All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 95: The Situation In The Secret Realm

"From the perspective of entry conditions, the strongest beast in the secret realm is only level 3 and level 10."

"How about I go to explore the way first?"

Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wu and asked for his opinion.

After thinking about it, Cao Wu nodded: "Success, then you should be careful.

"Don't worry, it's only level 3 and level 10!"

Jiang Bai smiled confidently, reached out and clicked on the interface to enter the secret realm.

Then, a deep space vortex appeared in the stone door frame.

This is the secret realm population.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai nodded at Cao Wu, and stepped into the vortex of space.

[Record: You have entered the secret realm, and some functions of the evolution panel will be temporarily blocked. 】

[Reminder: If you want to leave the secret realm, you can leave in advance through the evolution panel, or wait for the time to be sent out by the secret realm. 】

Jiang Bai first looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no danger, he opened the "637" board on the evolution side to check.

He found that only personal information, storage space, chat channels, and real-time maps can still be used on the evolution panel, and functions such as trading platforms and leaderboards have turned gray

Moreover, there is a countdown on the evolution panel, and there is an option to 'leave the secret realm' below it.

Open a chat channel.

Jiang Bai tried to private message Cao Wu, but got a prompt: he is no longer in the same space with his friend, so he cannot contact the friend.

"It seems that the evolution panel is not a panacea!"

"I can't even connect across space, and it's produced by Heavenly Dao!"

Jiang Bai pouted, turned off the evolution panel, and then looked around.

From the environmental point of view, he is in a mountain forest area.

The mountains and vegetation here are as tall and lush as the outside world.

In addition, Jiang Bai also found that the concentration of Spiritual Qi here is about ten times that of the outside world!

It's a pity that you can only stay here for ten days at most, otherwise it would be a good place to practice.

Suddenly, Jiang Bai stared at a plant not far in front of him.

He sensed that something was wrong with this plant.

At this time, a description interface pops up.

【Yun Spiritual herbs

Category: Spiritual herbs

Grade: black iron

Function: 1. Take it directly to quickly restore Spirit Power. 2. It can be used to refine panacea. 】

"Spiritual herbs?"

Jiang Bai was surprised.

Although he has the knowledge of the Medicinal Herbs Encyclopedia, the Medicinal Herbs recorded in this book are all Common Medicinal Herbs.

Spiritual herbs already belong to the Extraordinary category, but are Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, so there is no record in the Medicinal herbs encyclopedia.

"It seems that there should be a lot of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures growing in the secret realm of Lingxu!"

Jiang Bai was a little surprised, and hurried over to dig out the Yun Spiritual Herbs and the surrounding soil.

He wants to take it out and plant it in large quantities.


"Is it a living thing if its roots are not cut off?"

Jiang Bai frowned slightly, because living things could not be stored in the storage space.

Fortunately, this does not bother him.

He dug out a few pieces of animal skins from the storage space, and then manipulated the weeds on the ground with the Boundless Talent, transforming them into a few thin and tough vines, which were used as sutures.

After spending a little time, he sewed a rough animal skin backpack.

He wrapped the soil at the roots of Yun Yun Spiritual Herbs with animal skins, and put them together into the animal skin backpack.

After putting on the animal skin backpack, he randomly chose a direction and began to explore the entire secret realm.

ten days later.

Yanhuang City, Martial Arts Arena.

Cao Wu calculated the time and arrived at the entrance of the secret realm of Lingxu on time to wait.

Suddenly, a white light flashed, and Jiang Bai appeared in front of the secret realm entrance out of thin air.

He quickly looked around and after confirming that he was back, he relaxed.

Cao Wu came quickly: "Master Jiang, are you not injured?"


Jiang Bai shook his head and waved his hand to interrupt Cao Wu who was about to speak, "Let's talk about other things later!"

Cao Wu reacted and nodded.

Afterwards, the two quickly left the martial arts arena and returned to Jiangfu.

Jiang Bai asked Cao Yuan to wait, and told Yuejiao to prepare some food, and then he went back to the middle courtyard to take a bath and change clothes.

When Jiang Bai returned to the front yard, Yuejiao was already ready to eat.

Jiang Bai sat down and talked to Cao Wu about the situation in the secret realm of Lingxu while eating.

"The interior of the secret realm of Lingxu is very vast. The area I have explored so far is equivalent to the size of ten 168 areas."

"The concentration of Spiritual Qi in the secret realm is probably several times that of the outside world."

"Perhaps because of this, all the beasts live inside, and there are many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

"The places I have explored so far are mostly high-level Tier 2 and low-level Tier 3 beasts."

"If other Heaven Designated want to practice, I suggest that it is best to enter in a team, and there must be a Tier 3 master leading the team."

"In addition, we must also pay attention to the issue of sustainable development..."

"Although the Lingxu secret realm is vast and rich in resources, unrestrained mining will deplete the secret realm sooner or later.

"So whether it's ferocious beasts or Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, we must save seeds!"

"On this point, you must tell other Heaven Designated!"

Hearing the last words, Cao Wu nodded seriously.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Bai added: "The Heaven Designated in the secret realm cannot communicate with the outside world, but the Heaven Designated in the same secret realm can communicate with each other. If you encounter danger in the secret realm, you can ask for help from each other through this .”

Speaking of which, Jiang Bai opened the evolution panel, and shared the explored secret map with Cao Wu.

"Probably that's all, you can explore the rest by yourself!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!" Cao Wu nodded and got up to leave.

He has to share the situation in the secret realm with other Heaven Designated as soon as possible.

At the same time, make arrangements for training.

After all, manpower is also needed outside to deal with the tribal defense battle.

After Cao Wu left, Jiang Bai filled his stomach and returned to the middle courtyard to rest.

After sleeping until evening, Jiang Bai didn't wake up.

After getting up, he came to the backyard non-stop.

When building the mansion before, he specially reserved the location of the medicine garden, and now it is used.

He planted all kinds of spiritual herbs and elixir dug out from the secret realm of Lingxu into the medicine garden.

After planting is complete.

Jiang Bai immediately activated the omnipotent talent.

I saw the green light passing by, and all the spiritual herbs and elixirs that were 3.5 chi, quickly became full of vitality.

At the same time, their root systems also grow rapidly and take root completely in the medicine garden.

In this way, this is considered a living.

Jiang Bai withdrew the Talent, looked around the medicine garden, and launched the Earthquake Talent again.

I saw a circle of high walls protruding along the edge of the medicine garden, enclosing the whole medicine garden.

Later, Jiang Bai opened a canal in the medicine garden to facilitate the irrigation of those spiritual herbs and elixir.

Finish these.

Sensing the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the medicine garden, Jiang Bai frowned.

This Spirit Power concentration is probably not suitable for the growth of Spiritual herbs and elixir!

"Looks like it's time to advance to the career of a pharmacist and study the "Complete Formation Fundamentals"!"

After Jiang Bai muttered, he turned his head and told Yuejiao to instruct the servants in the mansion not to approach the medicine garden. .

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