All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 226 The Only Out-Of-Print Creature That Exists, The Wild Wizard Was Strangled


After saying this, the principal of Su Lin Academy couldn't calm down.

The continuous ups and downs of the chest were bigger than those of a person who was subjected to waterboarding.

He naturally knew what this meant.

All the guesses just now have been verified!

That mysterious young student turned out to be Bai Ze himself? !

"No, I'm going to the scene."

At this time, Ouyang Na suddenly jumped up.

Although she looked calm on her face, her heart was completely exploded.

Can't go wrong.

She couldn't be more familiar with the breath of this holy wood elf!

It is absolutely impossible to be an imitation, or a creature cultivated by the Creator himself.

After searching for nearly a month, I finally found it for her!

Since the elf is the holy wood elf, then Bai Ze is definitely the one she is looking for!

With unspeakable excitement, Ouyang Na rushed out the door.


The old man just wanted to stop her and say something more, but he found that she had already run away.

Originally holding a fluke mentality, the old man wanted to persuade him.

This is a creature created by Bai Ze himself, but it has the same attributes as the holy wood elf.

But now, as the principal of Su Lin Academy, he is not so stupid.

What is the concept of out-of-print creatures?

Being out of print means that the same attribute will no longer exist in the world.

Even if it is produced by accident, it will definitely be different from the original species.

The book has already described it clearly, and the elves in front of me all account for the key points.

And the sacred longbow of the holy wood elves, how could it be possible for a creature that was bred by chance to have it?


Thinking up to this point, the old man collapsed down.

His eyes were full of shock, it was obvious that this had exceeded his expectations.

"Miscalculation, miscalculation..."


On the other side, back to the game scene.

This question has not been answered yet, but the members who are competing can't control it.

"A mid-level elf at the commanding level?"

"But no matter what kind of elf you are, I must defeat you here today."

"It's impossible for you to pass!"

"Let me, Wang Tiangang, follow the example of my predecessors and have a leapfrog battle!"

Wang Tiangang said unconvinced.

He had read various novels a long time ago.

The protagonist in it encounters a desperate situation. In addition to breaking through the battle, there is also a leapfrog battle!

As the saying goes, the same level is invincible, the higher level can fight, and the higher level can run!

Elves and wild wizards are both intelligent creatures, and the gap in power will never be very big.

A mere boundary, just go beyond it!

"Wild wizard!" Wang Tiangang gave an order.

The next second, the panicked wild wizard came back to his senses and hurriedly changed his staff.

It chanted an obscure incantation, and from the void, a dark staff with nine heads hanging suddenly drilled out.

What was destroyed just now was only his secondary staff, just to prevent the opponent from attacking in this way.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Look, this is my real fighting stance."

"The abyss staff made of nine skulls can amplify my energy infinitely!"

"Weak and weak elves, we are the descendants of the Lich God, let you see the full power of the barbarian clan!"

After getting the staff, Mage, the Lich, laughed from ear to ear.

What he said is true, the barbarians, especially the barbarian wizards, have a trace of lich blood.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a descendant.

And the lich is a powerful family with a great reputation in the universe.

In its clan, there are even creatures that have reached the god level.

That's why he thought about using this title to scare the other party.

Unexpectedly, after Aurora heard this, instead of panicking, her face turned cold instantly.


"Since you think your magic is very powerful."

"Then I'll use a staff too."

After a sneer, Aurora stood up on the tree king's shoulder.

Two pairs are facing each other, and each has a mount.

At this time, Aurora broke the longbow.

On the flat land, countless green shoots sprouted, shrouded in emerald green light, and gradually grew into vines.

Surrounded by these vines, it is a slender staff.

The body of the staff is made of gold, inlaid with emerald green gemstones.

There are also two wing-like vines that curve around the center jewel.

This is the only artifact of the holy wood elves!

Also belongs to the sacred bow, the sacred scepter!

Coincidentally, with the demise of the holy wood elf planet, Aurora brought it out together.


On the other hand, the wild wizard, seeing the opponent like this, seemed to have seen some big joke.

Elves are not a powerful race, and the only thing they can do to improve themselves is to interbreed with other races.

The most powerful and proficient weapons of the original elves are undoubtedly bows and arrows.

Now an elf, but abandoning the bow and arrow, wants to use magic to confront him?

Isn't this funny what is it?

"You will pay the price for seeing me clearly!"

Suddenly, the wild wizard uttered a rage.

When speaking, he did not forget to wave the abyss staff in his hand.

In an instant, nine heads hanging in a circle suddenly opened their mouths.

The ghostly flames flickered in the mouth, and the terrifying power condensed on the dark gem at the top.

Without waiting for the reaction of all the creatures in the venue, the black death light with explosive energy has already spewed out.

But on the other side, Aurora never showed the slightest fear.

She gripped the scepter tightly with both hands and quickly fixed the position.


In an instant, a huge magic circle unfolded in the center of the battlefield.

The range is so wide that it covers half of the wild beasts, including the one ridden by the wild wizard.

"What? Why did the ground shake?"

The wild wizard was unable to cast spells stably, and the entire ground trembled due to the birth of the magic circle.

"Forest Hell."

A fluttering spell fell.

Afterwards, strips of wooden vines emerged from the land surrounded by the magic circle.

They kept swaying, and first blocked the wild wizard's magic attack in the first step.

Then it madly attacked many savage beasts, as well as the savage wizard himself.

"Damn! What is this?!"

"Savage beasts, help me get rid of them!"

The wild wizard was attacked first, and his whole body was entangled in wooden vines, leaving only one head exposed.

The abyss scepter in his hand also fell and was directly swallowed by the wooden vines.

But at this time, the Wild Beasts simply had more than enough energy.

These wooden vines summoned by Aurora are actually stronger than them? !

And even if it is severed, it can still be regenerated at a hundred times faster, completely unstoppable.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho—"

Hundreds of savage beasts struggled desperately, but were wrapped around their bodies by wooden vines, and even their roars became lower and lower.

"A lich?"


Aurora's voice was low.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly activated the staff again.

Under everyone's gaze, these vines seemed to turn into demons from hell.

Constantly sucking the blood of wild beasts and wild wizards, and even all the energy in their bodies.

Gradually squeezing him into a mummy, the scene was once extremely appetizing.

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