All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 284 Desolate Northwest Base, Hundreds Of Tongtian Steles!

After that, the bugs exploded 'bang bang bang'.

Green plasma sprinkled the sky, and crystal stones flew out of their bodies one after another.

[You feel extremely strange after witnessing all this. 】

[But just like last time, the spar decomposed into energy and drifted towards the withering storm. 】

【You thought that the withering storm was trying to evolve, but in the next second, amidst the painful wailing of the withering storm, it also exploded and died. 】

[All the family members under him turned into energy, and were all absorbed by the withering storm before the explosion. 】

[From the withered and swollen head, a deep purple spar containing huge energy slowly flew out. 】

【You are dumbfounded, don't understand why Withered suddenly committed suicide? 】

"By the way, the origin of the world!" Bai Ze suddenly remembered again.

Since withering committed suicide, the origin of the world should also be recovered.

He tried to summon a wave of systems, but the answer he got was the same as the last simulation.

【Ding! The origin of the world has not been liberated and cannot be recycled. 】

【You feel puzzled, but suddenly at this moment, behind the corpse of Withering Storm, a light and shadow shot up into the sky. 】

[The light and shadow gradually turned into a humanoid appearance, the only distinctive appearance feature is the pair of tentacles on the top of its head. 】

[You chose to analyze it with the eyes of the gods, but you didn't get any feedback. 】

At this moment, Guangying stretched out a hand.

Wither Storm's corpse fell from the sky, and Bai Ze's creatures scattered to avoid being hit by the behemoth.

And the purple crystal in its body slowly floated into Guangying's hands.

"Although there are deviations from the original plan."

"But by sacrificing the withering storm, you can almost get the energy you need." Guangying murmured.

Then, it held up the spar in its hand.

The purple spar floated into the air, and the internal power began to disintegrate, gradually forming a streak of light.

The beam of light is aimed at the northwest direction, and flies past at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

[You see the light beam disappear, and then wait for a while. 】

[When all the purple light entered the northwest base, in that direction, a black beam of light suddenly shot straight into the sky! 】

[Subsequently, multiple beams of light also rose slowly, increasing in number, more than a dozen, or even dozens of black beams! 】

【While you were watching, the light and shadow in front of you waved your hand and disappeared in mid-air. 】

【You realize that the situation is wrong, and you have a bad premonition, urgently rectify all the remaining creatures, and prepare to order them to march to the northwest base. 】

[After a big battle, you don't have many creatures left, and the leaders are also a little tired. 】

[But when the army is about to advance, you suddenly find that the coercion of the world has disappeared. 】

[Creatures can no longer only fly at low altitudes, they have regained their original powerful abilities, and can even touch the boundaries of the world! 】

[I don’t know why you are going to investigate, the creatures didn’t ask much, and started to act with all their strength. 】

【The morning of the third day: As the sun rises, you can clearly see the situation of the northwest base by the light of the early morning. 】

[Northwest Base, located in the upper left corner of the world, is in a straight line directly opposite the birth point of your creature. 】

[But the weird thing is that after two rounds of simulation, no matter how much you make a fuss, it seems that the Northwest Base has never sent troops to support it. 】

【Bai Ze looked down, and only then did he understand why. 】

[The northwest base is completely barren, except for the surrounding high walls, there are no tall buildings inside, let alone abnormal creatures. 】

[There are only stone platforms and steps of uneven height, and rows of stone spurs standing upright. The head is curved, just like the structure of a human breastbone. 】

[This feeling doesn't feel like a city at all. If you want to say it, it should be called a grave! 】

【Due to the release of world pressure, all your creatures can fly, and soon arrived at the Northwest Base. 】

【Only when they came to the center did they realize that in addition to the gray and black land, the base also had strips of red. 】

[The ground veins under the base are red, spreading out like blood vessels, and the red light flashes like a beating heart. 】

[Looking at the audience, the most striking thing is the black lights, but it was only when we got closer that we realized that these lights were emitted by huge stone monuments. 】

[There are different names engraved on the stone tablet, standing here, giving people a sense of solemnity invisibly. 】

The simulation is still going on, Bai Ze counted it down.

There are hundreds of steles here!

Ninety-nine of them have already raised light.

Just as he was observing, that light and shadow instantly appeared in front of Bai Ze again.

"You should be honored to have witnessed their recovery."

"Just prepare to be their first food after recovery!"

Light and Shadow raised his arm, and then the last stone tablet also raised a beam of light.

Bai Ze's face tightened, and the system sound immediately echoed in his ears.

【Ding! Unknown energy detected! 】

【Ding! Unknown energy detected! 】

【Ding! The unknown energy is expanding infinitely, please pay attention to the host! 】

【You look forward urgently, only to see that the light on that light and shadow begins to fade away. 】

[It reveals a pair of ring-shaped horns, with golden pupils attached below the horns, and the whole body is composed of blue and white. 】

[There is a stream of evil energy floating around it, and just inhaling it can arouse people's rage. 】

[Your creature has been affected, and your eyes are slightly red, as if you will run away at any time. 】

"System, open the God's Eye!" Bai Ze shouted again.

A golden light appeared in his pupils, but after waiting quietly for three seconds, there was still no movement.

At this time, the system pops up a subtitle.

【Ding! This creature does not meet the divine eye detection criteria. 】

Seeing this, Bai Ze was slightly taken aback.

"Could it be that this creature has exceeded the detection range of the system?"

This was Bai Ze's first thought.

The opponent's strength is too strong to be detected by the God's Eye.

But with a flash of inspiration, Bai Ze recalled.

There is a line that Bai Ze didn't pay much attention to when getting the God's Eye.

The eyes of the gods must detect the opponent's weakness in order to give accurate information.

The creature in front of him has never obtained intelligence, which proves that its weakness has not been detected.

However, how could a solid creature be truly invincible without any weakness?

Then there is only one answer!

The guy in front of him is not an entity, but a phantom or a projection!

boom! ! !

Just as Bai Ze wanted to understand, there was a sound that shook the world.

Looking up, hundreds of huge phantoms appeared one after another in front of hundreds of steles.

These phantoms are absorbing energy, and the body is gradually materialized.

However, the light and shadow that appeared first finally faded away all the light on his body.

Bai Ze was extremely shocked by the complete appearance presented.

Just looking at it, he couldn't help but yelled out.

"Welcome to......"

"Monster Graveyard!"

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