All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 238 Principal Su Lin's Determination, Bai Ze's Fame

With a sigh of relief, Bai Ze stared at Ouyang Na and walked away.

Then he turned his head and happened to meet the principal of Su Lin Academy.

The other party stepped forward, looked Bai Ze up and down, and couldn't help stroking his beard.

This feeling gave Bai Ze goosebumps.

He murmured in his heart that he was in someone else's school, and the whole group was wiped out by a dozen or five people.

Now their principal came over suddenly, wouldn't he want to mess with himself?

While thinking, Teacher Zhou Qing also brought Huang Tian over.

Grinning twice, the old man nodded his head twice and said, "Okay, the competition is over now."

"I declare that Tianzhou Academy wins this competition!"

The principal of Su Lin Academy unilaterally announced in front of all the students.

Then, he said to Bai Ze and his team: "After the game, there are five days left, which should be regarded as exchanges and discussions."

"During the five days, you will participate in various practical activities and theoretical courses with the students of our top class, and visit my Su Lin Institute by the way."

Speaking of this, Principal Su Lin looked up at the window.

At this time, the scorching sun was shining outside, and it was extremely hot.

After regaining his senses, he continued: "Of course, it's already noon after the game has just ended."

"The old man, I will take everyone first, starting from the cafeteria of our Su Lin school."

"Later, old man, I will arrange accommodation for you."

"The course starts tomorrow, so there shouldn't be any problem?"

Surprisingly kind, it surprised Bai Ze.

This feeling is like being my own principal.

Ten, there must be something wrong with twelve points!

"no problem."

However, Teacher Zhou readily agreed.

In this way, Bai Ze has nothing to say and agrees by default.

"Then come with me, everyone."

Turning his back, the principal walked forward.

Before leaving, he did not forget to turn his head and remind Teacher Cao beside him.

"The competition is over, and the students can also dismiss."

"Another point, what happened in the venue today..."

"Principal, I understand what you mean!"

Teacher Cao immediately took the right to speak and swore: "Don't worry, principal, what happened in the stadium today will never be spread."

"Let me defend the reputation of our Su Lin Academy!"


Before he finished speaking, he was slapped in the face by the old man.

Teacher Cao didn't know why, and looked at the principal's face full of doubts.

"Who told you to hide it?" the old man asked back.

Immediately, he looked up at the dazzling sun in the sky, and said in a harmonious voice: "Not only don't hide this matter, but also publicize it to me."

"Propaganda to the point where people in the whole province and even the whole country know it."

Teacher Cao couldn't help but be even more puzzled by what he said.

Su Lin Academy lost, why spread the news?

Doesn't this make the rest of the people laugh at them Su Lin Academy?

"But, principal..."

"It's okay, just do what I want."

"I want to make Bai Ze's name shock the gods and shock the gods, and make it famous all over the world!"

After the words fell, his eyes lit up, and he left with his hands behind his back.

A group of people from Tianzhou Academy followed behind, Huang Tian helped Wei Chi up, and staggered after him.

Only a large group of students from Su Lin Academy were left behind, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Especially Teacher Cao, who stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.


After this battle, Bai Ze became famous completely.

Not only revealed his mysterious identity, but also demonstrated his absolute strength.

In the entire province of Su Lin, the only Tang Qingcheng who was still feared by the imperial capital was defeated by Bai Ze in a 1v5 way!

How could such a thing be concealed?

Coupled with the promotion of Principal Su Lin, it soon spread in Su Lin Province.

Finally, it drifted to the surrounding provinces until it spread to the entire imperial capital.

Imperial Capital——

At night, under the neon lights, there are countless competitions and hostilities hidden.

It is more appropriate to describe this as a city than as a fighting field.

At the same time, it was the same Tongtian building last time, and only a week later, the men and women inside gathered again.

But this time, it was completely different from last time.

Everyone folded their arms and turned a blind eye to the holographic projection in the center. The atmosphere was once very heavy.

At the same time, their appearance became clearer than last time.



Slap! ! !

"It's really disgusting!"

At this time, one of the red-haired, prickly-looking boys slapped the table and stood up immediately.

The heaviness was broken, and everyone around the round table breathed a sigh of relief.


"We were all played by someone."

"I really didn't expect that the mysterious student we have been afraid of has been active under our noses."

The red-haired boy was extremely excited, and the blue-haired boy with glasses next to him glanced at him.

Responded: "Okay, it's useless for you to be angry again."

"The matter has come to this, let's discuss the countermeasures."

"After all, isn't it just for this matter that we gathered here this time?"

As he said that, the red-haired boy's expression turned grim, and he finally sat back holding his breath.

At this time, directly across from the blue-haired man, a squinting purple-haired man spoke.

"Actually, I think we don't need to be so panicked."

"According to the collected data, Bai Ze holds an extraordinary army of tens of thousands, and his realm is as low as the peak of a slave."

"The leader-level members of the high point have four commanders, and the highest commander is high-ranking."

"Such a configuration is indeed terrifying."

"But it doesn't necessarily mean that we will lose, right?"

The purple-haired man spread his hands, showing a look of helplessness on his face.

This is correct, for a normal person to lead a high-level leader, he must be like a god.

But all the people sitting here are the leaders of the imperial capital.

The deterrent power of the high-ranking commanders to them is not enough to be as fearful as they appear.

However, the blue-haired boy on the opposite side raised his eyes and glanced at him.

"Having confidence is good."

"But too much self-confidence is conceited."

"Don't forget, that Bai Ze defeated the team from Su Lin Academy in one-to-five."

"Although Su Lin's school is far inferior to our school in the imperial capital, it is still ranked among the top three in the country."

"Even their elite team lost so badly, do you really have the confidence to win?"

There was a flash of light in the blue-haired lens, the shadow of the moon was hazy outside the building, and the clouds and mist drifted past.

The purple-haired person who was asked squinted his eyes, and sweat broke out on his face.

"And, are you sure, that's all the power he's shown?"

"As far as I know, the high-level creature in Bai Ze's hand is a large humanoid insect."

"The attack he sent out at the end even surpassed the high-ranking leader for a time."

"Reach the pinnacle of leadership, even the monarch!"

"That's a real god, more likely to surpass a god!"

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