All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 222 Unscathed, The Sword That Cut Down The Stars

The shouting outside the arena has become louder and louder, and the noisy noise made Bai Ze have a tinnitus.

The sound of 'Zi Zi Zi' reverberated, and the moment it stopped, the black beam of destruction collided with the huge shield in front of Tao Tie.

The boundless power like a black hole engulfs everything around it.

Trees, rocks, soil clods, and streams, under the erosion of the dark light ball, turned into nothingness and turned into chaos.

Sword and Shield Taotie, who was in the attack zone, had long since disappeared.

Dark clouds shrouded the earth, and not even a ray of sunlight could shine in.

The storm generated during the attack once spread to other battlefields.

Even Tang Qingcheng couldn't help squinting slightly, feeling a little afraid of this power.

Zhao Jinzhu at this moment is not what it used to be.

He is no longer the third place in the province, but now, he even has a chance to compete with Tang Qingcheng!

Now Guangbo completely engulfed Sword and Shield Taotie, and the opponent did not dodge.

Even if it is a god-level creature, if it is not dead, it will be severely disabled!

If he can defeat Bai Ze, he will be even more eye-catching!


"Bai Ze!"

"The Dapeng is not the same as the Japanese, and it has skyrocketed to ninety thousand miles!"

"This is my current strength, the overall situation has been decided."

"Next, the rest of your creatures will be defeated by me one by one!"

Excited, Zhao Jinzhu couldn't help but smile.

Immediately afterwards, the cheers from the spectators continued.

"Head hit, home run!"

"It's great, being hit by the full power of the commanding mid-level creature, no matter what kind of god you are, you will lose a piece of skin!"

"That's right, this Bai Ze is overconfident and wants to take the big move head-on."

"I'm afraid he doesn't know that the coexistence of beliefs, coupled with the power of evolution, is far more than usual?"

Accompanied by the cheers, Teacher Cao exaggerated to tears.

He took off his glasses and wiped them, with a smug smile on his face.

"Great, with a head-on hit, even a god is hard to save now."

While speaking, he also intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Mr. Zhou who was not far away, with a trace of mockery hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone in Tianzhou Academy couldn't speak, their faces were dull, and even Wei Chi felt a little scared.

If his Immortal Emperor carried the huge amount of energy just now, it would probably evaporate in an instant.

The same is true for Xia Yinyue. In front of that energy, even the dragon of the forest may not be spared.

Bai Ze's creature is indeed very strong, but if he took this blow directly, there is a high probability that he will not die or be severely disabled.

However, among all the spectators who watched the game, there were only two people who were completely different.

Ouyang Na and Teacher Zhou Qing didn't speak for a while, and their expressions didn't change at all.

He just stared at the screen lightly, and a little dignified color flashed in his pupils from time to time.

At this time, under the cheers, the attack of the obsidian puppet had ended.

In the area covered by the black light group, the light group began to shrink a little bit, revealing the appearance of this area.

The surrounding ground was all sunken, and the landslides and soil cracked, forming a large pit.

The trees not far away were destroyed, leaving only half a trunk swaying in the wind.

The entire land boundary has been completely destroyed, and as far as the eye can see, there is no vitality at all, and it is already a withered and withered place.



"Something's wrong..."

"Why... a piece of land is not sunken in?!"

In an instant, the occurrence of this mutation shocked the audience.

The sunken land boundary is in the form of a ring, surrounding a raised land boundary in the middle.

It wasn't until the black rays of light dissipated that everyone was finally able to see the whole picture of its interior clearly.

A gold-plated giant shield with strong patterns stands vertically on the border of the upturned land.

The Taotie who was protected in it was not injured at all, not even a speck of dust was stained on it.

It's just that the shield is slightly scratched, and it is still slowly emitting black smoke.

But looking at the ground, there are four scratches, which means that Taotie was moved back a few steps by the light wave.

It also means that it has resisted the blow!



Suddenly, everything inside and outside the stadium fell into silence.

The hands of the students raised above their heads froze, and the slogan that was about to be blurted out also froze in their mouths.

Unexpectedly, unbelievably, such emotions were like waves, slapping on the students, making their cheeks ache.

Zhao Jinzhu was also stunned, his mouth seemed to be dislocated, and the whole mouth drooped.

He couldn't imagine, couldn't believe it.

The strongest blow of oneself, the strongest blow of gathering advanced and even belief.

it turns out.

Was blocked by Bai Ze? !

"This...what the hell is going on here?"

"Why...why is that monster unharmed?!"

The audience outside the stadium roared, almost crazy.

This is too shocking, even more shocking than Gatanjieer's annihilation of the forward army in one move!

It's hard for them to imagine that the blow with all their strength didn't hurt Bai Ze at all? !


"It can make the sword and shield Taotie back under full defense."

"The power of this blow is still very strong."

At this time, Bai Ze suddenly made a sound.

This was for himself, and also for Zhao Jinzhu across the way.

"However, it's time to end it."

"Sword and Shield Gluttonous, cut it off!"

"What?" Zhao Jinzhu was shocked.

He felt something, and his eyes turned sharply.

For a moment, everyone's eyes on the scene fell on Jiandun Taotie.

The ring behind it continued to flicker, and the giant shield standing vertically in the ground flew upwards with it.

In the light group, the shape of the sword and shield is reorganizing again.

This time, the huge shield shrank infinitely and became a part of the hilt, fused inside.

The gilt long sword shone with a sharp luster.

The flame pattern attached to the sword exploded into bright flames, igniting blazingly, as if it was going to burn the world to the ground.

Sensing that Bai Ze was about to attack, Zhao Jinzhu reacted immediately.

He hurriedly gave orders to the obsidian puppet.

"Black Obsidian Puppet, launch the strongest defense, the opposite side is about to attack!"

Hearing this, the black obsidian puppet blocked his face with both fists, and his knees were slightly bent.

Immediately afterwards, one side, two sides, three sides, and several pitch-black barriers unfolded, even more faintly visible, and a huge obsidian shield was born.

Under the god level, the strongest defense of the strongest shield, no one can beat it!

"It's useless to resist my attack!"

"Bai Ze, it is impossible for you to hurt my obsidian puppet."

"This is known as the existence of the strongest shield, even the god level can't break it!"

"Next, just wait for me to consume you little by little!"

Accompanied by Zhao Jinzhu's continuous roar, Sword Shield Taotie was fully prepared.

It held a gold-plated long sword in its mouth, and suddenly flames burst from under its feet, a storm swept in, and waves of spiritual waves spread.

The dazzling morning sun also pierced through the dark clouds, only landing on Taotie.

"The enemy is always cut, and the cut is endless."

"Golden Skyline!"

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