All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 166 Breaking The Rules Of The World, The Second Red Talent!

"I was in the other world, and I heard many students around me talking about me."

"So I thought, in order to stop everyone from worrying, I am here to show the world I have cultivated."

Zhong Peng smiled but didn't smile, his eyes were slightly gloomy.

The students outside the venue frowned upon hearing this.

"worry about what?"

"What have we to worry about you?"

Some students said indignantly.

On the other hand, Zhong Peng shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Of course I was worried that I would win."

"So I'm here to prove it, so don't worry."

"Because I... will definitely win!" Zhong Peng paused, his tone slightly arrogant.

After all, he stretched out his hand to hold the crystal ball tightly.

The next moment, the grand scene in the world was reflected on the glass wall directly in front of him.

The classmates who had been provoked by Zhong Peng's words suddenly stopped in place.

They frowned slightly, staring at the glass.

I saw the internal scene appearing, and the place where the eyes passed was already extremely prosperous, which made many students dumbfounded!

The rotten wasteland was gone, replaced by soft soil covered by green grass.

Groups of green trees that rise from the ground even extend to the periphery of the beach.

There is no doubt that this world already fits the category of a standard world.

"It's only a day and a half. Even with the help of item cards, it's impossible to be so fast, right?"

Just as the words fell, suddenly the scene inside the glass wall shook slightly.

Everyone looked around and saw that the four legs were in the shape of an inverted triangle, and it was a huge monster with a height of 30 meters.

I am taking one foot and crossing from the forest.

The loud bangs of 'rumbling' continued one after another, and the entire glass wall seemed to be shaking.

"It's nanoworms!"

"There's more than one!"

Someone shouted.

In the distance, a grand army of nanoworms walked in the forest with their slender legs and feet.

These nanoworms opened their mouths wide, and their interiors were surrounded by silver-white swirls, as if they were absorbing surrounding energy.

After careful calculation, the number is more than 500, like a plague of insects passing through, making countless small animals in the forest tremble under the huge shadow.

"As expected, it is a nanoworm, and the growth rate in the later stage is too fast."

"Swallow all kinds of energy in the air, and it will keep getting bigger."

I have to say that although Zhong Peng is crazy, his ability to make judgments on the spot is still very strong.

Nanoworms, originally a rapidly growing creature, are most suitable for sprint competition.

Perhaps in the late stage, their bodies are more fragile, not as good as those real higher bloodline creatures.

But speaking of the early stage, the speed of development is definitely first-class fast, crushing all creatures of the same level.

What's more, Bai Ze, who was competing with him, chose intelligent creatures.

This type of creature is the point of strength in the late stage.

"I know I'm strong, but students don't have to worry."

"After all, your classmate Bai Ze hasn't started to develop the world yet."

"He has been observing for so long, maybe he will become a blockbuster?"

After saying this, Zhong Peng let out a hearty laugh.

Having said that, there are a few people in the field who believe it.

As mentioned before, the development of the planet is not the same as the battle, it does not happen overnight.

It takes a long time to pass, Bai Ze has not moved for such a long time, which makes the students very nervous.

"Okay, the show is over."

"Everyone just wait for my good news, and see how I can crush the entire young generation in Su Lin Province by myself!"

Under the anxious gaze of the old headmaster, the content on the glass wall disappeared.

Zhong Peng sat back on his seat again and began to enter his own world to continue to develop.

Time passed very slowly, and many students felt anxious.

Because only half of the time has passed, Zhong Peng has grown to such a scale.

On the other side, Bai Ze, who is expected to be expected, has no waves, which makes people feel uneasy.

It wasn't until two hours later that Bai Ze, who was immersed in the other world, slowly opened his eyes.

【Ding! The cooling time has expired, and the host can start the next round of simulation at any time! 】

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ze couldn't help smiling.

Time is running out and this is the last chance.

A creature of strength alone is not enough, and an intelligent creature is too slow.

Then intellectual fellow practitioners, fight for the big one!

"System, start this simulation."

【Ding! After receiving the command from the host, this round of simulation officially starts. 】

【Ding! This planet is not the host planet, and only the agency right is obtained. If the simulation is turned on, no creation value is required. 】


"Yes." Bai Ze said softly.

【Ding! Ten consecutive draws have been released, please host to choose the talent to carry in this round of simulation from the following options! 】

There is no doubt about the race branch.

Scroll down.

[Growth without rules (golden)]: Talent against the rules, ignoring the world environment, cells can evolve into any creature, any blood, or deformed, or complete, beyond the law, rewrite the law!

"Golden talent, a good thing, rare and hard to find!" Bai Ze was pleasantly surprised.

With a smile on his face, he continued to look down.

At the bottom of the ten talents, Bai Ze's eyes suddenly flashed scarlet.

[Dark Soldiers Borrowing Paths (Red)]: One-time active talent, which can revive the dead, and the dead creatures come to the world in the form of dead souls, regaining a second life!

"Red talent!" Bai Ze blinked.

Make sure you read it right!

For a long time, the second red talent besides Aura Recovery.

"That's it!" Bai Ze thought without thinking.

Red talent, don't use it for nothing!

As for the spiritual recovery, the development cycle is too short, so it is not suitable to carry it this time.

Therefore, Bai Ze started with these three talents.

"After the selection, it's just these three talents." Bai Ze said.

【Ding! This round of talent selection is successful. 】

【Ding! Ask the host to choose the items to be carried in this round of simulation. 】

【Ding! Has automatically carried items for the host, the authority of the gods, the eye of the gods. 】

[Items that can be carried: 1 b-level creature card, 3 b-level resource cards, 3 b-level item cards. 】

"Deduct the Genesis Points and bring them all." Bai Ze didn't hesitate at all.

【Ding! The deduction of the creation value is successful, and the items are carried. 】

【Ding! This round of simulation has officially started! 】

A voice echoed in my ears.

Overlooking the barren continent, the corners of Bai Ze's mouth rose slightly.

"Put in B-level resource cards, and the resources will grow."

"Put in a b-level resource card, and it will rain heavily."

"Put in the b-level biological card, ancient ape!"

【Ding! The compatibility of the two resource cards was detected, and they were released at the same time, creating a chain reaction! 】

【Ding! A-level resource card, resource surge has been activated! 】

【Ding! The b-level biological card ancient ape took effect, and the launch was successful! 】

In the middle of the world, primitive ancient apes appeared on the barren land, looking so thin.

Bai Ze raised confidence in his eyes.

"Put in the b-level item card, son of luck!"

【Ding! The item card, Son of Luck, has been launched! 】

[The target ancient ape has been selected, confirm the activation. 】


Suddenly, Bai Ze interrupted the sound of the system.

"The subject is not a living thing."

"The target of the child of luck is the whole world!"


【Ding! The selected object is successful, the creatures all over the world, the son of luck has been activated! 】

"Okay, finally..."

A card flickered in Bai Ze's hand.

"Activate the b-level resource card, immortal energy empowerment!"

"Let the world become a bloodbath!"

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