All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 286 The Second Simulated Death, The Ups And Downs Of The Outside World

[Before you give the order first, the opponent will attack first. 】

[From the sharp corner of Beludora, more than a dozen yellow electric lights shot out continuously. 】

【Your creature dodges quickly, then lands on Peleutora to counterattack. 】

[The Holy Spirit King Dragon, Hypajedon, and Gatanjeer's light rays, as well as the slashing attacks of Kunpeng and Taotie, together with the vines that keep coming out of the ground. 】

[Belyudora was hit by rounds of attacks, and the low-flying family creatures under her feet were also constantly interfering with it. 】

【After a brief stalemate, Peleutora suddenly moved. With a flick of its body, a large number of family creatures were thrown out. 】

【Afterwards, the topaz on Peleutora's chest flickered, and hundreds of golden streamers shot out in an instant, like a meteor falling down, gorgeous and dangerous. 】

[The light also has the ability to track, all your creatures can't dodge, they are all hit, the six chiefs fall from the sky, and the remaining creatures are almost wiped out. 】

[The northwest base was blasted into big craters, as if hit by a meteorite rain, the scene was horrible. 】

Seeing this, Bai Ze glanced at the last talent on the system.

A guy with this strength cannot be defeated by himself alone.

It's time to use it up to now.

"System, use talent, lightning and thunder!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding space changed instantly.

【Ding! The location has been successfully locked, the active talent, lightning and thunder have been activated! 】

【At this time, the sky above Peleutora's head was covered by dark clouds, and purple thunder rolled inside, like dragons ready to go, preparing to attack. 】

【Seeing this scene, all the creatures who were seriously injured and still able to move stood up together. 】

【Seeing dozens of thunder rays falling from the dark clouds, piercing into Peleudora's body, casting it into a thunder cage, and trapping him in it. 】

【Pelyudora roared, the strong paralysis made it unable to move for a while, and was severely injured by the penetrating force. 】

[You seize the opportunity and quickly order the creatures to fight back. 】

[The six chiefs set off with difficulty, and they fired consecutive light rays and slashes, which combined with the thunder that fell from the sky, created an unexpected effect. 】

[With the penetrating effect, Peleutora's defense power was greatly reduced, and the sparks from the explosion on her body jumped up, igniting clusters of raging flames, burning it continuously shaking its body. 】

It's a pity that after witnessing all this, Ray Braundo didn't panic at all.

It watched quietly, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Sure enough, tragedy happened in the end.

【After a period of stalemate, Peleutora got used to the paralysis brought by lightning. 】

【It moved its heels and took a step forward. When it swung its body, the hurricane erupted, shaking the six leaders away at the same time. 】

【Afterwards, Peleutora opened her mouth wide, and a stream of hot energy condensed. 】

[With the shining golden gemstone on its chest, hundreds of electric currents are emitted at the same time, scattered all over the place, as if punished by heaven! 】

[The red laser in the mouth fell straight down, burning everything on the surface. 】

[After the ashes passed, all five of your subordinate clans were killed or injured, and the six chiefs, including the Universal Insect Emperor and the Tree King, were on the verge of death and had reached their physical limit. 】

【At this time, the gemstone on Peleutora's chest flickered again, and another wave of offensive was launched. 】

[Witnessing hundreds of electric currents coming, the leaders who are as angry as gossamer want to set out to resist, but it is useless. 】

[Your creature is submerged in it and completely perishes. 】

[Day 3 night: Your main force is defeated, and Ray Braun brings Peleutora to invade the mother planet. 】

[The home planet is lost, all creatures die, and the planet is occupied. 】

[Your consciousness was affected by Ray Braun, and you became insane, you were killed by the opponent, and the origin of the world was plundered. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Ding! The simulation is over. 】

A line of subtitles appears, then disappears.

Bai Ze's eyelids twitched wildly, and finally he could only sigh helplessly.

The monarch creature is still such a big guy, and it really cannot be defeated by himself.

Saving talent for last can only traumatize it.

Fortunately, all of this is a simulation, otherwise I would be really wronged to die.

【Ding! The system gives an evaluation. 】

At this time, several lines of subtitles appeared in front of Bai Ze's eyes.

Bai Ze stared at the system indifferently, wanting to see what this round could say.

[Evaluation 1: The host has made reasonable use of information, minimized the casualties, and reached the destination quickly, which is a reasonable performance. 】

[However, there are still many minutiae things that have been missed by the host, so that the creature's marching speed has not reached the fastest. 】

[Evaluation 2: The host still lacks intelligence, even if there is a strategy, it is still not enough to win the opponent. 】

"Huh?" Bai Ze folded his hands on his chest.

This round is almost like this, and the system still says it's slow?

Moreover, Bai Ze thinks that the distorted planet has been studied clearly for him.

Even Peleutora and Ray Braun were tricked out by him.

Is there anything else that he doesn't know?

【Ding! Based on the above data, the host has obtained a total of 20,000 creation points this time. 】

Immediately afterwards, there is the creation value of this simulated harvest.

Because the battle situation was better than last time, the creation value was also doubled.

【Ding! 】

"I choose to keep the natural poison gas immunity."

Before the system made a sound, Bai Ze selected it first.

【Ding! After receiving the host's order, poison gas immunity has been solidified. 】

This is a necessary talent for fighting the distorted planet, so you can only choose it.

【Ding! This simulation is over, the cooling time is 30 minutes! 】

During the cool-down period, Bai Ze leaned back.

He should think about it carefully, how can he defeat this obstacle.

Beludora, the monster with various bodies, and Ray Braundo, the ultimate life form in the universe.

Picking out just one of these two seems like it's not something Bai Ze can fight against.

And, time is running out.


At the same time, the outside world on the other side is no calmer than inside Bai Ze.

On the second night before the competition, the competition areas were brightly lit and the competition was still going on.

The Yang Province competition area is surrounded by fire and phoenix, and Liuyan is flying.

The Tianjing competition area is guarded by the holy light, which is immortal.

In the Yanyun competition area, there is a general named Yunlai who guards the heavens.

After each game, the number of teams has been drastically reduced.

But what people pay the most attention to is the Imperial Capital Division.

At this moment, the final round of the competition is being held in the Imperial City Division.

Team Branch, face off against Bai Xingwan!

This name is not unfamiliar to everyone.

Although I have never seen a real person, the name of the Goddess is basically heard of by anyone who has heard of the Creator.

However, it was stated on the screen that there was only Bai Xingwan's name and no team name.

In other words, Goddess didn't even have teammates in this year's competition, and she participated in the competition alone.

One-on-three can also make opponents afraid to come to the competition.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the shady scene, how terrifying would her strength be?

The local contestants in the imperial capital were frightened just by hearing about it, and they didn't even come to participate in the competition.

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