All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 64: Decisive Battle (Part 2)

The rear of the alien army.

The three strongest members of the three foreign tribes looked at the remains of the three leaders with extremely ugly faces.

Earlier, a Warrior reported that he was on the third defensive wall, and he suspected that he saw Feng Tianxing, the strongest of the Fengyue tribe.

The three strongest men immediately felt that something was wrong, so they sent an investigation team to check the situation of the other 'big army'.

Unexpectedly, the investigation team brought back the remains of the three leaders.

He also said that the beast tide had dispersed, leaving only beast corpses all over the ground.

And the three leaders and those elite masters were all killed in battle.

It's just that the investigation team was limited in number, so only the remains of the three leaders were brought back.

"Is Feng Tianxing really not dead?"

The strongest man of the Tauren tribe had a gloomy face, with anger steaming in his eyes.

He feels like being played!

The strongest of the troll tribe questioned: "We personally wounded Feng Tianxing, and we confirmed his injury by ourselves. There should be no mistakes!"

"Maybe we underestimated Heaven Designated!"

The strongest member of the Goblin Yi clan thought of something, and said in a deep voice, "Those Heaven Designated have Heavenly Dao's favor, and even received Heavenly Dao's blessing, and awakened various talents. It can cure the existence of Feng Tianxing!"

Hearing this, the other two strongest also reacted.

"Damn it!"

The strongest man of the Tauren tribe was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

They also thought about cleaning up Heaven Designated first.

However, there are regulations in the regional survival battle. Before the Fengyue tribe is wiped out, neither they nor their warriors can leave the Mirkwood!

This is Heavenly Dao's decision, how dare they violate it?

The strongest of the troll clan looked at the strongest of the Gob Lin Yi clan: "What should we do now?"

"At this point, the only way is to launch a general attack in advance!"

The strongest of the Goblin Yi clan, with wisdom shining in his eyes, "Those Heaven Designated are not to be feared, the biggest problem is the Fengyue tribe! Fortunately, we have three strongest on our side, and we only need to send out two to hold the wind." heaven,

The remaining one can be free to lead all the third ranks of the three tribes to destroy the third ranks of the Fengyue tribe first. In this way, with the strength of those Heaven Designated, it is impossible to turn the tide of the battle! "

The other two strongest men looked at each other and nodded in agreement.


the other side.

The third defensive wall of the Fengyue Tribe.

The Heaven Designated and the aboriginal Warrior who were originally ambushing everywhere have all gathered here.

The alien army was also suppressed, hiding behind the second defensive wall, not daring to take a chance.

At this moment, the low sound of the horn came.

Feng Xingyu, who was looking at the battlefield, changed his expression, and immediately looked behind the alien army.

Cao Wu saw it, and quickly asked: "Boss Feng, what's the matter with this voice?"

"This is the horn of attack! The foreign army is going to launch a general attack in advance!"

Feng Xingyu's voice was heavy, and his face was extremely serious.

"Is it finally coming?" Cao Wu's face also became serious.

at the same time.

Jiang Bai, who hid behind and recovered his Spirit Power, also opened his eyes suddenly.

After taking five Spirit Power pills in a row, his Spirit Power finally recovered completely!

"Huh? What's that sound?"

When Jiang Bai heard the deep voice, he couldn't help being a little puzzled.

He quickly returned to the defensive wall, and only after asking Cao Wu did he know what was going on.

At this time, Feng Xingyu asked: "Jiang Elder, your Spirit Power has recovered?"

"All have been recovered." Jiang Bai nodded vigorously.

"That's good, let's watch Jiang Elder's next!"

"Don't worry, this time I will definitely give the three great alien races a big surprise!"

When Cao Wu heard the conversation between the two, he smiled knowingly.

He naturally understood what the two of them were talking about.

At this moment, the sky-shattering shouts of killing sounded.

The alien army has begun a general attack!

This time it was still the troll Warrior who took the lead and was responsible for clearing the way for the army.

The war hammer of the Troll Warrior has been destroyed by Jiang Bai before.

But they still have hands and Spirit Power.

They wrapped their hands with Spirit Power and pounded heavily on the walls of the defensive walls.


Gravel splashed everywhere, and loud noises echoed in the mountains.

In a few breaths, the first and second defensive walls were completely blown down.

So far, there is no obstacle in front of the third defensive wall.

The alien army also began to charge.

The Warriors of the Taurus and Gob Lin Yi tribes closely followed each Warrior of the Troll tribe.

The troll warriors waved their arms to defend the Tauren and Gob Lin Yi warriors against boulders, arrows and other attacks.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai silently took out the Soul Slayer Bow from Qi Sea's space.

Aim at a troll Warrior who rushed to the front, and shoot two special arrows in succession.

The first arrow was a whistling arrow, flying past the troll Warrior's ear with a strange and piercing sound.

Affected by the sound, the body of the troll Warrior suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the second Mother-Child arrow arrived in an instant, and half of the arrow body missed the troll Warrior's left eye.

Only the sound of barking can be heard.

Several small arrows, similar to crossbow bolts, flew out of the troll Warrior's head.

The troll Warrior also fell to the ground and died.

All of this is a lot to say, but in fact it only takes two or three seconds!


Jiang Bai's eyes lit up, and he quickly set his arrows and drew his bow, shooting and killing the troll Warrior with two special arrows.

The strange sound made by the Ming Dy arrow could affect the mind of the enemy.

In addition, one of the characteristics of the soul-destroying bow, "Shock and Intimidation"-every arrow shot, will automatically add a little power that can shock the spirit.

In this way, the effect of the Mingdi arrow on the mind will be even stronger!

All troll warriors who have not reached the third level are not immune.

With Ming Dy arrows affecting the mind, the troll Warrior has no time to defend with Spirit Power.

In this way, the following Mother-Child arrows can kill the troll Warrior.

Mother-Child arrows contain several child arrows.

As long as the arrow pierces into the enemy's body, the sub-arrows will scatter out in the enemy's body.

The troll Warrior is large in size, if he is shot elsewhere by Mother-Child's arrow, he may only be slightly injured.

But if it's the head, it's a one-hit kill!

As a result, the troll warriors quickly fell under Jiang Bai's bow and arrow.

Without the cover of the troll Warrior, the charge of the alien army came to an abrupt end.

This scene was seen by the strongest of the troll clan.

With a loud shout, he threw a giant adult-sized javelin far away at Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai saw it and didn't panic at all.

He aimed at the flying giant javelin and shot shocking arrows one after another.

This special arrow can burst out with powerful concussion power instantly.

The principle is to inject Spirit Power into the arrow.

Then, with the impact force of the arrow hitting the target, the Spirit Power in the arrow is triggered to explode, thus generating the power of shock.

Or detonate the Spirit Power in the arrow remotely before the arrow hits the target!

Of course, this requires the cooperation of special arrows.

Common arrows can't do that.

No, Jiang Bai only used ten concussion arrows to successfully intercept the giant javelin halfway.

Because of the powerful shock force, the force on the giant javelin was offset.

Then, Jiang Bai continued to shoot and kill the troll Warrior in the battlefield.

Feng Xingyu and Cao Wu on the side watched the whole process with shocked faces.

This archery-


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