All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 152 Promoted By Ancient History, The Evolutionary History Of Human Race

[Among the four alliances, a sense of territory has emerged for the first time. They are keen to occupy, occupy, and monopolize an area and prevent other groups from approaching. 】

[Middle of the third era: The concentration of aura has increased to 1000 times, the whole world has become more and more prosperous, trees have sprung up in the forest, and various foods such as coral, seaweed, and kelp have appeared in the ocean. 】

[Evolved from cells, many early fish appeared in the ocean, some extended to land, acquired lungs, and the ability to survive on land. 】

[And with more food resources, the four branch races are also more keen to reproduce, and the total population has skyrocketed, breaking through a thousand in one fell swoop. 】

[But although the forest is dense and the food is inexhaustible, the place is limited. 】

[As forest-dwelling animals, ancient apes lived on trees most of the time, and too many people would lead to their overcrowded life. 】

[In the end, under the trend of this model, the four major branch groups finally couldn't bear it anymore and launched the world's first large-scale biological war! 】

[Late third era: The war has continued to this day. The relatively petite Ramapithecus and Australopithecus were defeated. Ramapithecus disappeared and searched for traces, becoming the first creatures to withdraw from the stage of history. 】

[The relatively large Egyptian apes and African apes won the victory, forming a situation where the two races competed for hegemony, and they still lived in the forest. 】

[As for Australopithecus, because of the defeat in the war, they were forced to be driven out of the forest, and could only migrate to the east of the world to ensure the well-being of the group. 】

[At the end of the third era: On the land, many creatures have appeared one after another, such as dire wolves, cross-faced bears, woolly rhinos, and many other large creatures, wandering on the mainland. 】

[The australopithecus, who was driven out of the forest, traveled long distances to the grassland area. 】

[Here, they eat and sleep in the open, eat the last meal without the next meal, not only to avoid the hunting of large creatures, but also to avoid the discovery of local deformed creatures. 】

[As a last resort, the number of Australopithecines has plummeted to the extreme. When the genus is about to be wiped out, a group of Australopithecus are stimulated to their potential and try to adjust themselves to adapt to this new environment. 】

[Finally, after a long period of precipitation, a brand new race was born! 】

[A small number of ancient apes that survived successfully completed this transformation and evolved to walk upright on two feet. 】

[It will use branches and stones to assemble Paleolithic tools, so as to hunt on the grassland. It no longer only feeds on fruit and leaves, and no longer uses trees as its habitat. 】

[This evolutionary body with obvious characteristics is known by history as a capable person! 】

【Ding! The history of human evolution began to be deduced, and the Paleolithic Age was born! 】

【Ding! Early intelligent life forms, capable people were born! 】

[Host creation value +1000. 】

The capable man evolved from the ancient apes already has the ability of human beings to stand and walk, and has a little wisdom.

These are exactly the direction Bai Ze expected!

The forest was too prosperous, and the ancient apes did not need to make much changes to coordinate in order to adapt to the environment that did not change much, so they were destined to remain in the stage of apes so far.

However, Australopithecines who migrated to grassland areas need to adapt to the new environment, so they will definitely make changes.

Everything is proceeding according to the established plan.

"Okay, now that talented people have appeared, it's time to add fire to them!" Bai Ze said awkwardly.

In the next second, one of his thoughts fell into the tree people in the far distance of the grassland.

At this time, the treant clan all stayed in a dense forest, acting a little funny.

The large beasts of native creatures surrounded all kinds of treants, and they were beating their backs and legs, flattering them.

There is no way, who is called realm crushing.

The tree people are all extraordinary, and even large beasts can't resist them, so they can only be little brothers.

[Early Fourth Era: Your voice fell into Aurora's ears, and she immediately understood what to do. 】

[On the other side of the grassland, there was a heavy rain immediately, and one of the thunderbolts fell, just hitting a broken piece of wood in the able man tribe, and a raging flame rose. 】

[Skilled people surrounded the flames, feeling extremely horrified, no one dared to approach, but under an opportunity, a rare piece of animal meat fell into the flames. 】

[An unwilling capable man rushed forward, trying to pull back the cooked meat, but the moment he took it out, he was overwhelmed by a scent. 】

[Countless capable people were curious and attracted by the aroma. They began to share the roast meat, and were surprised to find that the meat roasted over a high fire tasted several times better than raw meat! 】

【Then, in the process of experimenting with flames, people also discovered that large beasts are very afraid of flames, as long as there is fire, they dare not approach. 】

[Thus, capable people discovered various usages of flame for the first time. 】

[Whenever there is heavy rain from the sky, and when thunder and lightning hit the ground and flames rise, they will worship the sky, thinking that it is a gift from heaven. 】

【Ding! The prototype of the initial faith was born, and the creation value of the host was +500. 】

[Middle of the fourth era: The concentration of aura has reached 3000 times, and the acceleration of talent evolution is still advancing. 】

[The able-bodied people who learned to use flames developed more rapidly, the total number exceeded 2000, and they were less hostile and dangerous. They have already polished stones and produced more refined stone tools for hunting. 】

[There are also capable people who have drawn some simple symbols and unknown languages ​​through the flames of gifts. 】

[Late Fourth Era: The concentration of spiritual energy has increased to 5000 times, the world is prosperous, and even the endless prairie has grown seedlings of trees and began to spread. 】

[Food resources are abundant, capable people who meet the above conditions, once again undergo a large-scale transformation. 】

[Their backs are no longer curved, they have become a bit straighter, and the fluff on their bodies has gradually faded away. Most importantly, this type of people has learned to use animal skins to wrap their bodies, and the trend of tribalization is more prosperous. 】

[This kind of race is called Homo erectus in history! 】

【Ding! The early humanoid life form, Homo erectus was born! 】

[Host creation value +500. 】

Seeing this, Bai Ze couldn't help but nodded in admiration.

Because of an opportunity of the flame, the development of capable man accelerated until it evolved into Homo erectus.

This is Bai Ze's decision.

"Homo erectus has been born."

"The next step is the biggest difficulty." Bai Ze said a little nervously.

After Homo erectus, there is the legendary Homo sapiens who is most similar to modern humans!

But in order for Homo sapiens to be born, the first civilized tribe must be created.

If there is no stimulation during this period, it must be a very long process.

Bai Ze thought about it, and felt that it was better to let the tree people wait for an opportunity, and wait for the official birth of intelligent life forms before coming forward.

For now, just wait and see!

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