All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 272: The Insect Swarm That Flooded Half The World, And The Plague Outbreaks!

[Entering the night at three o'clock in the morning, you ordered the army to take a rest. 】

[After one battle, the meteorite worm lost 1,000, and Jiandun and Dapeng jointly lost 500. 】

[The meteor worm is already in an extremely weak state due to the extensive use of skills, and needs to replenish a large amount of food to recharge. 】

[After a day passes, the rest of the creatures also need to eat, so you order them to feed on the corpses of these deformed creatures to replenish the energy they need. 】

That's right, food and grass are needed for marching and fighting.

But in this round of simulation, Bai Ze did not choose to carry resource supplies from the home planet.

Because it was different from the last time when we fought against the mechanical planet.

Those mechanical creatures are not edible, and their whole bodies are made of iron.

In the final analysis, abnormal creatures have flesh, and eating them, not only does not need the back supplies.

Even, it can improve one's own creatures.

After all, in these deformed creatures, there are remnants of extraordinary power.

Eating their meat can make the creature absorb equivalent energy.

[On the other side, seeing more and more Zergs gathered, and the Sea Emperor's army was almost unable to hold on, the worms in the quicksand area were finally wiped out. 】

[The tree people paid a heavy price, half of the tree people were drowned by quicksand. 】

[The remaining half of the treants, together with the Sea Emperor Clan who suffered minor casualties, crossed the quicksand area, and followed the footsteps of the main army all the way after landing. 】

[During the process, the swarm of insects has already arrived here, and the land where it passed was barren of grass, and the trees collapsed in rows. 】

[They poured into the quicksand, and forced to fill up the quicksand river with numbers, building a spacious bridge, and continued to chase the rear army along the bridge. 】

[After careful calculation, the scalp is numb. In less than a day, the original tens of thousands of insect swarms have increased to 70,000 to 80,000. 】

[Insects inhabiting several surrounding forests were all assembled by a command, and began to double-team towards the central area. 】

At this time, a system message popped up on Bai Ze's side.

【Ding! Host, there is your call. 】

Bai Ze's eyes froze, at this moment, who could be calling?

But after thinking about it, he replied: "System, help me connect to the phone, let's connect."

【Ding! 】

After a sound, the pop-up window changes to another interface.

The name of the contact person showed that the call was from Tang Qingcheng.

Pressing the answer button, Bai Ze asked strangely: "What's wrong? Call me suddenly."

At this time, it was late at night, and Tang Qingcheng's tone was hesitant.

"Are you...are you still in the Creation Building?"

The more Bai Ze asked, the more strange he felt, and he nodded and replied, "I'm still in the Genesis Building, what's wrong?"

"What? Are you really still in the Creation Building, challenging that dungeon mission?!" Tang Qingcheng's tone became urgent.

"I thought you were just using this to spread false news."

"I didn't expect it to be true..."

Hearing this, Bai Ze knew what she was worried about.

"It's okay, this copy doesn't threaten me yet."

"Tomorrow is the first match, and getting a good start is the most important thing."

Listening to Bai Ze's brisk tone, Tang Qingcheng rushed to say: "I know, you may be sure of victory."

"But even if you win, your creature must be severely damaged."

"At that time, there will be a second stage of competition..."

Bai Ze on the other end was a little distressed, but he couldn't speak directly.

With a simulator in hand, you can simulate battles infinitely.

Based on intelligence, he can formulate the most perfect strategy, greatly reducing the casualties of his own creatures.

Therefore, Bai Ze is not worried about the problem that Tang Qingcheng said.

"Miss Tang, don't worry, I have my own way."

"This is very important to me. It's important that you and Yinyue concentrate on tomorrow's game." Bai Ze said jokingly.

It's all over, and Tang Qingcheng is unwilling to persuade him any more.

She also believed in Bai Ze, but gave a light 'hmm' with a serious expression.

"Okay, then you pay more attention."

After all, the phone was hung up.

Bai Ze sighed and didn't think much about it.

Anyway, there are Tang Qingcheng and Xia Yinyue in the competition, so I just need to concentrate on conquering the world in front of me.

[As the sun rises, your main force has been fully replenished, and the meteorites have entered a full state, so you can march with all your strength. 】

[More than that, among those who ate the deformed creatures, a small number of them immediately broke through the limit and advanced to the initial stage of warriors. 】

[At the same time, during this period of time, the armies of the two clans that you left behind finally rushed into the border base, catching up with the pace of the larger army to join forces with them. 】

[There are still about 8,000 remaining in the combined army, and some of them will break through to the beginning level. 】

【You have the confidence to kill through the entire distorted planet all the way by relying on the strategy of constantly devouring the opponent. 】

[But the good times don't last long, the large army is not so much catching up, it's more like fleeing for their lives. 】

[After Aurora's report, the swarm of bugs following behind has gathered to 70,000 to 80,000, and the number is still accumulating, and there was a sign of breaking through 100,000 at one point. 】

[They will enter the border base soon, so they must leave quickly! 】

[The next morning: The sun was rising, and the army was replenished later. You urgently mobilized the army to leave the border base and head towards the southeast base. 】

[After the large army left, a dense swarm of insects followed closely and entered the border base. 】

[They kept moving forward, and the remaining three-eyed mice, two-headed dogs, and tumor giant ape corpses were swept away by these insects in an instant. 】

[The dense white light is lying flat on the ground, and some bugs in the bug swarm have even evolved, not only doubling in size, but also improving their realm. 】

[The number of them gathering is still increasing. The southeast and southwest corners, and the entire half of the map, are occupied by these bugs. 】

【Along the way, the marching coalition forces did not encounter too many obstacles, only thousands of weak worms, spiders, centipedes and other creatures blocked the way. 】

[But you found that when you were about to reach the southeast city, your biological state gradually began to decline. 】

[At first, you thought it was because they were too tired, so you let them rest for a while. 】

[However, half an hour later, a large number of creatures showed symptoms such as fever, vomiting blood, and bleeding. There were also injured creatures who went into shock on the spot and died unexpectedly. 】

[In a blink of an eye, the total number of creatures dropped by another thousand, and the most tragic ones were the Meteor Zerg. 】

"how so......"

"Hematemesis, fever? How could this symptom suddenly appear?"

Seeing this, Bai Ze felt strange.

At this time, Aurora, who was constantly coughing and had an abnormal body temperature, appeared under Bai Ze.

"My lord, it's the plague!" she said hastily.

"Ahem! Everyone caught the plague after eating the rat meat just now."

"Also, this plague has been mutated, the effect is not only strong, but also the onset and spread are very fast!"

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