All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 61 Another 'Army'!

three days later.

Today is the fifth day, and it is also the day when the strongest member of the Fengyue tribe 'falls'.

No, since noon yesterday, spies from the Fengyue tribe have reported back frequently.

The three major alien races - the Tauren tribe, the Troll tribe, and the Goblin Yi tribe have assembled their armies and are heading towards the Fengyue tribe.

By the evening of yesterday, the armies of the three major alien races had already arrived near the Fengyue tribe's camp.

But the army was not in a hurry to attack, but set up camp on an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack hill ten miles away.

Obviously, the three major alien races were waiting for the news of the fall of the strongest member of the Fengyue tribe.

As for the Fengyue Tribe, they have also recalled all their forces——

Except for a group of top masters led by the strongest.

On top of the first defensive wall.

Jiang Bai stood side by side with Cao Wu, looking at the camp of the foreign army.

At this time, Cao Wu said:

"According to the spies' report, the alien army in that camp has a strength of about 100,000."

"The strength of 50,000 Warriors is between level 5 and 10, and the remaining 50,000 are Extraordinary."

"Among the 50,000 Extraordinary, there are about 2,500 Tier-3 masters, 12,500 Tier-2 masters, and 35,000 Tier-1 masters."

Jiang Bai frowned: "Is the number of troops... less?"

The population of large tribes can range from ten thousand to hundreds of thousands.

The population of medium-sized tribes ranges from a thousand to as many as 10,000.

The population of small tribes is under 1,000.

The three major alien tribes are all large tribes, and they have multiplied for many years.

Even if the population is less than 100,000, it is estimated that there is not much difference.

In other words, the population of the three major alien tribes alone is nearly 300,000!

In addition, there are many small and medium-sized tribes that are vassals under the command of the three major alien tribes.

The total population is likely to exceed half a million.

With such a population base, how could there be only 100,000 troops?

Cao Wu shrugged: "Don't worry, I have already contacted Luo Feng, please ask Luo Feng to check."

As a liaison, Luo Feng has been following the strongest man of the Fengyue tribe.

"That's good."

Jiang Bai nodded and murmured, "I don't know why, I've always had a bad feeling, as if I've overlooked something..."

Hearing this, Cao Wu patted Jiang Bai on the shoulder: "Master Jiang, don't put too much pressure on yourself! In the past three days, other human tribes have been coming to help, plus us Heaven Designated, in terms of total force, we have already surpassed the foreign tribes." Army, so this battle may not be lost!"

The blockade levels of the three major alien tribes were all captured by the Heaven Designated.

They seem to have given up, or they want to destroy the resistance of the human race in a single battle.

Therefore, it will no longer block other human tribes from supporting the Fengyue tribe.

Therefore, during these three days, support teams from other human tribes often arrived.


Jiang Bai sighed lightly, always feeling restless.


In a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Near the alien army camp.

The three most powerful members of the three foreign tribes stood side by side on the observation deck built on a high place, looking at Fengyue City.

"White flags are hung everywhere in the city, it seems that Feng Tianxing is really dead..."

The strongest member of the Gob Lin Yi clan spoke, his tone somewhat embarrassing.

Feng Tianxing is the strongest of the Fengyue tribe.

The other two strongest men at the side couldn't help sighing when they heard the words.

The five tribes of Mirkwood, except for the peace-loving elves who have been living in the forest of elves in the west, rarely communicate with the outside world.

The rest of the Human Race, Tauren Race, Troll Race, and Goblin Yi Race have been fighting openly and secretly for various resources.

Therefore, the three strongest men and Feng Tianxing are old opponents who have been fighting for many years.

Now that the old opponent passed away suddenly, these three couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.

However, these three quickly suppressed this emotion.

In order to destroy the Fengyue tribe, they have made a lot of efforts, and they even came out in full force for this decisive battle.

Seeing that he was only one step away from fulfilling his long-cherished wish for many years.

How could he be affected by that ridiculous emotion?

If you don't destroy the Fengyue tribe this time, you will never give up!

Thinking of this, the strongest Gob Lin Yi clan spoke again:

"You two, our other 'big army' is probably coming soon, and we should prepare for it!"

After that, he turned around and went down the observation deck.

"That's how it should be!"

"I can not wait any more!"

The strongest of the Tauren tribe and the Troll tribe spoke one after another, with cruel smiles on their faces, they turned and followed.

In order to destroy all resistance forces of the human race in one battle, they not only gathered an army of 100,000, but also prepared another "army" with a larger number!


Fengyue tribe.

At this time, Fengyue City was quiet.

The elderly, children, and women have all been sent to shelters.

The Warriors and Heaven Designated of each tribe have also taken their positions, just waiting for the alien army to launch an attack.

On top of the first defensive wall.

Jiang Bai, Cao Wu, and Feng Xingyu stood side by side, staring at the camp of the alien army.

It was evening now, and the alien army finally began to gather.

It's just that after they assembled, they didn't launch an attack immediately, as if they were waiting for something.

This is also where the three of Jiang Bai were puzzled and worried.

Jiang Bai suddenly said: "Old Cao, is there still no news from Luo Feng?"

"No." Cao Wu shook his head.

Feng Xingyu interjected: "The spies I sent here didn't find out where the missing troops are. Maybe we thought too much."

Jiang Bai frowned and didn't answer.

Suddenly, a ray of golden light descended from the sky and landed on the wall in front of Jiang Bai.

But it is a golden eagle that has shrunk in size.


The golden eagle let out a rapid call, and gestured at Jiang Bai with its wings.

Jiang Bai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, stop gesticulating, I can't understand it! How about you just take me to see it?"

Hearing this, the golden eagle immediately flapped its wings and flew up, quickly returning to its original shape.

Then it landed in front of Jiang Bai, squatted down, and turned its head to signal Jiang Bai.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wu and Hefeng Xingyu: "I'll go and have a look first, I'll be back soon!"

As he spoke, he flew and jumped onto the golden eagle's back.

The golden eagle got up immediately, flapped its wings, and soared into the sky with Jiang Bai on its back.

Cao Wu looked envious: "Whenever I can have a flying mount!"

Feng Xingyu on the side laughed:

"It's just fierce birds, and there is no shortage of them in the dark forest."

"After your strength improves, just grab one of them!"

"Alternatively, go and steal a fierce bird egg or a fierce bird cub, and feed it from an early age."

Cao Wu's eyes lit up: "This method is good, you can try it!"

At this moment, he suddenly received a private message from Jiang Bai.

When he opened it, his expression changed drastically!

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