All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 26 The Tianniu Era, Tianzhou Newborn Group

So, the two came to the deepest counter in the shop.

What came into view were cards that shocked Bai Ze one by one.

"The west leads the dragon, the red moon revives, and the machine empire." Bai Ze read one by one.

Every A-level creature card, whenever it is used, directly contains an extraordinary creature, and all of them are high-level bloodlines.

But the price is around a few hundred million.

Thinking about it this way, Bai Ze really couldn't afford it, but wouldn't the heirs of those top chaebols have a bunch of extraordinary creatures from birth? !

"Wait, isn't this card an A-level card? Why is it so cheap?"

Suddenly, Bai Ze seemed to have sensed something, and immediately stopped in his tracks.

[Era of Beetles (A-level biological card)]: After release, a large number of giant beetles swept the world. They have hard armor and strong wings, and there will be an extraordinary creature, the Lord of Beetles.

Price: 80 million

"Oh, sir, this card is indeed an A-level card, but..." the female staff replied slowly, "These giant beetles are not of high-level blood, and they are pests that will destroy the planet in large numbers." ecology."

"Ordinary wealthy planet owners would not choose this kind of creature, so the price kept dropping and dropping, and finally came to this point."

Listening to the female staff's explanation, Bai Ze thought for a while.

Suddenly, a giant figure flashed in his mind, standing upright on the mainland.

"Cosmic monster?"

After reading it silently, Bai Ze seemed to think of how to cultivate this kind of creature.

"I want this card!" Bai Ze said in an unquestionable tone.

Hearing this, the female staff member was slightly taken aback, and quickly dissuaded: "Sir, don't think about it anymore. If you don't have enough money, I can actually help you keep some cards."

"This piece of the Beetle Era is quite famous among the creators."

"The creator of a second-order planet used it before, but within three days, his world was eaten up, and a large number of creatures died, and he has never recovered from it!"

It was not easy for Nancheng to produce a peerless genius, because no one wanted a tragedy to happen.

But Bai Ze didn't care, instead he was full of confidence.

Harm the ecology?


He possesses spiritual recovery and world development at ten thousand times faster.

Just lying there and letting them gnaw, they can't finish gnawing, and maybe they will stretch themselves to death.

So Bai Ze didn't care about it.

"I've made up my mind, how do I pay with this card?" Bai Ze chuckled.

Seeing this, the female staff knew that there was nothing she could do, so she had no choice but to give up.

"Uh... this is our store in Chuangshi Building, just go to the counter and pay with your card."

After that, she took off the card framed by the glass cover, and led Bai Ze all the way to the counter.

"This card should be fine." Bai Ze took out the black card.

At first glance, the female clerk was a little shocked.

The top black card of the Interstellar Federation, worth a full 100 million Federation coins!

It seems that the rumors are true, Bai Ze was really recruited into the school by Tianzhou Academy at a high price.

Unfortunately, he chose this card...

"Yes sir."

After speaking, he took the black card and swiped it on the machine on one side.

Suddenly, the notification broadcast sounded on the first floor.

[Ding dong! A-level biological card, the Tianniu era transaction is completed, and the federation currency is deducted, 80 million! 】

"What? The era of longhorns?"

"There is still a Creator, dare to buy this card, is this a life-threatening?"

As soon as Bai Ze finished trading and walked out of the store, the Beetle Era in his hand was followed by a circle of creators.

"It turned out to be him who exchanged the Beetle Era."

"Although it's a genius, it's too arrogant. This card once destroyed the world of a second-order creator."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

"Young and frivolous, you will always pay for your actions. It seems that the geniuses that Nancheng managed to produce are about to decline."

The people around slowly dispersed, and the expression on Bai Ze's face did not change much.

It's normal for others not to know, after all, if everyone knows about my own situation.

I'm afraid, the expressions on their faces are a thousand times uglier now.

"Is it a cosmic monster?"


Trotting all the way, Bai Ze quickly returned to his bungalow.

But before he had gone a few steps, his cell phone rang.

Ding Ding Ding——

Bai Ze picked up the phone in a hurry, and as soon as he answered, Xia Yinyue's voice came from the opposite side.

"Bai Ze, are you home yet?" Xia Yinyue asked with a charming smile.

"Well, I've come back from the Genesis Building." Bai Ze replied.

On the other end of the phone, Xia Yinyue was lying on the bed, wearing shorts and pajamas with bear pattern, her small jade feet dangling in the air, after thinking for a while, she continued to ask Bai Ze:

"You went to the Creation Building, did you find the card you like?"

Bai Ze walked towards the bedroom and said with a wry smile, "I bought an A-level Beetle Era, mainly because I couldn't afford the others."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yinyue on the other end of the phone sat up straight away.

"Era of the Beetle?" She was surprised. "That card is famous. I heard that it once destroyed the ecology of a Tier 2 planet. You'd better be careful."

Hearing Xia Yinyue's concerned tone, Bai Ze just shook his head helplessly.

Why do these words sound so familiar? Is this card really so famous?

Even Xia Yinyue knows?

"Alright Yinyue, I will pay attention."

"Well... By the way, Teacher Zhou contacted me earlier, and she gave me three A-level cards and a scholarship."

"Then, she also dragged me into a group of freshmen. All the students admitted to Tianzhou Academy this year are in it, not only from our Nancheng, but also from several surrounding cities."

"I'll take a shower first, and check to see if you have received any messages on your phone."

As he spoke, the phone was hung up, and Bai Ze clicked on the penguin chat in doubt.

At a glance, he didn't know when, he was added by a person named Teacher Zhou, and she was also put into a group by her inexplicably.

Tianzhou freshman class——

"Is this the group name?"

Just when Bai Ze was wondering, the phone vibrated suddenly.

"Hey, another newcomer came in?"

"It seems that this year, there are still quite a lot of competitors, so many people have been admitted to Tianzhou Academy?"

Just as the screen was swiping one after another, someone noticed that the comments in the Bai Ze group had changed.

"Bai Ze?"

"I seem to have a little impression of this name. Isn't this the one, the top talent in Nancheng?"

"It is rumored that this morning, with his own strength, he defeated the entire school and was admitted by Tianzhou at a high price?"

As soon as the word spread, the crowd erupted.

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