All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 194 Breakthrough Of The Holy Spirit Wanglong, The Principal's Private Meeting

【Ding! The Holy Spirit Wanglong has entered the youth stage, breaking through the beginning of the commanding level! 】

After the beep, the chrysalis exploded.

The Holy Spirit King Dragon folded and wrapped its wings, and suddenly opened them wide.

The green light beams sprinkled the earth, and the majestic vitality stretched like a surging river.

"What a powerful force of life and nature, is this the divine dragon in youth?" Bai Ze couldn't help but be amazed.

Calculated, from the birth of the Holy Spirit King Dragon to the present, only half a month has passed, and there has been such a breakthrough.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the sacred blood, including the night burial dragon I met before.

He was also intimidated by the powerful blood at the beginning, so he was easily killed in seconds, without even a chance to fight back.

However, Bai Ze is also indispensible for this breakthrough.

Resurrection is something like an S-level resource card.

Needless to say, the rarity of s-level cards, but those who own the emulator can use them at will, pure cheating.

Coupled with the infusion of immortal energy, it will be a matter of time before the Holy Spirit Wanglong enters the command.

"In this way, we now have four commander-level creatures in our hands."

Bai Ze clenched his fists, excited to feel a powerful force in his body.

The feeling of confidence is different.

Afterwards, Bai Ze withdrew from the inner world after the Holy Spirit King Dragon finished advancing.

At this time, the sun was scorching outside, the sky was clear, and the weather was very good.

Because today is Saturday, there is no class.

Early in the morning, Bai Ze has been busy since last night, collapsed on the bed, ready to make up for sleep.

But suddenly, the door downstairs was knocked.

thump thump——

When Bai Ze heard this, he got up from the bed immediately.

Who will knock on the door on Saturday morning?

Unable to figure it out, Bai Ze walked out of the room and dragged his slightly tired body downstairs.

When I opened the door, what I saw was the female teacher wearing glasses before.

With doubts, Bai Ze frowned and asked: "This teacher, you came to see me on Saturday, is there anything you want?"

The teacher panicked, saw Bai Ze coming out, and hurriedly replied, "Oh...oh."

"Student Bai Ze, it was your homeroom teacher Mr. Zhou who asked me to come to you."

"It's something important to tell you, and I want you to come with me to her office."

Hearing this, Bai Ze thought for a while.

During the rest time on Saturday, Mr. Zhou came to find him. It seemed that it was indeed a very important matter.

Coincidentally, Bai Ze has been busy developing his own world for the past week.

And that national competition, I didn't have time to ask Mr. Zhou.

Since she took the initiative to look for her now, why not ask this question in the past as well.

"I see, let's go now."

Hearing what Bai Ze said, the female teacher poked her head out again, and looked inside the villa through Bai Ze.

Then he continued timidly: "That... Bai Ze classmate."

"If it's convenient, let student Xia Yinyue go with her. Your teacher Zhou has something to do with you."

Bai Ze looked at her, feeling a little strange.

Although Xia Yinyue said her grades were very good, she basically had no contact with Teacher Zhou.

Why did you suddenly have something to do today, and you have to call her?

Unfortunately, Bai Ze didn't think much, and immediately called out Xia Yinyue.

The latter was wearing pajamas, and ran down the stairs in a panic, apparently just waking up.

"Yinyue, Mr. Zhou has something to ask us."

"You change your clothes, let's go there together."

Hearing what Bai Ze said, Xia Yinyue nodded and agreed.

"Okay, then I'll go upstairs and change, and I'll be right here."


In a flash, the two of them were fully dressed and followed the female teacher to the teaching area.

Walking up to the top floor of the teaching building, she led the two of them to the depths.

It became more and more quiet inside, and even the footsteps of the two could be clearly heard.

Only the bright lights can give people a sense of security.

"Wait, teacher."

Bai Ze suddenly stopped in his tracks, and asked strangely, "What is this place? Why have I never been here before?"

"Is Teacher Zhou's office right here?"

The female teacher raised her reflective eyes, and her face was a little indifferent.

But before she could speak, there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the end of the corridor on the other side.

click click -

"Huh?" Bai Ze looked at the opposite side with some vigilance.

Two figures appeared in the distance, but it wasn't until they got closer that the two groups of people could see each other clearly.

"Why are you here too?!"

The person who spoke was Wei Chi who came from the opposite side.

The other person following him was naturally Huang Tian.

"Mr. Zhou asked me to come, and you were also asked by Mr. Zhou?" Bai Ze asked.

After looking Bai Ze up and down, Wei Chi nodded in confusion.

At this time, in the third aisle on the right, there were several consecutive footsteps.

There is no doubt that the person who came was also a student from the same class as Bai Ze, a total of three people.

"Student Bai Ze? Why are you all here?"

"Did Teacher Zhou ask you to come here?"

The leading boy glanced at Wei Chi, then turned his gaze to Bai Ze suspiciously.

It seems that from this point of view, there are a total of seven people who were recruited by Teacher Zhou.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

"Did Teacher Zhou find seven people in total?" Bai Ze asked puzzled.

However, the teacher with glasses only slightly lifted the frame of the glasses.

"That's right, come with me, it's just ahead."

Pointing forward, the only door at the end of this corridor.

With puzzled eyes, everyone followed the teacher's pace.

When the door was opened, a warm and warm light came out.

What came into view was the principal of Tianzhou Academy, who was sitting on the main seat.

Teacher Zhou, on the other hand, stood beside him with a serious face.

"The principal, Mr. Zhou, and the students have all brought them here."

"If it's okay, I'll go back first."

Saying that, the teacher who brought them here bowed his head in a little respect.

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked out of the office.

Quietly glanced at the nameless notice board.

Only then did Bai Ze realize that this was the principal's office, no wonder it was so remote and quiet.

"Principal, we..."

"Don't worry, sit down first."

The principal interrupted Bai Ze's speech, and gestured to the sofas on both sides.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback.

But after thinking for two seconds, they all sat down obediently.

"Principal, in the name of Teacher Zhou, you came to us in such a hurry on Saturday. Is there something important?" Wei Chi spoke first.

The headmaster, who was sitting on the main seat, crossed his arms and smiled cheerfully.


"I came to you in a hurry on the rest day."

"It's mainly about the exchanges between the two schools."

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