All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 59 Master Jiang, I Am Glad We Are Friends!

The time came to evening.

Jiang Bai sat cross-legged on a boulder on the top of the mountain, eating barbecue while observing the front.

Along the way, he found that the further he went to the Fengyue Tribe, the more alien warrior teams blocked the way.

And ahead is a pass that must be passed through to enter the territory of the Fengyue Tribe.

It's just that the foreign race set up checkpoints there and dispatched thousands of Warriors to guard them!

This is determined to destroy the Fengyue tribe!

"The more you are like this, the less you can succeed!"

Jiang Bai sneered and threw away the bone, took out a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water and drank it.

He had already contacted Cao Wu and learned that they had only successfully broken through the alien blockade this afternoon and arrived at the Fengyue Tribe.

As the leader of the support team, Cao Wu was also received by the leader of the Fengyue tribe.

From the leader of the Fengyue tribe, Cao Wu learned that the strongest of the Fengyue tribe can last up to five days.

Moreover, this news has also been learned by the foreign race.

Because just last night, the three strongest members of the three major alien tribes came together and pretended to attack the Fengyue tribe.

The strongest of the Fengyue tribe had no choice but to act, and the three strongest of the three foreign tribes found out the truth.

Today, the reason why the three major alien races are besieging and not attacking is that they are waiting for the strongest of the Fengyue tribe to fall.

Once this strongest man falls, the three strongest men of the three major alien tribes will have no restraint.

At that time, the Fengyue tribe could not stop the attack of the three major alien tribes.

Unfortunately, the situation has now reversed!

Because Cao Wu and the others successfully arrived at the Fengyue Tribe!

In this way, Jiang Bai can mail the soul-returning pill opened from the Heavenly Dao treasure chest to Cao Wu, and then let Cao Wu pass it on to the strongest man in the Fengyue tribe.

Jiang Bai believes that Huihun Pill can definitely cure the strongest man.

Because the strongest person is at most level 3 and level 10, but the soul-returning pill is a low-grade diamond.

Calculated by grade, the diamond grade is the seventh grade!

The facts are as Jiang Bai expected.

Under the incomparably powerful medicinal effect of Huihun Pill, the strongest member of the Fengyue tribe was completely cured in just one hour, and his condition also returned to its peak.

In this way, the Fengyue tribe also has the confidence to resist the alien attack.

At this time, Jiang Bai suggested that the Fengyue tribe take the initiative to attack the blockades set up by the three major alien races.

First, it can reduce the strength of the three major alien races to a certain extent.

Second, to send a signal to the three major alien races——

The strongest of the Fengyue tribe will die, so I want to send a group of tribesmen to break out of the encirclement before the start of the war, as the fire of the tribe.

At the same time, the news that the strongest man has recovered from his injuries must be blocked.

Then let a trusted clansman pretend to be the strongest, and continue to pretend to be seriously injured and dying, so as to paralyze the outside world.

And this strongest man can change his appearance, secretly lead a group of top experts, and pretend to send a group of clansmen to break through.

This has two advantages -

First, it made the three major alien races more convinced that the Fengyue tribe's surprise attack on each blockade was to break through the blockade and send a group of tribesmen as the fire to continue the inheritance.

Second, the strongest and those top experts can take advantage of the situation and hibernate in the dark. When the three major alien races attack aggressively, they can carry out sneak attacks in the dark.

In addition, outside the Fengyue tribe's resident, various traps can also be set.

When the three major alien races attack on a large scale, they can use the traps to consume the alien troops first.

In this way, the Fengyue tribe's chances of winning will be greatly improved!

Regarding Jiang Bai's suggestion, Cao Wu relayed it to the leader of the Fengyue tribe verbatim.

After listening, the leader of Fengyue Tribe was shocked, but also nodded in agreement.

The strongest man was even more surprised by Jiang Bai as Deva, and expressed his desire to meet Jiang Bai in person.

After hearing Cao Wu's report, Jiang Bai refused.

