All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 16 It Turns Out That All Of This Is The Power Of The Gods

"It turns out that the birth of Gatanger was also made through distortion?" Bai Ze said to himself.

"System, permanently cure Gatanjae!" Bai Ze shouted.

A veteran who has followed him for three simulations but has not left, and even advanced to become an extraordinary creature, Bai Ze has no reason not to.

Moreover, it is still a product of distortion, and its initial level is higher than that of Kun and Cloud Wing Tiger King at the beginning.

【Ding! The host has been permanently solidified successfully, please temporarily select a temporary solidification item for the host. 】

"No curing." Bai Ze replied immediately.

【Ding! Ask the host to temporarily solidify a talent among the following talents. 】

Looking at the three talents, Bai Ze thought for a while.

"System, use the creation value, I want to permanently solidify the red talent, and the aura will be revived!"

As he said that, the creation value on his system panel decreased wildly, but in the system backpack, the permanently solidified and successful spiritual recovery also appeared.

"In this way, it can be used forever." The corners of Bai Ze's mouth rose.

As for keeping talent temporarily, to be honest, Bai Ze doesn't know what to keep.

The golden talent is really attractive, but Bai Ze doesn't want to develop in a single direction.

He simply spoke directly.

"Don't keep any talent, end this simulation."

【Ding! After receiving the command from the host, this simulation is over! 】

[Cooling time is 50 minutes. 】

Hearing the cooling time, Bai Ze exited the simulation space.

He turned on the mobile phone next to the bed and saw that it was getting late.

In the remaining time, he has to deal with the real world affairs in a hurry.

"System, open my world and release three extraordinary creatures!"

In the next second, Bai Ze looked down at his planet from the perspective of God.

In the middle of the spacious land, Taotie fanned its scarlet wings, leading a group of Sky Winged Tigers to look down on the land, and it appeared here impressively.

On the other side of the ocean, Gatanjiehe flicked his tentacles and rolled in the deep sea, sneaking a peek from time to time. The big brother Kunpeng in the sky put on a question mark face.

"Who am I? Where am I? What kind of place is this? Have I crossed over?"

Four questions in a row, the three extraordinary creatures had the same idea.

They are eager to know why they appear here.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, he ran into his original enemy.

Especially Kunpeng and Taotie, they looked at each other two by two, with anger burning in their eyes, it seemed that there was static electricity in the middle, and they wanted to fight again without thinking!

【Ding! In the real world of the host, two warrior-level extraordinary creatures and more than two hundred slave-level extraordinary creatures appeared. 】

【Ding! The world has advanced, successfully entered the first-order planet! 】

"Awesome!" Bai Ze smiled happily.

The key to an advanced planet is to have the creatures in the planet strong enough, abundant enough, and luxuriant enough.

However, the extraordinaryness of the two generals allowed the planet to advance to the first level.

It seems that the advancement of this planet is not a very simple matter.

"That's right." Bai Ze suddenly thought of something again.

He quickly cut back to his own planet, and with a big wave of his hand, he lowered a bright beam of light and enveloped a place.

Undoubtedly, that place is exactly where the two super generals are about to collide.

"Why can't my body move?"

"I can't move my body, what's going on?"

The two extraordinary faces paled, and they made unbelievable voices.

They are suspended in mid-air, looking up, a human silhouette is vaguely outlined in the sky.

All the visions of the heavens and the earth are around, as if the entire mother planet is offering supreme blessings for this person's arrival.

"I think you should be very puzzled, right?"

This voice came out and echoed throughout the world.

The two extraordinary races couldn't help trembling.

Gatanjiehe directly shrank his body into the shell, too frightened to move.

"God..." Taotie whispered.

It suddenly remembered that the white ape race had warned the world that there are gods looking down on them in the sky!

All of that is the test of the gods, as long as you pass the test, you can usher in a new life.

Could it be that they, who had long died in the collapse of the world, were resurrected, which is the so-called new life? !

"Great god, is this the so-called new life?!" Taotie asked bluntly.

Bai Ze was stunned by this question.

But when he remembered the message from the gods conveyed by the white ape in the fourth simulation, he seemed to understand something.

"That's right, all your doubts are caused by my power."

"I hope you can get along peacefully without any wars or conflicts."

"Don't fight inside, if you want to fight, fight outside!"

Bai Ze's words shocked not only Taotie, but also other races.

They clearly remember that the last time they fought on both sides was about to decide the winner.

Suddenly the whole world burst open, and in a dazzling light, all living things were reduced to ashes.

Was such a terrifying power originally the work of a god?

Most importantly, the gods destroy the world.

Surprisingly, they were all resurrected, and even the mother star was assembled together.

How supreme is this?

"Great god, great creator, we remember your teachings!"

At this time, Gatange was the first to speak out.

It is a creature that has experienced three times of world destruction!

No matter how stupid he is, more or less, he can still feel that he is being reborn infinitely.

This must be the so-called new student in the mouth of the white ape!

"Great god, great creator, we remember your teachings!"

Not long after, the other two commanders also began to sing their praises.

They are all races that have experienced the destruction of the world. Who can doubt the authenticity of the gods in front of them?

"Hmm..." Bai Ze looked at all this, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You should develop well for the time being, taking advantage of the rich resources of your home planet."

"This world is bigger than you imagine. There are galaxies beyond the planets, and the universe beyond the galaxies."

"Waiting for you will be a distant future, which is far beyond your reach now."

Hearing this, many extraordinary people were shocked again.

They live within the planet, and they don't know that there is actually a place called the Milky Way Universe in this outside world.

They feel deep remorse for their own weakness and ignorance.

After that, Bai Ze left without saying anything.

He is a god, not a nanny.

There are too many things, let them explore by themselves.

I am only responsible for pointing them in the right direction.

Anyway, the world is so lush now that there is no internal fighting.

The speed of development should be rapid.

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