All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 157 The Birth Of The Four Great Races And The Coming Of The Ice Age

[The end of the first era: Unfortunately, no matter where the ancient apes went, the surrounding area was extremely barren, and there was not much food for them to live on. 】

[And the ancient apes who ran away were chased and killed by deformed monsters one after another, and many members of the clan died. 】

[In this cruel mode, in order to survive, the ancient apes were forced to adjust themselves and begin to adapt to the new environment. 】

[Soon, after enduring a lot of sacrifices, a small group of ancient apes evolved into capable humans. 】

[Skillful people learn to make Paleolithic tools, use this weapon to hunt, and capture some small animals to satisfy their hunger. Gradually, they don't need fruits and leaves to make food, and the current tragedy is alleviated in one fell swoop. 】

【Ding! A capable man is born. 】

【Ding! Paleolithic is born! 】

[Early Second Era: The world is still developing, evolved from cells, and medium-sized creatures have appeared one after another, becoming the second batch of threats to the survival of capable people. 】

【Ding! Racial branch talents activated! 】

[In order to cope with this environment of being hunted and killed, capable people spontaneously organized and decided to unite together to form an alliance of the tribal system. 】

[However, capable people scattered in different blocks have obtained different branches of evolution one after another. 】

[The capable people in the valley area south of the world gradually darkened their skin, and the capable people in the withered forest in the north of the world got fairer skin. 】

[The capable people in the desert to the west of the world have evolved brown skin, and the capable people who have been staying in the eastern grassland have acquired a yellowish skin. 】

【Ding! Yellow, black, white and brown, the prototypes of the four major races were born for the first time! 】

【Ding! Host creation value +400. 】

"New harvest, it turned out to be the branch of the four major races."

"Then the next step is to follow the plan."

Said Bai Ze overlooking the earth.

Immediately, an oracle descended from him.

[Middle of the Second Era: Treants who drank the space potion can already ascend to the sky at will. 】

[The tree people are responsible for carrying the materials, and Aurora is responsible for using magic power to splice the stones and wood they transported up, forming a prototype of an empty island. 】

[At this moment, your oracle appeared, and Aurora, who received the signal, quickly understood what to do. 】

[She used her magic power to rain heavily all over the world, and at the same time, it was accompanied by thunder and lightning, causing many places to catch fire. 】

[The races in various places were afraid of the raging flames at first, but as time passed, a few smart people discovered the multiple uses of the flames. 】

[Fires can be used for hunting, heating, and cooking, and those who gradually master the flames can live more and more comfortably. 】

【Ding! Innate talent, wisdom to multiply and activate! 】

[The living environment has been improved, capable people no longer feel the cold, and are more enthusiastic about reproduction. The next generation born has a rapid increase in IQ. 】

[Based on the next generation with high IQ, four different types of capable people soon appeared with their own language symbols and more refined tools. 】

[Gradually, a small number of tribesmen transformed, and their head capacity became larger, and they got a more upright spine, and evolved into Homo erectus. 】

【Ding! Homo erectus was born! 】

[Homo erectus knew how to use animal skins to equip themselves, which could resist wind and cold and strengthen their defenses, which greatly enhanced their ability to survive. 】

[Late Second Era: The number of the four types of Homo erectus has exceeded the 4,000 mark, and the scale of the tribe is also growing. 】

[At the same time, the heavy rain driven by magic power finally stopped at this moment, but the world was nourished by the heavy rain of magic power, and the recovery speed was greatly accelerated. 】

[Mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, Irish elk and other large creatures evolved from cells and entered the stage of history for the first time. 】

【Ding! Talented, keen on launching wars! 】

[These newly born creatures have gained a strong desire to fight. They are jealous when they see other creatures, and they constantly want to conquer and fight, resulting in endless wars. 】

[Although they have flames and exquisite tools, in such a chaotic world with little food, the upright people are also devastated, and it is difficult to compete with these large creatures. 】

At the same time off the court, Bai Ze said with emotion.

"All the talents have been activated, and two resource cards have been used."

"Finally, it's here again."

Unfortunately, in the 50 minutes just now, Bai Ze didn't think clearly about how to evolve Homo erectus.

Nowadays, it really becomes a difficult problem.

If it doesn't work, it will have to end helplessly like the last round.

"What should be done......"

While Bai Ze was thinking, the simulation below continued.

[At the end of the Second Era: The planet with few resources has become more and more barren after experiencing endless wars of creatures. 】

[Many mountains, rocks and trees were destroyed, and the production of food and resources was reduced. 】

[Unfortunately, with the IQ of animals, they can only understand one truth, and that is to share the cake! Rather than unite and make the cake bigger together. 】

[So this scene can't help but make them fight more fiercely, vowing to kill each other and enjoy the resources exclusively. 】

[Early third era: Finally, during the riots, an accident happened. The sun, which spreads luster for this planet, moved to the area near the center of the galaxy, and its luminosity was greatly reduced. 】

[Lacking a lot of hot light, the temperature of the entire planet dropped sharply, and the lowest area dropped to minus 40 degrees. 】

[The spreading glaciers quickly froze the ocean, heavy snow fell from the sky, and the cold wind fell to the ground, forming layers of frost and thick snow, covering the entire world. 】

[Even the empty island built by the tree people in the air was covered by heavy snow and formed a layer of ice. From the outside, the surface of the planet was dyed blue and white, with almost no green spots visible. 】

[This strange phenomenon is known in history as the Ice Age! 】

【Ding! The Ice Age was born for the first time! 】

【Ding! Host creation value +1000. 】

"Ice age? How could it appear at this time?!"

Seeing this, Bai Ze opened and closed his mouth, wanting to say something.

I really don't expect anything to happen. The originally barren planet has caught up with the arrival of an ice age.

At a low temperature of minus 40 degrees, perhaps a few organisms can survive, but plants will definitely not be able to survive!

In this way, without a food source, the organism will certainly not be able to survive.

Not to mention, what made Homo erectus evolve.

"But something is wrong. In the same era as last round, why didn't the Ice Age appear?"

Bai Ze frowned, feeling extremely strange.

Can't tolerate him thinking too much.

The Ice Age is here. For now, I just need to see if there are any cards in my hand that can be used as a remedy.

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