He said that he could not go to the Fengyue tribe for the time being, because he was going to launch a sneak attack on various blockades outside to create the illusion that other tribes of the human race came to help.

And he also suggested to Cao Wu to let the Heaven Designated form their own team, and use guerrilla methods to harass and sneak attacks on each blockade level day and night.

For his suggestion, Cao Wu only said one sentence:

"Master Jiang, I'm glad we are friends! Because it's too scary to be your enemy!"


In a blink of an eye, it was late at night.

Jiang Bai, who was sitting cross-legged on the boulder and practicing Qingxin Jue, suddenly opened his eyes.

And the golden eagle resting in his arms also opened its eyes at the same time.

After one person and one eagle looked at each other, the golden eagle immediately flapped its wings and flew to Jiang Bai's shoulder.

Jiang Bai also got up, took out the soul-killing bow from the Qi Sea space, and quietly flew towards the pass ahead with the golden eagle.

Soon, he came to a giant tree near the pass.

With the height of the giant tree, standing on it is enough to overlook the entire pass.

Moreover, the range of the Soul Slayer Bow is enough to cover the entire pass!

Jiang Bai raised the soul-killing bow, and shot and killed the alien Warrior who was watching the night at the pass at an extremely fast speed.

Then he said softly: "Golden Eagle, it's your turn, go and wake up those guys!"

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, the golden eagle flapped its wings and flew towards the pass.

Although its size has shrunk, its flying speed has not decreased at all.

And because of its reduced size, its movement during flight is so small that it can hardly be heard.

When it flew above the pass, it immediately returned to its incomparably huge size.

The next moment, a high-pitched call piercing gold and cracking stones, erupted from its mouth.

In an instant, the alien Warriors who were sleeping soundly in the pass woke up from their dreams in unison.

Before they even had time to put on their clothes, they rushed out of the makeshift shelter with weapons in hand.

At this time, the golden eagle had already shrunk in size, flew high into the sky, and used the darkness to hide itself.

At the same time, Jiang Bai, who was standing on the giant tree, was nodding his arrow and drawing his bow at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately, three waves of arrow rain flew towards the pass one after the other.

Those alien warriors who were looking for the figure of the golden eagle were immediately stunned.

It wasn't until the third wave of arrow rain came that they realized it and rushed to the temporary residence.

At this time, Jiang Bai has switched to point kill mode.

Jiang Bai didn't stop until those alien Warriors all rushed into the temporary residence to hide.

However, this wave of his surprise attack also managed to destroy more than half of the thousands of alien warriors stationed at the pass.

Next, he replaced the Soul Slayer Bow with the Snow Song Knife, and rushed directly into the pass to start a killing spree.

Fight hard for nearly half an hour.

Jiang Bai beheaded and killed all the alien warriors stationed at the pass.

Clean up the battlefield, recover arrows, and collect loot.

After some operations are completed.

Jiang Bai took the golden eagle and left quickly. At the same time, he also sent the coordinates of the pass to Cao Wu in a private message.

This is to tell Cao Wu that the pass has been pulled out, and there is no need to send people over.

Soon, Cao Wu replied to the private message.

Cao Wu:? ? ?

Cao Wu: Lord Jiang, that location is one of the important blocked checkpoints. According to reports from the spies of the Fengyue Tribe, there are thousands of first- and second-tier alien warriors stationed at that checkpoint. You can... get it done by yourself! ?

Jiang Bai: No way?

Cao Wu: All right, great! Master Jiang is awesome!

Jiang Bai: You'd better act faster, because I want to exchange for a set of top-quality gold leather armor, but the gap in survival points is a bit big... (smiling expression)

Cao Wu: (a series of terrified expressions)

Cao Wu: Master Jiang, take it easy! I still have a lot of people who lack survival points!

Jiang Bai: So let's act fast!

Jiang Bai: I have already included the three major alien races and their vassal races into the blood feud list during the day. If you don’t seize such a good opportunity to collect survival points, don’t blame me for booking the venue!

Cao Wu: ...

After closing the private message, Jiang Bai snickered and rushed to the next blockade at a faster speed.

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