All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 41: The Heartland Of The Grand Canyon

Yanhuang tribe.

As soon as Jiang Bai returned to the courtyard, he saw three Heaven Designated wandering around the courtyard.

Jin Diao and Yue Jiao stood not far away, watching quietly.

Jiang Bai walked by and asked, "Yuejiao, what are these three people doing?"

"It is said that it is under the order of Chief Cao to help expand the yard, and the survey must be carried out in advance!"

After Yuejiao replied, she asked curiously, "Master Jiang, is our yard really going to be expanded?"

Jiang Bai nodded, and glanced at the golden eagle: "It's enough for us to live, but the golden eagle is too big, and it can't even open its wings in the yard."

Hearing this, Jin Diao hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Yuejiao was a little worried: "In this case, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it all by myself!"

"It's okay, you can recruit some people from the tribe!"

Jiang Bai had thought about this problem a long time ago, and said with a smile, "From now on, you will be the housekeeper, and you will be in charge of all affairs in the courtyard, such as recruiting, assigning work, paying wages, etc., and you will be in charge."

After a pause, he added, "Don't worry about money, just tell me if you don't have enough money."

When recruiting tribal residents to work, they must pay the corresponding wages. This is the rule of the Yanhuang tribe.

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, Yuejiao said happily: "There is still a lot of money. You gave so much last time, and I didn't use much by myself."

"Don't save, use it when you need it!"

Jiang Bai waved his hand and said, "I don't have much else but money! So when you recruit people, you can increase the wages and benefits in all aspects!"

"Yes, I remember." Yuejiao nodded seriously.

Jiang Bai gave another 10 million evolution coins to Yuejiao, telling her that it was used to expand the yard.

After that, he took the golden eagle and left the Yanhuang tribe.

The yard is going to be expanded, so he can't live in it temporarily. He plans to take the golden eagle to live outside for a few days.

Anyway, he and the golden eagle are used to sleeping in the wild.

As for Yuejiao?

She can live with other sisters for a few days.

After coming out from the Yanhuang Tribe.

Jiang Bai went straight to the heart of the Grand Canyon.

The golden eagle flies in the air to follow.

According to Jiang Bai's previous investigations, the strength distribution of beasts in the Grand Canyon is that the lakes in the central area are the strongest.

The farther away from the lake, the weaker the beast.

The strength was not enough before, so Jiang Bai never went to the center.

Now that his strength has improved, he plans to take a look.

By the way, find out the strength of the beasts around the big lake.

This can be regarded as eliminating hidden dangers for the Yanhuang tribe.

go all the way.

Jiang Bai soon saw a lot of Heaven Designated from No. 6 novice village, forming a team to hunt down the 1st-level and 1st-level beasts.

The Heaven Designated, which can confront the fierce beasts head-on, has basically raised its strength to level 1 and level 10.

So they hunted fierce beasts, most likely not for evolution points, but for potential points!

Jiang Bai came here, also want to brush potential points.

He intends to give Enhancement the Cultivation Technique and techniques that can be Enhancement.

After Enhancement, a lot of potential points are needed to upgrade the level.

"Master Jiang, why are you here?"

A familiar voice came, and Jiang Bai turned his head to see that it was Tang Ling.

Along with them were Lin Guodong, Luo Feng and Yang Jiaojiao.

"I'm going to visit the heartland."

Jiang Bai responded casually, and walked over, "Since you are hunting here, you should have investigated the situation in the central area a little bit? Can you tell me about the strength of the strongest beast there?"

Hearing this, the four of them looked at each other.

In the end, Lin Guodong stood up and persuaded:

"Master Jiang, you'd better not go to the central area for now."

"We once sent Heaven Designated, who is good at concealment and perception, to investigate in the heartland."

"That Heaven Designated was close to the lake, and saw a large black shadow swimming in the lake."

"According to what he said, he can only perceive that the black shadow is a huge beast, but he can't perceive the specific strength."

"He guessed that the strength of the beast in the lake is likely to reach the second level!"

Tier 2 ferocious beast?

Jiang Bai looked at the lake in the distance, thoughtful: "If this is the case, then I have to go and see it. It is best to frighten it, lest it come ashore and hurt people."

The four of Lin Guodong: ...

Master Jiang, did you hear what you said just now, or didn't you hear it?

That is likely to be a Tier 2 beast!

Second order! ! !

"Thank you for your information, I'm going first."

After Jiang Bai left a word, he ran towards the lake.

The four of Lin Guodong looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, Luo Feng said weakly: "Well, shall we help?"

"Are you sure you want to help?"

Tang Ling squinted at Luo Feng, the meaning was self-evident.

"Master Jiang is alone... nothing will happen, right?" Yang Jiaojiao looked worried.

Lin Guodong shook his head: "No, Lord Jiang knew the danger but still dared to go, so there must be a way to save his life."

Having said that, he was also worried in his heart, but he didn't show it.


the other side.

Jiang Bai also found that the closer to the lake, the fewer the beasts, but the stronger they are.

Moreover, the category of fierce beasts has also begun to move closer to the water-loving category.

For example, fierce beasts shaped like hippos, giant frogs, giant crocodiles and so on.

When Jiang Bai entered within a kilometer range of the lake, he found that there were basically no other beasts to be seen here.

But when he got closer to the range of 500 meters, he saw many snakes appearing!

The strength of these snakes ranges from Common beasts to Extraordinary beasts.

"Could it be that the beast in the lake is a snake?"

Jiang Bai was thoughtful.

Why the closer to the lake, the fewer beasts?

Because beasts have a sense of territory, and they have the instinct to seek good luck and avoid evil.

The same is true for fierce beasts!

The ominous beast in the lake was too powerful, so other ominous beasts did not dare to get too close to the lake.

And these snakes can live here, it should be allowed by the beast in the lake.

It is even possible that the beast in the lake is the Snake King!

These snakes are its descendants or subordinates!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai took out his iron and wooden bow, and looked at the group of snakes gradually surrounding him.

"Since he is the Snake King, surely he won't just watch his offspring be slaughtered in large numbers, right?"

"It just so happens that I need potential points, so let's start from here!"

With a smile, Jiang Bai used his rapid-fire arrow skills to start the mode of standing up to the group of snakes.

Seeing this, the golden eagle in the air swooped down from time to time, picking up a snake as a snack.

Soon, those snakes below the first level fled away.

But the first-level snake-like ferocious beasts surrounded and killed them angrily.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai decisively replaced the Ironwood Bow with a +5 Wind Snake Bow, and even replaced the arrows with +5 Wind Feather Arrows.

Swish Swish Swish!

The incomparably sharp wind-feathered arrows can't even withstand the snake beasts of level 1 and level 8.

Their snake scales, the size of a baby's palm, seem to be very defensive.

But under the arrows of the wind and feathers, it was easily penetrated like paper paste.

In this case, there is no snake-like beast that can rush within 100 meters of Jiang Bai!

And this range is also intentionally controlled by Jiang Bai.

Snakes are one of the five poisons.

Although Jiang Bai had the antidote pill, he didn't dare to let those snake-like beasts get too close.

He worries about snakes spraying poison.

As for snake venom, he still has no way to completely defend against it.

So he always kept a distance of 100 meters from the snakes.

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