All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 53 Break The Limit And Visit The Heavenly Dao Monument!

With the opening of the second-order era, some guys feel that they can do it again.

Such as Cao Wu.

On the second day after he was promoted to the second rank, he couldn't wait to challenge Jiang Bai, shouting that he wanted to "revenge the shame".

For this reason, he also deliberately chose the challenge location outside the tribe——

Because the tribal martial arts field has a balance mechanism.

But in the end, everyone's jaws dropped.

During the whole challenge, Cao Wu was pressed and beaten by Jiang Bai.

Even Cao Wu used his own S-level Talent, but he only persisted for a minute before he was knocked unconscious by Jiang Bai.

And Jiang Bai only used the Movement Technique of Youlong from the beginning to the end, and the Saber Technique of Baizhan with bare hands.

Such subversive things naturally made some Heaven Designated feel fake.

It is even believed that Cao Wu is cooperating with Jiang Bai in acting in order to maintain Jiang Bai's strong image all the time.

So they challenged Jiang Bai in person.

But in the end, it made them doubt their lives.

The moment the challenge started, they were knocked unconscious by Jiang Bai, and they couldn't even resist.

Even if it is some War Practitioner who challenges War Practitioner, open the Talent first and then start the challenge, it will be the same end!

In this way, Jiang Bai proved it with iron facts.

Even if he has not entered the second level, he is still the strongest in No. 6 novice village!

After that, the Heaven Designated of No. 6 novice village.

I no longer worry that Jiang Bai will be pulled down by the public in terms of strength because of his obsession with breaking the first-order limit.

They are also looking forward to the day when Jiang Bai breaks the limit of the first order.


In this way, another ten days later.

In the early morning of this day, the Heaven Designated of No. 6 novice village got up early as usual for morning exercises outside the tribe——

This habit was brought up by Jiang Bai.

Suddenly, the originally gloomy sky became brighter.

I saw streaks of golden light cutting through the thick clouds like sharp swords and descending from the sky.

Blossoming illusory golden lotuses also emerged from the ground, flying towards the sky.

Such a spectacle and vision made all the morning exercisers stop in astonishment.


A melodious bell came from nowhere, and it made people feel refreshed and happy after hearing it.

Then, another eight bells rang one after another.

As soon as the bell rang, auspicious Gold clouds flooded the sky, accompanied by bursts of wonderful music.

Moreover, among the auspicious clouds, many illusory female figures can be vaguely seen, holding flower baskets and swaying flower petals.

There are even figures of dragons and phoenixes appearing in it!

At this time, a Heaven Designated suddenly shouted:

"This, isn't this the vision of heaven and earth in the myth Legendary?"

"Golden light descends from the sky, and golden lotus springs from the earth!"

"Auspicious clouds all over the sky come from the horizon, accompanied by bursts of fairy music!"

"There are celestial maidens scattered flowers in the clouds, and the dragon and phoenix will bring prosperity!"

"It's all right!"

Others heard the words and took a closer look, it was true!

Suddenly, another Heaven Designated shouted: "When the vision of heaven and earth is born, something great will happen! Since the vision has come here, it must happen nearby. Everyone, look for it!"

At this moment, Cao Wu's voice sounded: "You don't need to look for it anymore, this should be the vision that Master Jiang ushered in! You can tell when you turn your head."

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads in unison.

Seeing the place Jiang Bai usually used to place the boulder, a beam of bright golden light shone down from the sky and landed on a figure sitting cross-legged on the edge of the boulder.

Dense golden lotuses also emerged from the body of this figure, continuously floating towards the sky.

And this figure is Jiang Bai!

Seeing this scene, everyone still didn't understand what was going on.

This is clearly because Jiang Bai has successfully broken the limit of the first order, which is why he has attracted the vision of heaven and earth!

As if to prove it, the voice of Heavenly Dao's announcement suddenly sounded.

[Heavenly Dao announcement: Human Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first to break the first-order limit, special reward: one baptism with the power of heaven and earth, luck +100,000, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】

After the announcement was broadcast three times.

Suddenly there was a roar between the sky and the earth, and then a huge monument rose from the sky.

The amazing thing is that the monument is obviously very far away from everyone, but everyone can see everything on it clearly.

In fact, not only them, but all Heaven Designated and aborigines in the cave world can clearly see the monument.

On the top of the monument, four golden characters appeared.

Although everyone didn't know the character, they could understand its meaning.

Translated, it is - Heavenly Dao Monument.

At this time, a golden light climbed from bottom to top along the empty monument and quickly climbed to the top, turning into a line of golden characters.

[Human Race: Hide. Age: Hidden. Records: Hidden. 】

Looking at the three hides in a row, all the creatures wanted to vomit blood.

F*ck, how badass is this guy!

Even the last Heavenly Dao monument has to be hidden!

As everyone knows, Jiang Bai is also in a daze.

When he received the reminder just now, he subconsciously chose to hide, and then it became like this.

It's really not his fault!

When the Heavenly Dao monument slowly disappeared, the Heavenly Dao announcement sounded again.

【Heavenly Dao Announcement: Human Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first person to visit the Heavenly Dao Monument, special reward: Heavenly Dao origin baptism once, Luck +100,000, Heavenly Dao treasure chest x1. 】

It's still three times.

Immediately afterwards, another Heavenly Dao announcement sounded.

【Heavenly Dao Announcement: Terran Heaven Designated is the first to visit the Heavenly Dao Monument, special rewards for Terran: clan fortune +100,000, resource +10%. 】

If we say that the first two announcements and the appearance of the Heavenly Dao monument only surprised the top management of the Wanzu.

Then this announcement made all the high-level members of the ten thousand clans look pale!

Because both family luck and resources can affect the survival and strength of a race!

Moreover, the family luck and resources rewarded by Heavenly Dao announcement will be permanently increased!

It can be said that the human race is one of the peak groups.

After getting these two kinds of rewards, his strength will definitely rise to a higher level in the future!

This made the blood feuds of the race completely unable to sit still.

Of course, these things are still far away from Heaven Designated, so naturally they don't know.


Go back to Jiang Bai's side.

At this moment, after Jiang Bai broke the first-order limit, his physical body began to sublimate and transform itself.

It was not possible to complete until three Heavenly Dao notices were passed.

But at this moment, a majestic force suddenly poured into Jiang Bai's body.

[Reminder: You are being baptized by the power of heaven and earth, so don't panic. 】

Hearing the reminder, Jiang Bai quickly calmed down.

He is like a bystander, watching Own's physical body being sublimated and transformed again under the baptism of the power of heaven and earth.

After a long while, the baptism was finally completed.

But then, the baptism of Heavenly Dao came again.

Jiang Bai, who received the reminder, could only wait patiently.

And this baptism is much more than the Advanced just now.

Jiang Bai could feel that not only his body was getting stronger rapidly, but even his soul seemed to be baptized!

This made his aptitude, savvy, etc., all increase gradually.

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