All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 66: The Second Stage Starts

ten minutes later.

The head of the strongest Gob Lin Yi clan was beheaded by Feng Xingyu himself.

Then Feng Xingyu immediately took the two masters to help Feng Tianxing deal with Jujiu and the strongest of the Tauren clan.

At the same time, the third-tier masters of the three major alien tribes have also been beheaded to death.

The Warrior on the human side is madly slaughtering the alien army.

Among them, Heaven Designated is the most crazy!

Because in their eyes, the alien army is walking and the survival points are doubled!

half an hour later.

Jujiu and the strongest of the Tauren clan were both beheaded.

At this time, the alien army had been defeated, and they began to flee.

But the Heaven Designated didn't agree!

The Terran Warriors of the aborigines did not agree either!

Therefore, they cut off the retreat of the foreign army and directly surrounded the foreign army.

After one hour.

One hundred thousand alien troops were slaughtered, and none of them escaped.

And Jiang Bai, who sang continuously for an hour, finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell backwards.

Using War Song Talent to improve the strength of so many people, his burden is also huge.

At this moment, not only has his Spirit Power been consumed, but so has his Mental Energy.

Cao Wu, who had been guarding him all the time, quickly supported the fallen Jiang Bai.

He asked anxiously, "Master Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

"It's just too much consumption, let me rest for a while..."

As soon as Jiang Bai finished speaking, he passed out.


I don't know how long it has been.

Jiang Bai's consciousness gradually returned, and he finally woke up from the coma.

Before he opened his eyes, the reminder sounded from the evolution panel.

[Reminder: You have important new news that you have not yet known, please go to the home page of the evolution panel to check it yourself. 】

Jiang Bai opened his eyes and sat up, looking around first.

It was found that this was a guest room of Feng Xingyu's house, but the golden eagle was not in the room.

Jiang Bai didn't care either, and immediately opened the evolution panel.

On the front page of the panel, three unread messages are displayed.

Click on the first one, but it is a notice from Heavenly Dao.

[Heavenly Dao announcement: District 168 of Dongtian World No. 666 successfully solved the source of the military disaster, and was the first to advance the regional survival war to the second stage. Special rewards for all Heaven Designated in District 168: Survival points + 500,000, equipment optional package (gold Needle) x1. 】

"This reward is a bit rich!"

Jiang Bai was a little surprised, but that was all.

He might be a little pleasantly surprised if he replaces the optional equipment package of the gold best with the optional package of Cultivation Technique or techniques.

The second unread message is a regional announcement.

[Regional Announcement: The source of the military disaster has been eliminated, and the regional survival battle in District 168 will enter the second stage-animal disaster. 】

[Explanation 1: As a buffer, the animal disaster will officially start in three days. 】

[Explanation 2: All beasts in the area will be affected by mysterious power. Not only will the evolution speed be accelerated, but they will also become extremely ferocious, resulting in greatly increased aggressiveness, and even unreasonable upgraded. 】

[Explanation 3: Because the faction mode is closed, Heaven Designated will no longer get survival points for killing other Heaven Designated or aborigines, but killing any beast will not only get evolution points, but also corresponding survival points. 】

[Explanation 4: Take back the positions and authority of each village, and the survival ranking will continue the rules of the military disaster stage and continue to be implemented in the animal disaster stage. 】

[Explanation 5: If you want to end the beast disaster, you must find out the source of the mysterious power that affects the beasts and destroy it. 】

"mysterious power? unreasonably upgraded?"

Jiang Bai frowned.

This is completely different from the animal disaster situation he speculated before!

The third unread message is a reward for the survival leaderboard.

The settlement of the survival leaderboard takes each stage as a cycle.

Now the military disaster phase is over, so it will be settled once.

As the first place in the survival leaderboard, Jiang Bai received the following rewards: Survival Points + 500,000, Survival Treasure Chest (Gold Level) x1.

He looked at the description of the survival treasure chest, and found that this treasure chest must be able to open any gold-level item.

After reading the news on the evolution panel.

Only then did Jiang Bai have time to check his own situation.

In the Qi Sea space, the Spirit Power sea has disappeared.

The Spirit Power vortex also became unreal.

Because of this, the Spirit Power vortex cannot automatically absorb the external Spiritual Qi for recovery.

This is enough to show how much Jiang Bai consumed before!

He lifted the quilt and sat cross-legged.

Then he took out a Spirit Power Pill and ate it, and started to restore Spirit Power by running the Infinite Art.


I don't know how long it has been.

After Jiang Bai recovered the Spirit Power sea in the Qi Sea space, he discovered that the Qi Sea space had expanded a little.

Because he found that the current Spirit Power sea is much bigger than before.

After finishing the work.

As soon as Jiang Bai opened his eyes, he saw that there was another person in the room.

"Jiang Elder, you finally woke up!"

This person is Feng Tianxing.


The golden eagle was also there, it flew to Jiang Bai's shoulder, and kissed his cheek affectionately.

After Jiang Bai comforted the golden eagle, he got up and sat down beside Feng Tianxing.

After some inquiries.

Jiang Bai learned that he had been in a coma for three days.

And learned that the lairs of the three major alien tribes were wiped out one by one on the day of the decisive battle.

And Cao Wu and the others hurriedly left the Fengyue Tribe two mornings ago and returned to their respective villages.

Jiang Bai guessed that it should be because of the opening of the beast disaster stage that the Heaven Designated villages left in a hurry.

In addition, it is extrapolated according to time.

Then today is the day when the Beast Disaster officially begins!

After sorting out these.

Jiang Bai immediately followed Feng Tianxing to bid farewell.

"You just woke up and are leaving?"

Feng Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and then tried to persuade him to stay, "Jiang Elder, without your help this time, our Hefengyue tribe would not be able to survive. You might as well stay a few more days, so that we can express our gratitude!"

"Feng senior, I really have something important to do, so I have to go."

Jiang Bai shook his head and reminded, "In addition, this matter should also affect your aborigines, so you must be prepared to fight, and you must not relax."

Feng Tianxing frowned, and after a moment of thought, he asked, "You mean the regional survival battle?"

"Yes." Jiang Bai nodded: "I learned from another human tribe that priests can receive and deliver Heavenly Dao edicts. Presumably the senior already knows that there are three stages in the regional survival battle?"

Feng Tianxing nodded silently.

Jiang Bai went on to say: "Now the first stage of the regional survival war has ended with the destruction of the three major alien tribes, but the second stage has already begun, so I must rush back as soon as possible."

"I see."

Feng Tianxing sighed softly, knowing that he couldn't keep Jiang Bai.

Immediately, his face straightened: "Jiang Elder, everyone in the Fengyue Tribe will always remember your kindness to me and the Fengyue Tribe. If you need help in the future, please feel free to come to us!"

"I will!" Jiang Bai nodded heavily, agreeing.

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