All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 255 Confronting The Federation Star Commander, Being Interrogated Face To Face

Opening the door, a strong retro atmosphere rushed over.

The dark desk, messy books and papers, and the 'flower' shaped lamp.

Match it with a portrait of mountains and rivers hanging in the front.

It feels like Bai Ze's previous life, the scenery of the warlord's office in the 1990s.

Looking around, there are a total of four people in the room.

On the sofa on the left, sat two strong old men in green military uniforms, about sixty years old.

The sofa on the right is empty, and a bronze-skinned man sits behind a desk under the portrait.

As for him, there is a young girl.

Lie Baixiang's school uniform and long wine red hair.

But just after Bai Ze came in, a group of people looked at them together.

"Dad, I've already brought the person you're looking for for you."

"If you have anything to say, just look at it and say it."

Ouyang Na stood aside and gave up the position to Bai Ze.

Seeing this, the bronze-skinned man in the middle pursed his lips, his eyes still a little stranded.

"You are... classmate Bai Ze, right?" The tone was very light.

Bai Ze nodded and replied: "It's me, Ouyang Xingwei said, some people at the Star Alliance headquarters want to see me."

"So after arriving in the imperial capital, I came here immediately."

Hearing this, the man in the middle came back to his senses and glanced at the girl in front of him.

"Go out first, I'll take care of your business later." He whispered.

The girl nodded, then turned around and left without saying anything.

When passing by Bai Ze's side, her eyes stayed on Bai Ze for a second, her eyes were meaningful.

Then he left the office and closed the door by the way.

"???" Bai Ze looked puzzled.

As if the other party knew him, not only did he know him, but he was also familiar with him?

"Oh!" Suddenly, the man opposite stood up and stretched out his hand, "Bai Ze is the same...hehe, little brother Bai Ze."

"Don't be nervous. Nana came here just to chat with you, not to interrogate prisoners. Don't just stand there."

He gestured to the sofa on the right and said some polite words.

Bai Ze's identity is a student, but he also received the honorary member medal issued by the Star Alliance.

In the Star Alliance, he can be regarded as a star soldier.

So it doesn't seem like an exaggeration to call him a little brother.

Ouyang Na took the lead and sat there, as if she was going home.

Simply Bai Ze didn't ink any ink, and followed her footsteps.

"You are, handsome Ouyang Hou Xing, right?" Bai Ze said after sitting down.

He recognized it, or in other words, no one in the huge federation didn't know the name.

The shining six-star badge, and the aura that emanates from his body from time to time.

That feeling is no longer an ordinary creator, but a sublimated god!

And it's not just him, the other two sitting old men all have this kind of aura.

Obviously, there are three of the eight star commanders in the Federation at the moment!

"Well, speaking of it, we are half a superior-subordinate relationship."

"But let me introduce you, you probably don't know these two."

Turning his gaze aside, the two old men were smiling and waving.

"The one on the left is the second star of the eight stars, Mr. Hong, and the one on the right is the third star, Du Shuai."

The eight star coaches are ranked according to their personal strength.

The strongest people sit in the federal headquarters, and the rest guard the federal frontier to prevent alien invasion.

"Originally, the other handsome men also wanted to meet you."

"But it will take a lot of time to rush back from the frontier, so I didn't come." Ouyang Hou said helplessly.

"I don't need to introduce what I said, I think you should know it too."

Bai Ze looked directly at the man in front of him, silently nodding in agreement.

Ouyang Hou was different from the last time when he faced the Lich crisis.

He shaved off his scruffy beard, and still maintained a strong body in middle age.

So at the moment, it seems that he is somewhat handsome.

"Okay," Ouyang Hou took a breath, and sat down again.

"The introduction is also over, so let's enter today's topic."

He changed the subject, and the corner of his mouth outlined: "Little brother Bai Ze, as the star commander of the Federation, the first star of the Star Alliance, and one of the highest powers in humankind today."

"On behalf of the Federation, the Covenant, and all of humanity, I thank you for your contribution."

Bai Ze nodded slightly, he had already heard these words from Ouyang Na.

He knows that the purpose of coming here today is definitely not these.

"Then, I want to ask you some questions."

Sure enough, Ouyang Hou got to the point the next moment.

"As far as I know, when you were fighting against the Lich, Nana searched for your specific location."

"But it was cut off by a mysterious force in the middle. Even if I went to find out afterwards, I only caught a signal pointing to Su Lin Province."

As he spoke, Ouyang Hou narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Afterwards, after approval, the Federation launched the strongest detection system, the Eye of God!"


"The eye of God cannot detect the source of the signal, not even the slightest."

Hearing this, Bai Ze already knew what he was going to say next.

This question was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm for defeating the Lich before, and even Ouyang Na didn't ask it carefully.

But he knew very well that it would be a matter of time before he faced doubts.

"Bai Ze little brother, the Federation records the files of every citizen."

"You don't have a very powerful family background, how could you block the detection of the Federal Precision Calculator."

"Even the Eye of God is a pile of scrap metal in front of you."

"Could it be possible, have you mastered some more advanced shielding device?"

Ouyang Hou crossed his arms and stared at Bai Ze.

"Or, are you...a foreign race?"

In an instant, everyone fell silent.

God's Eye, the most advanced detection device in Federation civilization.

If there is something that it cannot spy on, then the other party must be a foreign race.

Because only alien races can master more advanced technology than the Federation.

"..." Bai Ze was speechless when asked.

The two elders beside him also squinted at Bai Ze, their eyes were a bit unfriendly.

But at this moment, a voice broke the silence.


Ouyang Na held her face, feeling dull.

"Are you asking too much?" Ouyang Na said weakly.

The man on the opposite side let out an 'ah', and closed his opened mouth again.

"Hmm... Nana, you have destroyed the atmosphere that Hou Shuai managed to create with great difficulty." The old man next to him laughed.

Another one nodded quickly.

Ouyang Na waited and said: "If Bai Ze is a foreign race, why bother to fight the Lich who is against the Federation?"

"Could it be that wolves step on wolves?"

Wolf tramples on wolves, as the saying goes, bad guys gain the trust of good guys by killing their companions who are also bad guys.

"Also, Bai Ze's awakening also has a file."

"Even if the foreign race wants to find a substitute, it's impossible to find Bai Ze, right?"

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