All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 162 The Story Of The Gods Began To Spread, And The Age Division Of The Dragon Clan

"That should be about the same."

The abolition of slavery as soon as possible is the most important thing.

Tang has already been warned by Aurora. In the name of 'God', no one dares not to listen.

After that, continue to read, and the effect is indeed not bad as expected.

[After Tang succeeded to the throne, the first thing he did was to abolish slavery, amnesty the world, turn all slaves into free citizens, let them participate in farming, weaving, and even join the army! 】

[Afterwards, Tang aggressively recruited the people left over from the Xia Dynasty to use them for his own use, developing handicrafts, agriculture, and most importantly, commerce. 】

[This change caused the total population to continue to skyrocket at the beginning of the founding of the Shang Dynasty, the economy also developed rapidly, the people were happy and healthy, and the dynasty became stronger. 】

[Unfortunately, the abolition of slavery met the cake of the other tribal leaders, and it was with their help that Tang was able to quickly break the rule of the Xia Dynasty. 】

[Now that the Shang Dynasty is established, their status is naturally not low in the court. In order to prevent the slavery system from disappearing and to consolidate their position in the dynasty, these people began to unite and compete secretly with Tang. 】

[Helplessly, the abolition of slavery was forced to end halfway through the implementation. 】

[Tang Duofang was limited, because at the beginning of the founding of the country, military power was limited, and the support of these tribal leaders was needed, so he could not confront them openly, so he had to find opportunities to deal with them as much as possible. 】

【Tang didn't forget the task assigned to him by the 'God', so he also promoted the God Sect. Unfortunately, no matter how much he thought about it day and night, he couldn't see the 'God' again. 】

[Middle of the Eighth Era: Gradually, Tang also reached his twilight years. Combined with the gods handed down from the previous generation of Xia Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty now has millions of people and revives the gods. 】

[The legendary story of Tang, with a character named 'God', spread among the people, gradually evolved into a kind of folklore, and was even written into books, and it will last forever. 】

[Someone once threatened that all people in the world were created by gods, and they are the heirs of gods. Their own monarch is a wise monarch, so that they can attract gods to come and guide them in person, so they should be regarded as the son of heaven! 】

[As soon as these words came out, the Shang Dynasty was in full swing, and there was a lot of noise, and these voices were inadvertently spread to the ears of the dignitaries. 】

[Late Eighth Era: Tang's son succeeded to the throne according to the hereditary system. After Tang's death, he successfully became the second generation monarch of the Shang Dynasty. 】

[After hearing these folk interviews, he was very happy, and proclaimed himself the emperor, a man of great fortune favored by the heavens, he should reform history, break the shackles, and become a well-deserved emperor through the ages! 】

[However, this person is completely opposite to Tang's thoughts. He disdains his father for being with slaves, and after he succeeds, he will directly stand in the united front with the leaders of the tribes! 】

[Then the slavery system was re-enacted, and the class gap began to flourish, directly making everything that Tang had done before come to naught! 】

[The second-generation monarch believes that he is the man of destiny, everything he does is righteous, and what he does is absolute, no one can reverse it, no one dares to reverse it! 】

['God', definitely stand by me! 】

"Okay, I have to kill another one."

Off the field, Bai Ze was speechless at this scene.

Finally, you can skip this system immediately and come to the next system that develops faster.

It's all right now, all previous efforts have been wasted by being messed up by the second generation of monarchs.

"Forget it, the ending is almost the same."

"It's a big deal, just support another force."

Bai Ze shook his head inexplicably.

He thought about it, and this thing didn't look very smart.

Instead of letting Aurora turn into a god body and go down to teach the second generation monarch how to do it, it is better to directly support a new force.

[At the same time, the self-confident second-generation monarch is still eager to fight. The Shang Dynasty now has millions of people, tens of thousands of mercenaries, and wears extremely sophisticated bronze equipment, which is enough to dominate a party. 】

【The ferocious beasts around, no matter if they are tigers, lions, jackals, etc., dare not approach this area. This move gave the people more confidence to develop animal husbandry on their own. 】

[With sufficient food supplies, the Shang Dynasty, unlike the Xia Dynasty, expanded at an astonishing speed. A dozen small tribes around them were quickly swallowed up. 】

[This news made many surrounding tribes with tens of thousands of people or less than 10,000 people feel extremely panicked. 】

[Among them, a tribe surnamed Zhou also received news of the Shang Dynasty's foreign war. 】

[There are over ten thousand people in their tribe. Although the tribe is medium-sized, the number of people who can really participate in the war is only worth a thousand. How can it stop the tens of thousands of bronze infantry from the Shang Dynasty? 】

[The tribe instantly caused panic, because their tribe is located in the most central part of the west, which is a warm and humid area with loose soil, and the crops grown are also top-notch. 】

[By relying on this, the Shang Dynasty will definitely arouse the covetousness and become the first group to be annexed! 】

"West Central?"

"The climate here is good, there should be no shortage of food resources."

Bai Ze thought about it carefully, and came up with a good idea in his mind.

Since he wants to personally overthrow the Shang Dynasty that he supported, the ability of this Zhou tribe seems to be good.

"Almost, let's choose this tribe."

"But now the Shang Dynasty is at its peak, so they have to develop well."

While speaking, Bai Ze's eyes fell on Aurora on the empty island again.

But this time, he noticed something a little different.

"Has this Holy Spirit King Dragon grown bigger?" Bai Ze asked strangely.

At this time, the little guy was lying in the crystal forest of Sky Island.

Bathed in the reflection of the crystal, the colorful sunlight reflected, sleeps soundly.

Its size, compared to when it was just born, is a circle bigger, and now it is twice the size of Aurora.

【Ding! Yes, host. 】

【Holy Spirit King Dragon represents nature and life. In addition to absorbing the vitality of others to grow oneself, if the natural environment is rich, it can also make it grow slowly. 】

Bai Ze nodded and glanced at the ground.

It has to be said that after the blessing of skyrocketing resources.

Since the end of the Ice Age, the world's resources have become more and more abundant.

There are even some ores that protrude from the surface and can be easily found.

This should be the reason why the Holy Spirit King Dragon is growing slowly.

"By the way, the system, in its state, is it about to enter childhood?" Bai Ze continued to ask.

Dragon creatures are divided into infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, and the final full period.

According to the size of the little guy, Bai Ze estimated that it will have to enter childhood in a short time.

It seems that Tang Qingcheng's dragon of order should have just entered adolescence during the freshman test period.

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