level 9, is the peerless talent that you meet once in a thousand years.

One hundred thousand catties, level 1 and level 10, is the eternal evildoer encountered once in ten thousand years.

Therefore, it would be very difficult for the golden eagle to reach level 1 and level 9!

As for breaking the limit of 100,000 jin?

There are only four words in the encyclopedia of cultivation common sense: Invincible Supreme.

Jiang Bai's goal is to be invincible Supreme!

His confidence comes from the body-refining chapter of Innate Daoyin Technique!

As the last chapter, the Body Refining Chapter is actually the core of the Innate Daoyin Technique!

Letting the acquired body rebel against Innate is just one of the side effects of the body training chapter.

The real function of the Body Refining Chapter is actually to help the cultivator break through the limit of the first order——

That is the limit of 100,000 jin!

Uh, that's a long way off.

Closer to home.

At this time, the winner is naturally enjoying the spoils alone.

It's just that Jiang Bai, who was so cheap, ate loudly on purpose, causing the golden eagle to turn his head frequently and swallowed.

But every time Jiang Bai looked over, it would immediately turn its head away, with a look of indifference.

Jiang Bai smiled secretly when he saw it, then took out the Qinghong knife and cut the tree pig in two.

"Hey, Golden Eagle, go on!"

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Bai threw the uneaten half towards the golden eagle.

The golden eagle opened his mouth to catch it, and looked at Jiang Bai suspiciously.

"Eat it!"

"This is the last meal!"

Jiang Bai smiled, lowered his head and continued to eat.

He received a private message from Cao Wu yesterday, and learned that three days ago, other novice village masters entered the territory of No. 6 novice village.

And hide in the dark, sneak attack on Heaven Designated in No. 6 novice village.

As of yesterday, more than a dozen people were seriously injured and dozens of people were slightly injured in the No. 6 novice village.

If it wasn't for the critical moment of breakthrough, Jiang Bai would have left yesterday.

The golden eagle obviously understood.

It even threw its favorite barbecue on the ground, swayed its body and walked up to Jiang Bai, squawking at him.

"Stop, stop barking!"

Jiang Bai hurriedly called the golden eagle to stop.

Good guy, it's like a bunch of ducks screaming around your ears!

Almost sent him away!

"Although I can't understand what you said, I can guess that you want to ask me what you mean, right?"

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, the golden eagle nodded.

Jiang Bai sighed softly; "Golden Eagle, I am different from you. You live alone on the mountain and live freely, but I am not! I still have things to do, and I have to leave after this meal!"

After all, he is the village head of No. 6 novice village, and he can't just watch the Heaven Designated in the village being attacked by the Heaven Designated of other villages!


The golden eagle screamed softly and wrapped its wings around Jiang Bai.

Its meaning is obvious: Can you not go?

Jiang Bai shook his head: "No, I just come from Closed Door Training, and I will go back sooner or later."

Hearing this, the golden eagle retracted its wings, lowered its head, turned around and swayed away.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai sighed inwardly.

To be honest, although the fifteen days together were short, he already regarded the golden eagle as a friend.

Otherwise, he really wanted to abduct the golden eagle.

After all, he really wanted a flying mount!

After silently eating the food in hand.

Jiang Bai tidied up a little and looked at the golden eagle standing still in the distance.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally didn't speak, turned around and jumped down the mountain.

Jump all the way down.

Jiang Bai soon came to the foot of the mountain.

Looking back at the top of the mountain, he turned around and ran towards 6 novice village.

But what he didn't see was that there was a huge figure in the sky, following closely...


Run all the way.

An hour later, Jiang Bai returned to the Grand Canyon.

After spending more than ten minutes, he crossed the Grand Canyon and returned to the Yanhuang Tribe.

"Master Jiang!"

"Master Jiang is back!"

"Great, Master Jiang is finally back!"

Jiang Bai paused, and cupped fist to the Heaven Designated who surrounded him:

"Everyone, I'm sorry I'm late."

Instead of explaining, he simply apologized.

In any case, he is the head of the village, and it is true that he came back late.

This is the truth.

At this time, a Heaven Designated said:

"Master Jiang, you don't need to apologize!"

"We all know that you are actively exploring the outside world, and you are helping us find the way!"

"And you also pointed us on the correct path of cultivation, and even wiped out the little devil's village alone, so that we can all get rewards!"

"With these three points alone, no one has the right to blame you!"

As soon as this Heaven Designated finished speaking, it immediately aroused the echo and approval of all the Heaven Designated present.

"There's nothing wrong with that!"

"Master Jiang, you don't need to apologize, but we want to thank you!"

"Master Jiang, don't worry, who dares to blame you, I will be the first to kill that white-eyed wolf!"

"In the entire No. 6 novice village, Lord Jiang is the only person I respect and admire!"

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