All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 83: The Plague Finally Broke Out

It sounds like luck.

On the day before the dry season came, Cao Wu happened to see saltpeter in Fengyue City.

After Cao Wu asked Feng Xingyu, he learned that there was a saltpeter mine in the Fengyue tribe's residence!

This made Cao Wu very happy.

Because saltpeter can not only make ice, but also one of the main raw materials for making black powder!

Therefore, Cao Wu summoned a large number of people that day to mine the Great Emperor's Saltpeter.

And now, is the time to use saltpeter.

With the continuous production of ice cubes, the rising temperature in the summer resort cave was finally contained.

that's all.

Before you know it, it is the twentieth day of the dry season.

On this day, Jiang Bai finally realized the true meaning of Qianduixue's sword art

[Record: Your technique—————————Qianduixue, successfully upgraded to the level of "true meaning". 】

[Record: Congratulations on your comprehension of 'Frost True Meaning (Initiation)'. 】

[Reminder: As the first Heaven Designated to comprehend the true meaning of the technique, you have triggered the Heavenly Dao notification, do you want to hide the basic information? 】


[Heavenly Dao announcement: Congratulations to the human race Heaven Designated ‘xxx’, the first one to comprehend the true meaning of the technique, special reward: Luck + 100.53 million, low-grade Spirit Stones + 50,000 opening treasure chest 1.] x3

"50,000 low-tier Spirit Stones?!"

Jiang Bai's eyeballs popped out, even for him, this is a really huge sum of money!

At this time, Cao Wu's stunned voice sounded:

"Master Jiang, you triggered the Heavenly Dao announcement again?"

Jiang Bai heard the sound and looked around, only to realize that Cao Wu had come over at some point.

"What do you want?" Jiang Bai asked without answering.

Cao Wu smartly didn't continue to ask, but nodded and said: "I just received a report that the plague broke out, so I came to you as soon as possible, and I want you to go and have a look with me."

"Is it finally here?"

Instead of being surprised, Jiang Bai heaved a sigh of relief.

The outbreak of the plague was as early as he expected.

It's just that as time passed day by day, the plague did not come, which inevitably made him a little anxious.

Now that it's finally here, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Go, go and see!"

Jiang Bai took the Snow Song Knife back to the Qi Sea space, and walked out of the cave first.

Cao Wu hurriedly followed.

The two walked together.

After a while, I came to another cave. (cfai)

At the entrance of the cave, a group of Fengyue Tribe Warriors with weapons and masks stood guard.

In addition, Yin Xingyu was already outside the cave.

Seeing Jiang Bai and Cao Wu coming, Feng Xingyu immediately asked a Warrior team to bring masks, medical rubber gloves and white coats to Jiang Bai and the two.

Needless to say, the mask, gloves and lab coat are all from Heaven Designated.

Because this thing is only sold in the evolution store.

After Jiang Bai put on masks, gloves, and big white coats, they entered the cave together with Feng Xingyu.

The ground in the cave is now full of patients who are moaning in pain.

Roughly counting, there may be hundreds of people.

At this moment, more than a dozen people wearing masks, gloves, and big white coats are surrounding those patients to inquire, diagnose and treat.

They are the medicine men of the tribes.

Jiang Bai ignored them and began to check on the nearby patients on his own.

After some inspection.

Jiang Bai immediately judged that these patients had a rare but not very contagious plague.

Fortunately, although this plague is rare, Jiang Bai happens to know the cure.

He got up and looked at Cao Wu Hefeng Xingyu: "Go, talk outside."

Cao Wu, Hefeng Xingyu nodded, turned around and walked out of the cave.

Taking off their masks, gloves and white coats at the entrance of the cave, the three of Jiang Bai came outside the cave.

Feng Xingyu couldn't wait to ask: "Jiang Elder, how is the situation?"

"A common plague, highly contagious, but easily cured."

Jiang Bai replied concisely.

Hearing this, Feng Xingyu and Cao Wu looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Jiang Bai reminded: "This kind of plague has many transmission channels, so the most urgent thing is to find the source of the plague. Only by containing the source can the plague be completely controlled.

Having said that, where do we go to find the source?"

Cao Wu spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai said: "This kind of plague is usually bred by a large number of rotting corpses, including the corpses of beasts. You can look for them based on this."

"A corpse?"

Cao Wu, Hefeng Xingyu looked at each other.

Feng Xingyu said: "I am familiar with the terrain, let me arrange for people to find the source. Chief Cao will stay and assist Jiang Elder to mobilize the needed medicinal herbs."

"Okay, then I will work hard for Chief Feng."

Cao Wu did not object and accepted the arrangement.

three days later.

After Jiang Bai formulated the medicine for the disease, all the people who got the plague recovered after taking the medicine.

It's just that Feng Xingyu sent a large number of people to search the summer resort several times inside and out, but they still couldn't find the source of the plague.

This also led to more and more people suffering from the plague.

During the period, Jiang Bai also tried to help find the source, but he also had no clue.

Entrance to the quarantine area.

Cao Wu looked at the patients being carried into the isolation area one by one, and couldn't help frowning and asked: "Master Jiang, is it true that Heavenly Dao is behind the scenes?"

"I don't know either." Jiang Bai shook his head.

In fact, he was also skeptical in his heart.

It's just that he felt that if Heavenly Dao took action, it should be some kind of extremely contagious and difficult to cure plague.

Rather than the current plague, which is rare but not highly contagious and not difficult to cure.

Just like the beast tide before.

Before Heavenly Dao made a move, it was only harassed by a few beasts.

As soon as Heavenly Dao made a move, it was immediately a wave of beasts.

Even with the blessing of Jiang Bai's Warsong Talent, the beast horde still caused some casualties—the Warrior of the aborigines.

It can be seen that if Heavenly Dao does not act, there will be casualties if he goes abroad.

But the current plague has not caused anyone to die.

So Jiang Bai feels that this is not quite like Heavenly Dao's handwriting.

At this time, Cao Wu's expression changed, and he said in surprise:

"Master Jiang, Luo Feng just sent me a private message. He suspected that he had found the source of the plague. Let me take you there to have a look!"

Jiang Bai's eyes lit up: "Go, I will!"

In front of a certain cave.

As soon as Jiang Bai arrived, they were stopped by Luo Feng wearing a mask.

Luo Feng took out two masks: "The stench in the cave is bad, you should put on the masks first!"

Hearing this, Jiang Bai took the masks and put them on, then followed Luo Feng into the cave.

Under the leadership of Luo Feng, the two came to the deepest part of the cave, and saw a cave entrance collapsed on the mountain wall.

Luo Feng stretched out his hand to signal, and bent down to get into the hole first.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai hurriedly followed.

Cao Wu followed closely behind. .

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