Lin Guodong shrugged: "We didn't believe it when we first found out, but it is the truth."

"We have also analyzed this matter, and we all think it should be related to Heavenly Dao."

Cao Wu answered and explained, "If the aborigines are too strong, the regional survival battle will be completely meaningless to us."

To this, Jiang Bai nodded in agreement.

Then he asked again: "What are your plans for the Fengyue tribe?"

"The five of us have discussed it, and we all feel that we should support the Fengyue tribe." Cao Wu said the plan after the five of them discussed it.

Do you support it?

Jiang Bai pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"It is indeed necessary to support, the Fengyue tribe cannot be destroyed yet."

"However, I think this support should be combined with other novice villages, and the No. 6 novice village cannot be alone."

Hearing this, the five of Cao Wu looked at each other and laughed.

Cao Martial Dao: "We have thought about it. I also contacted other novice village chiefs yesterday and explained the stakes to them, so they also agreed to support."

"If that's the case, then why do you want me?" Jiang Bai spread his hands, a little confused.

"This..." Cao Wu scratched his head and smiled.

"Master Jiang, this trip will bring together Heaven Designated from every village."

"Therefore, a person who is strong enough and not lacking in resourcefulness is needed to be the leader, so as to facilitate the dispatch of Heaven Designated from each village."

"Because No. 6 novice village is the strongest, the other villages have said that the leader will be a master from our village."

"So I thought..."

"Stop!" Jiang Bai raised his hand to interrupt Cao Wu, and said firmly, "If you want me to be the leader, then don't say it, I will never go!"


He can come and go by himself, isn't it good to be at ease?

Why do you have to make trouble for yourself? !

Cao Wu smacked his lips and swallowed the next words.

The four of Lin Guodong shrugged, not surprised at all.

The four of them had already persuaded Cao Wu, but Cao Wu insisted on trying.

He also said that if Master Jiang was happy, he would just agree?

At this time, Jiang Bai stood up:

"Okay, I will go to support the Fengyue tribe, but I won't act with the big troops."

After that, he left.

After watching Jiang Bai leave, Lin Guodong looked at Cao Wu: "Captain, let's go according to the original plan, you will be the leader, Luo Feng and Jiaojiao will accompany you to assist you, and Tang Ling and I will stay and garrison Yanhuang tribe."

"It has to be like this." Cao Wu sighed, looking a little unwilling.


the other side.

Jiang Bai has returned to his own residence.

He first went to the bird's nest to check on the sleeping golden eagle.

When he was cultivating hard, the golden eagle was also stimulated, so he went out to temper himself.

Until the day before yesterday, it fell into a deep sleep directly after returning.

After Jiang Bai's observation, he found that the golden eagle seemed to be undergoing some kind of metamorphosis.

No, he still hasn't woken up from his deep sleep.

However, Jiang Bai could also feel that the aura of the golden eagle was getting stronger and stronger, and it was estimated that he would not be far away from waking up.

Back to the villa.

Jiang Bai came to own bedroom and locked the door.

He sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed, opened the personal information page, and looked at the Talent column.

[Talent: SSS level: Unlimited Enhancement, Balanced Growth, Battle Song.

S rank: super recovery, bloodbath madness.

Level A: Thunderbolt, Myriad Things, Metal Craze.

Level D: hypervision, blinking, transposition, healing, mind reading, danger perception, innate power, extreme speed. 】

Looking at these sixteen Talents, Jiang Bai didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

There are too many talents!

And it is foreseeable that there will be more Talents in the future!

"Well, it can be regarded as the trouble of happiness!"

Jiang Bai smacked his lips, opened the infinite Enhancement Talent, and began to try to evolve all D-level Talents.

After some tries.

Except for the super-vision Talent who has reached the upper limit and cannot continue Enhancement, the other D-level Talents have been successfully promoted.

Blink → Flash (Level C): With itself as the center, it can move in any direction anytime, anywhere within 100 meters of Fang Yuan, regardless of any obstacles, and there is no interval time.

Shifting shape and changing position → Stealing the sky and changing the sun (C level): Within a thousand meters, wherever you can see, you can use a certain item to secretly exchange another item into your hand out of thin air. Note: Any living body cannot be replaced secretly.

Healing → Healing (Level C): Quickly recovers the target's injuries, and at the same time recovers the target's consumption - such as stamina, blood, Spirit Power, etc.

Mind-reading→super-sensing (level C): not only can perceive the target's inner thoughts, but also perceive the target's emotions, malice, breath, location, etc.

Danger Perception→Prediction (C-level): Can perceive the upcoming danger in advance.

Innate divine power → strength to lift mountains (C level): The strength is increased by 20 times, and lasts for 30 minutes.

Extreme Speed→Extreme Speed ​​(Class C): Agility is increased by 20 times and lasts for 30 minutes.

Seeing the last two Talents, Jiang Bai tried them out immediately.

He first activated the Li Kepu Mountain Talent, and the power attribute directly increased by twenty times.

However, under the influence of the Balanced Growth Talent, the three attributes of Agility, Constitution, and Spirit have also been simultaneously increased by 20 times.

Then, Jiang Bai turned on the Speedy Talent again.

"Can't the effects of two Talents be superimposed?"

Looking at the four-dimensional attributes that did not change, Jiang Bai looked disappointed.

He thought he could get another life-saving hole card!

"Forget it, anyway, there are Bloody Berserker Talents that can be superimposed!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai closed the personal information page and opened the storage space.

He had triggered multiple announcements before, but he kept the treasure chest for the announcement rewards and never opened them.

Now that he has been promoted to the second rank, it is time to open the box.

First of all, there are regional treasure chests.

[Regional Treasure Chest: Treasure chests from regional announcement rewards, which can produce gold-level or lower-grade items. 】

"Gold class?"

Jiang Bai smacked his lips and opened the regional treasure chest casually.

[Record: Open area treasure chest x1, get: Rejuvenation Pill (Gold Low-Tier) x1 bottle, Spirit Power Pill (Bronze Low-Tier) x1 bottle, Low-Tier Spirit Stones x10. 】

"Spirit Stones?"

Jiang Bai's eyes lit up, he had thought about this thing for a long time.

I never thought that it could be opened!

Jiang Bai immediately took out a piece of low-grade Spirit Stones and checked it curiously.

From the outside, the Spirit Stones is an irregular piece of opalite with many Impurities, about the size of a tennis ball.

But its internal storage of Spiritual Qi is astonishing.

No wonder Spirit Stones are so Precious!

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