All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 129 The War Officially Started, The Psychological Shadow Of The Angel Family

Immediately afterwards, the two balls moved towards each other.

After a loud bang, the two worlds were successfully connected, and a passage at the connection was opened.

On Xia Yinyue's side, No. 2000 Wind Elf and Angel's integrated army are ready to go.

Holding a long spear, the angel pointed at the entrance of the huge passage ahead, with a majestic and calm aura, which made people feel a sense of holiness.

The wind elves are standing in the back row, the silvery light in their hands has been accumulated, and they can activate magic at any time.

"The ignorant intruder actually dared to open the passage between the two worlds."

"As long as they dare to come, I will make them go and never return. Know what real despair is!"

The leading holy-winged angel spreads six wings and stands on the top holding two holy swords.

She stared closely at the huge tunnel that went straight up to the sky, and said arrogantly.

After Xia Yinyue's careful cultivation, the current Holy Winged Angel can be said to have evolved extremely fast.

Achieved the second most powerful force on the mother star, and the first person's status under the forest dragon!

Be arrogant, don't take anything seriously.

Behind her, the many angels with two wings and four wings also think so.

"The leader is right, how dare a mere lowly creature come to us and bully the Mother God?"

"As long as they dare to come, we will do our best to destroy the enemy and go directly to their world to avenge the Mother Goddess!"

The blood of all living beings is passionate, and the carols continue.

Knowing that the opponents are just some birds, octopuses and the like, they seem to be more imposing.

Who is an angel, a creature like a wind elf is a creature of higher blood, and is naturally proud.

He has always looked down on creatures with low bloodlines or weaker than himself.

"Boss! Look at the position of the passage, it seems... it's twisting!"

"There is something... something is coming!"

Suddenly, an angel below reported repeatedly.

The Holy Winged Angel stood in the sky, and after noticing this abnormality, he also hurriedly gave an order.

"Quick! The enemy is coming, prepare for battle!"

As soon as a word fell, golden light burst out from her whole body, and the sacred breath of the holy sword in both hands spread.

The angels below are also flapping their wings together, holding spears, ready to attack at any time.

At the other end of the giant passage, the sense of sensation is getting stronger and stronger.

Just at this moment, a long beep sounded from inside.


Hearing this voice, the Holy Winged Angel didn't wait any longer, and suddenly issued an order.

"The enemy is coming, start charging!"

Ordered by the angels, a mighty army of 1,000, wearing Baijin-colored heavy armor, poured in like a torrent of steel.

Not to be outdone, the Holy Winged Angels rushed to the front of the large army as fast as they could, waving their swords with both hands, leading them forward.

But in an instant, the army suddenly stopped after charging for a while.


It's dark!

A long cry that resounded through the sky and the earth continued to echo in the ears of the angels.

The threads of their memories were drawn, and something terrible seemed to appear on their bewildered cheeks.

The holy winged angel's face suddenly turned pale in an instant, and his whole body trembled violently involuntarily.

This is not dead she thought, this is an instinctive reaction!

Immediately ahead, one after another in the giant passage, the roc birds that covered the sky and the sun rushed out!

They spread their wings and rotate in the sky, the wind and clouds in the sky and the earth fluctuate, and the clouds and mists float up, temporarily hiding the brilliant sun and the moon.

The Holy Winged Angel remembered.

It's the group of rocs!

It was the group of rocs she met when she had just stepped into the extraordinary level and was engaged in the plane war!

That is to say, the opponent's first...


Just as she was fantasizing, a terrifying scene really happened.

A rainbow flashed across the giant passage, and Kunpeng, carrying the glow all over his body, went straight to the sky.

It spread its huge wings and soared in the air, with a pair of sharp and keen eyes staring at the holy winged angel.

That sense of intimidation.

That's right!

It's that Kunpeng!

For a moment, the Holy Winged Angel was shocked!

What about the low creatures and birds that were promised?

Opponent, why is this group of terrifying guys? !

"Quick! It's too late, the whole army retreats!"

"Scatter as soon as possible, find trees to hide!"

The holy winged angel waved his hand and gave the order with a panicked expression.

All the angels present couldn't stand still. Hearing the leader's order, they started running back without thinking.

Here, many veterans have experienced that plane war.

That was their first time fighting creatures from other planes.

But the scene of the 2000 coalition forces on the opposite side being massacred wantonly by these rocs is still fresh in their memory!

Tao now has almost become a psychological shadow!

The Holy Winged Angel still vaguely remembered that when the Kunpeng passed by his side, the aura it released fluctuated, as if it could kill him instantly in the next second.

That was the first time since she was born, she came into contact with something called death!

So far, she thought that with her advanced level of warrior, she was already fearless.

But I didn't expect that when we met again, the other party had reached the peak of the warrior, and he was still stronger than himself!

"Damn it! What's going on?"

"Why did they all run away?"

Behind him, the wind elf looked very puzzled.

Although the creatures on the opposite side are indeed huge in size and powerful in realm, they are few in number after all.

Why would the noble angel family be frightened into such a state, retreating hastily just after seeing each other?

"There is no other way, we can only rely on us!"

"Wind elves, go up and blast their heads with the magic in your hands."

"Make meritorious service for the mother planet, and make a name for the mother god!"

The voice fell, and many wind elves stepped forward.

The power of the storm that had been stored in his hands for a long time was quickly released towards the sky.

Just when it was about to hit the Dapeng family, suddenly another thick tentacles drilled out of the giant passage.

Between the swings, the airflow created easily canceled out all the whirlwinds.

The wind elves were shocked, and the sky elves had no time to react.

At this moment, those thick mobile phones came quickly, like catching chickens, one by one tied up the wind elves, and held them high under the scorching sun.

The afterglow was falling, the roc was screaming, the tentacles were twisting in the passage, and the Sea Emperor Clan made their debut!

The angels who retreated to the back row, especially the Holy Winged Angels, felt a sense of familiarity when they saw these large octopus-like creatures.

But she didn't really realize the problem until the huge Gatanjeh also appeared from the passage!

The enemies they have to deal with this time are those guys who wiped out the No. 2000 coalition army in one fell swoop last time!

"Could it be that the tiger-shaped monster with the blue face and fangs is also there?"

The Holy Winged Angel's eyes turned sharply, scanning around in horror.

But she remembered that it was during the plane war.

The monster swallowed the earth-shattering lightning in one gulp, annihilating all creatures on the spot in an instant.

Fortunately, this time, it does not seem to come.

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