Such a planet, if you really want to compare it, it is much more difficult to develop than your own little ball at the beginning.

After all, my own planet is only small and barren, at best it can be regarded as starting from scratch.

However, this thing has completely withered and is in a negative state. It is still not easy to get back on track.

However, when it comes to developing planets, Bai Ze is not boasting, he is an expert.

Others may not be able to, but they have an emulator.

It is not difficult to revive the ball with just one hand of spiritual energy.

"However, if you can only choose one race..."

This rule made Bai Ze think about it for a while.

In the end, he still decided that for this race, he would choose the Treant Clan led by Aurora.

That is, the whole, the capital of woodland!

After all, the principal said the rule is that he cannot show up and direct the development of those creatures.

It also includes preventing those creatures from knowing their existence in any way.

Then the creatures sent in the past to lead their development must have both wisdom and strength.

The Shuren clan is undoubtedly the most powerful power group in the development of civilization.

Compared with other races under his command, those who have many advantages are also more intelligent.

As for the meteorite worms led by Hypagedon, they are also capable, but they still have the task of exploring the universe.

What's more, the ball has withered like this, and they can't be fed. I'm afraid they will compete with the native creatures for food.

Thinking of this, after a cursory inspection, Bai Ze's consciousness withdrew from this world.

When he returned to the present world, Zhong Peng was also ready.

After watching his own world, he is still confident.

"You two, have you checked this time just now, the world that is going to be transformed?"

The headmaster stepped forward and asked with a smile.

The two nodded at the same time, and then, with a wave of the principal, a large series of cards appeared in front of the two of them respectively.

At a glance, the two of them each have about a hundred B-level cards.

"In that case, let's start making decisions."

"Choose 1 creature card, 3 resource cards, and 3 item cards from here to save your respective planets."

The headmaster held out a hand and motioned for the cards.

The students around were anxious when they saw the card coming out.

"Don't squeeze me, let me see!"

"I can't see clearly either, it's too far away, let me move forward!"

The noisy sounds outside the arena were completely isolated from the outside by the transparent glass.

With a swipe of Bai Ze's mind, the cards unfolded around him.

To win this competition, it depends on the prosperity of the creatures.

So the resource card is only a support, the most important thing is the choice of the biological card!


Turning over the creature cards of more than a dozen of them, Bai Ze was a little embarrassed.

But suddenly, he seemed to have seen something, and after being slightly dazed, he smiled happily.

"I didn't expect these guys to be here, it's been a long time..."

His eyes lit up, as if he understood how to win.

"I've made my choice, and I can start the principal."

When Bai Ze was still picking, Zhong Peng beside him was already ready.

He held a card under his fingertips, turned it over suddenly, and presented it in front of all the students.

[Nanoworm (B-level biological card)]: After use, a small batch of nanoworms can be released at the designated location.

Introduction: Nanoworms are small in size, only one micron in size at first, but they can reach the power beyond their own limits through endless devouring.

"My God, it turned out to be a creature with the ability to devour."

Seeing this, the students outside the venue turned slightly pale,

"This kind of creature is the weakest at the beginning, and basically can't beat anything."

"But as long as you survive the novice stage and develop to the later stage, you will be invincible in the world!"

From this point of view, Zhong Peng is going to make a long-term plan and use this kind of card to compete with Bai Ze.

In the end, either his own life will die, or he will win!

After all, the upper limit of nanoworms is much higher than that of other creatures.

"What about Bai Ze's side?"

After Zhong Peng finished showing, it was Bai Ze's turn.

Obviously, he has also made a decision.

"This is the biological card I picked."

After finishing speaking, a card popped out from Bai Ze's fingertip.

After a burst of light, it also appeared in front of everyone.

[Ancient Ape (B-level biological card)]: After using it, a large number of ancient apes can be released within the specified range.

Introduction: The ancient apes were short in stature and weak in combat ability, but they were intelligent, and successively compared with other creatures, they knew better about group development and alliances.

That's right, what Bai Ze chose was the ancient ape!

The creature that I simulated for the first time.

And the route he wants to take is the route of wisdom that has never been tried that time!

It's a pity that when the students outside the venue saw this card, they couldn't help worrying.

"How did this happen, why did Bai Ze choose this card?"

"I remember that his creature is as powerful as an extraordinary one. If you want to choose one, you should choose a creature that is more suitable for strength."

"A creature like the ancient ape is a standard intelligent creature, and its development path is biased toward humans. Can Bai Ze really be competent?"

Seeing the doubts raised by her classmates, Xia Yinyue couldn't help feeling worried for Bai Ze.

"Sigh... this student's idea is so strange, the Creator, who has entered into the extraordinary with strength, is trying wisdom at this moment."

"As far as I know, the direction of development of the ancient ape's power is very weak, at most it will evolve into a super ancient great ape."

"I'm afraid this junior will lose out with hatred in this round."

The senior students in the outfield also shook their heads when they saw Bai Ze.

But Bai Ze didn't care about these words, he directly took back the ancient ape.

"Well, there is no need to show the resource card."

"Now, you put your palms on the crystal ball and connect yourself with the opposite world."

"When the time comes, a timer will appear beside you."

"When the timer expires, the degree of development of your world will be visualized as a score and displayed on this glass."

The old principal gave an introduction to the two, and everyone present understood.

During the process, Zhong Peng glanced at Bai Ze with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, competing with me is destined to be the worst decision in your life."

"I'll let you know how terrifying the real genius in this world is."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Peng closed his eyes, held the crystal ball in front of him tightly, and let his consciousness sink into the world first.

Seeing what he said, Bai Ze's expression was calm.

The best way to prove it is to fight back with strong means.

This point, Bai Ze was clear from the beginning.

So, without waiting, he held the crystal ball and let his consciousness enter his home planet.

【Ding! The channel between the main world and the agent planet is being connected...]

【Ding! The two worlds are successfully connected, and creatures can be teleported at any time! 】

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