All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 263 The Headquarters Of The Genesis Building, Accept The Task Of Corrupting The Planet

After being separated from the main force, Bai Ze arrived at the headquarters of the Genesis Building all the way.

Because he made an appointment with the team in advance, he has nothing to worry about.

"Hi sir, this is the headquarters of Chuangshi Building. Do you have an appointment?"

Walking into the front desk, I was greeted by a young lady in business attire.

This is the headquarters of the Genesis Building, and the level rules are very strict.

Only the Creator can enter, which Bai Ze naturally knows.

"No appointment, but you can check, my name is Bai Ze."

"Okay, sir, just a moment."

Hearing what Bai Ze said, the young lady quickly sat back in front of the computer and started searching.

The information appeared in front of her eyes, Su Lin Provincial Registration Record.

"Second-order planetary creator."

"Students of Tianzhou Academy..."

"Bai... Bai Ze?!"

Seeing Tianzhou Academy and Bai Ze, the young lady couldn't control herself for a moment and yelled out on the spot.

This cry instantly attracted the attention of the Creator around him.


"Bai Ze? Which Bai Ze?"

"Wouldn't it be the recently rumored Bai Ze, where is he?"

The lady at the bar raised her head slightly, and looked at Bai Ze cautiously, as if she was seeing some important person.

"It's me, that's right." Bai Ze affirmed.

But it's not surprising when you think about it, you must know that the current Bai Ze is already famous throughout the Federation.

As long as you mention Bai Ze from Tianzhou Academy, you will think of a world star.

What is the level of World Star?

To put it simply and clearly, the person standing in front of you is likely to be the highest level of the Federation in the future.

The leader of the country, the Commander of the Creator!

Such a large-scale figure naturally has to be held in his hands.

Even, even knowing that Bai Ze is a stepping stone, no one would dare to underestimate it.

As the saying goes, stepping stones are not something anyone can do if he wants to.

"No, I'm sorry Mr. Bai Ze."

"What service do you need, I will take you there personally."

Standing up, the receptionist became submissive.

"It's very simple, I want to go to the copy area and accept the task of corrupting the planet."

Hearing this, the receptionist lady was taken aback.

She suspected that she had heard it wrong, and she couldn't believe it.

With Bai Ze's current status, why did he still come to the Genesis Building to pick up the dungeon mission?

Generally, those who come to accept dungeon missions are not powerful characters, and they need to be self-reliant to do so.

Although the children of real big families are terrifying in strength, they are all raised by someone, so they would never come to such a place.

That's why she wondered if Bai Ze's identity was just an appearance, could he be short of money?

Also, it seems that the national competition is about to start, and the first stage of the competition will start tomorrow.

Bai Ze is doing the dungeon mission at this time, isn't he afraid that he won't be able to participate in tomorrow's competition?

"Mr. Bai Ze, you are already the creator of the second-order world, and you can indeed accept the dungeon quest."

"It's just..." She paused and continued, "It's just to purify the corrupted planet, ranging from a few days to a week."

"I heard you have a game tomorrow, so..."

Bai Ze shook his head and interrupted her.

"You don't have to worry about this, just take me to see the mission."

Bai Ze had already said so, so she naturally couldn't refuse.

"Okay, please follow me."

Going around the bar, the young lady took Bai Ze upstairs all the way.

Take an elevator, then take two escalators until you reach the tenth floor of the headquarters of the Chuangshi Building.

This is a place dedicated to accepting dungeon missions, and it is also the most important floor of the Genesis Building.

But I have to say that it deserves to be the headquarters of the Genesis Building.

There are rows of opposite flower beds outside, and statues erected in the central hall.

As well as the world-famous paintings and the piano music that played from time to time, it is simply not comparable to the branch.

Of course, Bai Ze also heard the discussion in his ear.

"Look over there, that person seems to be Bai Ze from Tianzhou Academy, right?"

"It's him, the Bai Ze who has been in the limelight recently."

"I heard that she is the only person officially recognized as equal to our provincial goddess."

"But why did he suddenly come to the Creation Building and go straight to the tenth floor?"

"At this point in time, isn't he going to take on the task of corrupting the planet?"

Bai Ze didn't pay much attention to the discussion around him.

The escalator stopped, facing the hall on the tenth floor.

As far as the eye can see, it can be described as prosperous.

People come and go here, and everyone who walks by Bai Ze's side is a powerful creator.

There are several large screens hanging high on the surrounding walls, on which bright missions are constantly scrolling, and the broadcast sound of the loudspeaker echoes.

[Falling Angel Heaven (Tier 5 Mission)]: A Star Alliance star school fought in the fallen world in the starry sky, which is now a Tier 5 world.

Intelligence: Encountering alien horror experiments, the original angel race in the world has degenerated into fallen angels, and god-level creatures have appeared on the planet. After angels fall, they will become crazy, their wisdom will decrease, and their wildness will greatly increase.

Reward: tens of billions of federation coins, and all resources of the planet.

Suggestion: Minimum level 5 planet master challenge.

[Eternal Night Ice Star (fifth-level mission)]: The world occupied by a high-level family is now the fifth-level world.

Information: Still being occupied by alien races, the planet is in a state of eternal night, the temperature is as low as minus 300 degrees, the original ice creatures have been corrupted into black ice, and they can rely on the nearby ice and snow to give themselves powerful regeneration capabilities.

Reward: 7 billion federation coins, and all resources of the planet.

Suggestion: Minimum level 5 planet master challenge.

Bai Ze glanced at it casually, and suddenly noticed many novel things.

Those that can be scrolled and played on the big screen are basically fifth-order missions.

That is, the original fifth-order planet, most of which were born with the existence of god-level creatures.

Unfortunately, these are not accessible to Bai Ze.

"Please come with me."

Bai Ze followed the other party and came all the way to another bar, which was the place to receive low-level tasks.

"Hi sir, are you going to accept the purification task?"

"If yes, please tell me your ranking or identity record."


Hearing what the young lady at the bar said, Bai Ze's heart skipped a beat.

He looked up, and besides the dungeon page, there was a list of rankings.

Breaking it down, there are a total of five leaderboards, from Tier 1 Creator to Tier 5 Creator, which are divided into different ranks.

There are no photos on the list, only names.

Ranked first on the fifth-order list, Mu Shan.

Liao Tianning is number one on the fourth-order list.

"Excuse me, is this the leaderboard you're talking about?" Bai Ze pointed to it.

Glancing at the big screen above her head, the young lady replied, "Yes, sir."

"Although our leaderboards don't have details, they are all arranged according to meritorious records."

"And it's a historical record. Even if your planet is upgraded, the ranking in the previous stage will not disappear."

"So if you have a record, sir, you can report it to me directly, and I will check it for you."

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